
作者&投稿:子丰蔡 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  Steps of an English debate

  say your opinion

  1. The first debater in pros speaks.(about 3 minutes)

  2. The first debater in cons speaks.(about 3 minutes)

  ask questions to each other

  1. The third debater in cons asks.

  2. The first debater in pros answers, then asks.

  3. The first debater in cons answers,then asks.

  4. The second debater in pros answers, then asks.

  5. The second debater in cons answers, then asks.

  6. The third debater in pros answers, then asks.

  7. The third debater in cons answers.

  ( 30 seconds per people, all are 3 minutes)

  sum up the questions and the answers

  1. The second debater in pros.(1.5 minutes)

  2. The second debater in cons.(1.5 minutes)

  free debate

  The pros speak first, then the cons speak.

  Pros and cons take turns to speak.

  ( 4 minutes per people)

  sums up all the arguments

  1. The fourth debater in cons speaks.

  2. The fourth debater in pros speaks.

  ( 4 minutes per people)


  The rules of asking part

  The speach of each debater should includes answer part and ask part. The answer should be clear and easy and the question also should be clear.( only one question each time)

  The rules of free debate

  1. Free debate should be around two teams.A debater in pros speaks first then a debater in cons speaks. Two teams take turns, until the time is up.

  2. The time that each team takes should be calculated the total time. When one team end the speaking, we begin to record the time of the other team.

  3. In the total time. It doesn't matter that how long and how many times a debater speak.

  4. If one of the teams uses out the time, the other team can give up speaking or keep on taking turns until the time is up. Giving up speaking cannot influence the score.

  During the debate, debaters cannot read the imformation that is prepared before. But they can show the summary of any newspaper or book.

  During the debate, debaters cannot leave sets. They also cannot stop the speaking of the other side debater or their side debater.


答:7、结辩 辩论双方应针对辩论会整体态势进行总结陈词;脱离实际,背诵事先准备的稿件,适当扣分。;

答:英文辩论赛流程「经典」现在我们校园越来越喜欢举办英语辩论赛,这个辩论赛流程是怎么样的`呢?下面是我搜集整理的英文辩论赛流程,欢迎阅读。更多资讯请继续关注辩论赛栏目!Steps of an English debate say your opinion 1. The first debater in pros speaks.(about 3 minutes)2. The first debater in...

答:自由辩论提倡积极交锋,对重要问题回避交锋两次以上的一方扣分,对于对方已经明确回答的问题仍然纠缠不放的,适当扣分。 6、 观众提问:正反方各回答两个观众提出的问题,双方除四辩外任意辩手作答,一个问题的回答时间为1分钟,如一位辩手的回答用时未满,其他辩手可以补充(问题须经过半数以上评委审核,辩手方可作答)。

答:我们应该好好地把握这个「黄金时期」不要让它轻易地从我们的手中流逝。 Children don't have to 'study' English; children acquire English naturally 孩子是天生的语言家;孩子不需要刻意地去「学习」 美语。 Adults approach language learning in a systematic orderly way. The memorization of verb conjugations ...

答:辩论赛比赛流程 比赛流程:1. 主席开场,介绍对垒队伍、评委团、嘉宾,宣读比赛规则并宣布比赛开始。2. 陈词阶段:(共7分钟)每方的陈词3.5分钟,由一辩一次完成,按正→反顺序进行。每方用时还剩30秒时有一次鼓声提示,时间用尽两次鼓声提示,此时发言必须终止。3. 攻辩阶段:(共9分钟)由正方...



答:1. 怎么样能辩论自己的观点?这是一个比较性的辩题,在理论过程中需要构建比较尺度,而不是单纯说某一方的长处。即使安全意识有一百个好处,也不能论证它比安全技能更重要,因为安全技能可能由一百零一个好处,或者有一个以一敌百的好处。通常我所采取的比较方法,就是将辩题切割成几个小战场,然后...

答:一场辩论,必须包括三个要素,这就是辩题、辩论规则、辩论人,这里,我们通过辩论与演讲的比较来分析这些要素。演讲赛也是一种智力的竞技运动,从比赛的进行形式看,我们可以把演讲看成是表演式的智力竞技运动,而辩论是对抗式的智力竞技运动。【辩题】 辩题是辩论的中心,整场辩论都是围绕辩题进行的。无论辩论赛还是演讲赛...
