
作者&投稿:豫泽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 现在的课堂上开始流行使用ipad进行了课堂教学,请你说明使用ipad上课的利于弊,发表~

These days,the iPad have been widely wsed in class in the USA and many other countries,even in China there is no exception. The advantage of using iPad in class is obvious as it provides various forms of background information such as stories, music, pictures and videos which complement textbook contents and make it far more appealing to students. Moreover, iPad is a small portable device that can be easily carries in one's pocket, and it can store huge amount of information that is extremely beneficial to study in class and at home. However, despite of the great convenience it provides, iPad has its own shortcomings. For example, for students with less strict self disciplines, iPad is more a distraction than an asset for study. As we all known, There are plenty of temptation out there on the web that cause more excitements than learning. And plus prolonged exposure to digital screen will increase the risk of myopia. In conclusion, if the iPad can be used properly,it'll be of great help in our study.

Dear Headmaster,
We have been asked about our opinions on opening iPad classrooms. I am in favor of this plan for the following reasons.(开头引入话题)
To begin with,everyone learns differently.Students can customize their iPad with materials that fit their level and learning style,and thus tailor it to different needs.(资源丰富)Moreover,when connected to the Internet,students can interact with teachers and classmates about what they learn more conveniently.【高分句型】(促进交流)For the sake of environmental protection,opening iPad classrooms is a good way to save trees that we have been cutting down for paper.【高分句型】(利于环保)Most importantly,I believe students will develop their interests in the subjects by enjoying a new way of learning.(其他理由)
I hope you would take my ideas into consideration and we look forward to attending an iPad class.(结尾)
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua


In the early stage of promoting the iPad into the classroom, the school has been questioned by many people,Many people worry that it will affect children's learning, vision and so on。

the biggest advantage of iPad teaching is to realize effective interaction and timely detect students in the classroom。

In fact, mobile terminal teaching is a trend。IPad can not only entertain, but also be a learning tool。Reasonable and efficient use can make the classroom more vivid, make learning more effective, and enable students to learn more efficiently and happily。



I am in favor of the plan. The reasons are as follows.

To begin with, using an iPad, we can make better use of the unlimited resources on the internet, and communicate with our classmates and teachers more conveniently. Moreover, it will be easier and quicker for us to look up learning materials, which can save us much time. Most importantly,
I believe students will be more interested in their subjects by adapting a new way of
learning in class.

I hope you would take my ideas into consideration and we are looking forward to attending an iPad class.

You’ll have to look at the time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watc


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