求一篇词汇量仅有初一水平的英语作文,题目是how was your summer holiday?

作者&投稿:诺炒 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文how was your summer holiday~

In the summer day, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to ShuiLianShan by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me, can't do anything halfway. So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we go to lunch and then to the South China Moore play. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.

My holiday (我的假期)

I have a very gooa holidy.It is kind of buzy .I did my homework and wend to Beijing ,the Beijing was beautiful.Ilove it.Beijing have many shop,but the shop it was very expensive. and Beijing have many food ,and the food was cheap and delicious , i like Beijing food.I went swimming with my father.we were very happy.and i visit my uncle,my uncle cook food for me.After diner .My uncle and I went watch sitcom.I like sitcom very much.And you?This was my buzy but interesting holidy.Do you have a good holiday?


I had a fantastic summer holiday ! My family and I spent a lot of time at the beach. We also went on a trip to Disney World. We ended our summer by traveling to southern California for a soccer tournament. It was nice to be able to spend so much time with my family this summer. In the beginning of the summer, I went to the beach with my kids at least once a week. We were so lucky because every time we were at the beach I saw the dolphins splashing playfully in the surf. We would usually arrive around 12:00, when the sand was as hot as coals in a barbecue. Sometimes we would stay until 7:00 in the evening. At the end of the day I loved to watch the flaming red ball creep slowly down into the shimmering ocean. Going to the beach is my favorite thing to do in the summer.

Finally the left number again and again, we look forward to two times a year holiday.
However, our vacation is not easy, will usher in a day every day for a whole day's lessons, a further one holiday homework, make our holiday is a class also tired. Although the school for our sake we hope before the holiday to learn to raise, but after all, "full" holiday we really cannot bear. So compared with the usual too "substantial" holiday make our "big pressure mountain". So, our holiday although happy, is to put your work in the heart. This holiday, we can't afford to.
So, our holiday although happy, but also cannot do without the word -- operation.

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