
作者&投稿:岑垂 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
汉译英。 1. 你长大后想做什么? What are you going to be when you &nb...~

1. grow up 2. In general 3. find out 4. at least 5. saved up

When you grow up, what are you going to do

1.你长大之后,想做什么?(grow up)
What do you want to do when you grow up?
2.众所周知,太阳是从东方升起的。(It is known that ...)
It is known that the sun rises up from east.
3.我不知道她是否胜任这份工作。(fit for)
I don't know if she fits for this job.
4.我们盼望能够在北京再次见到您.(look forward to)
We look forward to meeting you again in Beijing.
On the way home yesterday, I met an old friend of my father

1.What do you want to do when you grow up?
2.It is known that the sun rises from east.
3.I don't know whether she fits for the job.
4.we look forward to seeing you in Beijing again.
5.I met an old friend of my father on my way home yesterday.

1 What do you want to do after you grow up?
2 It is known that the sun rises in the east.
3 I don't know if she fit for the job.
4 We look forward to seeing you again in Beijing.
5On my way home yesterday, I met an old friend of my father .

汉译英 1.你们最好回到学校去。 2.现在是十一点钟,你最好去睡觉。 3...
答:1.Youd better to go to school.2.Now is 9oclock .youd better to go to bed.3.you look grey vrey much.youd better to go to the doctor.4.we must finish the work in two days.wed better to do ...

答:3.我很少见到他像现在这样对自己和自己的能力充满信心 I have seldom seen him like this, he is full of confidence about himself and abilities.4.你越成功,社会对你的期盼越多,这听起来倒也合理 It sounds ...

汉译英Translate the following sentences into English, and put...
答:2. 这条小径通向学校。This road leads to the school.3. 他不顾我们的反对,做出了那个决定。He made that decision although we were against it.4. 既然我们是好朋友,你就应当支持我。You should support me since...

答:1.I'm thirsty and I want a cup of tea.How about you?2.He acted more slowly since he hurt in the accident.3.There are many Scenic sites in the city.4.The group is growing good this year,for there...

答:Missing you brings pain in every breath.17.我想抹掉他在你心里的痕迹 I want to erase every trace he has in your heart.18.谢谢你带给我的幸福感 Thank you for bringing me joy.保证纯正的美国英语。

答:已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 1条折叠回答 其他类似问题 2019-06-09 急需大学英语3课后汉译英答案 2015-01-09 跪求大学英语综合教程3的英译汉答案 2010-07-22 大学英语综合教程3英译汉答案 2010-01...

答:你的qq,或者邮箱也可以。 首先是 考试分英语口译和笔译两种。口译和笔译证书各分三个等级,共六种资格认证考试。 口译考试形式分初级口译、中级口译,高级口译,考试内容都分四个部分。 初级的第一部分为英译汉,5个单句,共10分。

答:第一段英文翻译:英文是一个典型的盗取其他各种语言而组成的例子。这就是现在英文预计有超过1百万词汇量的原因,而其他语言都相差甚远。举个列子,法语,就只有75000个单词,而且这个数字还包括一些英文里说法,比如snack bar...

答:8:我正忙着做一种新的捕鼠装置时,马克走来拖着我出去看花展了。Mark dragged me to watch the flower show when I was busy designing a new mouse-trapping device.全手工翻译,但是不知道奇切斯特的英文是什么。

答:6.我对他一无所知,只知道他住在隔壁。I know nothing about him, only know that he lives next door.7.他没有告诉杰西卡他要结婚的消息。He did not tell her he wanted to get married.8.我不记得经理要你做...