
作者&投稿:长夏 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
恳请英语高手帮我 将下面的中文翻译成英文,谢谢。在线等 只要准确就行~

2.Staff wear protective equipment
3.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.
2.Burns staff wear labour protection.1.Staff wear protective equipment.
2.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.
3.Standardized operations,effectively.
3.Blade slashed staff wear.1.Employees are equipped with protective equipment.
2.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.
3.Standardized operations,effectively.
4.Flux swing irritation of the respiratory tract.1.Workshop environment exhaust.
2.Staff wear mouth-muffle, effectively.
4.Alcohol volatile irritation of the respiratory tract.1.Environmental exhaust.
2.Staff wear mouth-muffle, effectively.
6.Pressure vessel.1.Air compressor by national special equipment supervision regulation.
2.The company has standardized management system.
3.Employees in accordance with management system standard work. Effective.


1,However, three days later a letter arrived, asking me to go for an interview.然而,三天后我收到一邀请我去面试封信

2,The walls were dirty with ink marks.四壁都沾满了墨水的污迹

3,She's the one who really runs this school.她才是真正经营这所学校的人

4,What would my salary be?我的薪水会是多少?

5,I should have to teach all subjects except art.我需要教授除艺术之外的所有课程

6,It was clearly the headmaster himself that opened the door.
7,I attended a lot of different kinds of classes in college.
8,Hundreds of students send me email each year asking for advice about education.
9,They want to know what to study.
10,College isn't the only place where information exists.
11,college offers you the best chance to learn broadly.
12,My basic advice is simple and heartfelt.
13,If you want something, work for it!
14,His life would never be the same again.
15,Only this time he knew he wasn't dreaming.
16,He began a very careful training program.
17,He felt his heart pounding.
18,He had never experienced these feelings.
19,That was the smartest thing I ever did.
20,Names become attached to specific images.
21,If your name no longer seems to fit you, don't despair.
22,Your parents probably meant your name to last a lifetime.
23,My name has always made me think I should be a cook.
24,American men thought Susan to be the most attractive female name.
25,At the same time, he was in love with a woman whom he had met in Canada.
26,It is said that he had used his wife's arm as the model.
27,He instantly rose to fame in 1930 with his painting.
28,The painting shows a man and a woman standing in front of a farmhouse.
29,"US" was short for "Uncle Sam".
"US"是”Uncle Sam"的缩写
30,He liked to paint faces he knew well. 他喜欢画他比较熟悉的面孔

Perhaps some day

Someone says love you

She wants to give you love and happiness

Then, are you willing to give her all the rights to love you?

what if some day


somebody tells you her love


She's willing to bring you love and happiness


will you consider her a qualified lover?

if someday,someone says she loves you
she is willing to give you love and make you happy
are you willing to give her the right to to own your love ?

If some day,
someone says she loves you and
that she is willing to
bring you love and happiness,
will you give her the opportunity?

If one day, someone says she loves you, she will give you love and happiness. Then will you give her the opportunity to hold your love?

答:8.跟他说话简直是浪费我的时间! It's a waste of time talking to him! 9.不吃了,我饱了。 I am full can't take any more. 10.那个十年前买回来的老古董,我早就想把它扔了!只是那个食古不化的老头硬要把它留下。 I have always wanted to get rid of that piece of old antique bought 10 ...

答:We need to thank our parents, our friends and our teachers. But don't forget, we've got one more person who deservs our thanks. That's we ourselves. Thanks to our courage, we can calmly solve the problems we meet in our life and study. Thanks to our confidence, we can...

答:Perhaps some day 某人说爱你,Someone says love you 她愿意给你爱和快乐.She wants to give you love and happiness 那么你愿意给她拥有你的爱的资格吗?Then, are you willing to give her all the rights to love you?

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答:1.机械损伤1.保护装置 2.Staff wear protective equipment 3.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.2.Burns staff wear labour protection.1.Staff wear protective equipment.2.Employees go through security training,examination of qualified mount guard.3.Standardi...

答:are the talks before Jackson has passed away, the other half are about the regret of his departure."Michael Jackson's This Is It" is such a documentary, that is only and truly for the funs of Michael Jackson.这部电影我也看了好几遍,感觉很感人,希望我的翻译能帮到你 ...

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答:1.我曾经在一家少儿英语学校兼职3个月,没有带班,只是听其他老师讲课 I was doing a part time job in an English language school for children for a period of 3 months. I have not done teaching, but as an observer in classes conducted by other teachers 2.我还没有参加英语等级...

答:lot of homework haven't finished writing my pass one morning struggle, finally finished by noon time of have a meal, I saw the abundance of food on the table and a piece of cake, I realize it is my birthday today I feel very happy 绝对没有语法错误的,望采纳。。。