
作者&投稿:运绍 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Good moring everyone.Now I would like to make an introduction of myself.My name is Alice,now 17 years old.I am a girl who is always optimistic about everything around me,and I like listening to classical music and watching romantic movies in my spare time.What is more,I like playing table tennis very much.It is so nice to be here staying with you,and I hope we can get along with each other well in further study! 翻译:大家好,现在我要做一下自我介绍。我的名字是Alice,我17岁。我是一个女孩,我每天总是乐观的,我喜欢听古典音乐和看浪漫的电影在休息的时间内。还有更多的,我非常喜欢打桌球。它让人感觉是非常好的,我希望我们可以互相学习交流。

Hello, nice to meet you, my simple self-introduction in English. My name is XX, 20 years old. He graduated from XX, secondary education. I did clerical work, I believe I was able to quickly integrate into the new job, I have worked in the XX, won the title of outstanding employees. HNA's corporate culture, I very interested in the job of the pre-members need this job, but also to enhance their own development, and willing to have fun at work, please give me this opportunity, I will not let you disappointing.

Hello guys. My name is XXX. I am going to introduce myself. I was born in 15th of Auguest 1983. I am an honest girl. Also I am very patienet as well. I work very carefully. I have good term spirt. I know how to work with my partner. I know how to use less time to do more work. I am very interested in this kind of jod. so before I prepare lots of staff when I as at school.
I finish univistry and I chose maths as main subject.I am good at english as well. I can read ,listen ,write without any problem. Also I am doing well in computers as well.
I used to be a leader of our school. So I can promise I can organise thigs very well. You can trust me. I am also a very good student , I got lots of different kinds of prize you can have a look later.
I have a lot of work experience in some eduacation places. I was a teacher to help some students before. I think I can do this very well.
Here is my contact number and my adress. I wish you can tell me the result as you know.
Thanks for listening.

hope this can help u
good luck~~

答:Hello guys. My name is XXX. I am going to introduce myself. I was born in 15th of Auguest 1983. I am an honest girl. Also I am very patienet as well. I work very carefully. I have good term spirt. I know how to work with my partner. I know how to use less ti...

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