
作者&投稿:燕政 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

第一个对话 B顾客:我一个月前买了一个真皮皮包,但现在已经坏了,这是什么质量?我要退货.
〔B customer〕:I bought a leather purse a month ago, but now has gone bad, what is this quality? I want to refund.
〔A shopkeeper〕: I can promise you to give you A new goods
〔B customer〕: change a new one is bad, now I just want to return
第二个对话 A观点:一个人若没有知识,你就只相当于只有一个空虚的外壳,知识是一种内涵,它是一种人存在的基础,生活的基础。这是人生活在现在这个知识经济时代的必要条件。这样才能有力量去竞争
A point of view: A man without knowledge, you will only the equivalent only an empty shell, knowledge is A kind of connotation, it is A kind of person basis of existence, the basis of life. This is now the person lives in knowledge economy era the necessary condition. So that they can have strength to compete

B views: work is not would very brilliant, it needs to experience to enrich it, enrich it, as long as you have experience, you can find a good job chance easily.

第三个对话 A顾客:你们公司经营情况怎么样呢?
翻译:A customer: How your company goes?
B: hello, sir! Manager: Our company adopts modern scientific management scheme for the technical personnel and the worker's comprehensive quality were carried out, specialized training in market competition, we always try our best to keep our advantage. Hope that you can support

我不知道有没错的额 不过我已经尽自己最大的努力去翻译了 希望对你有帮助 这个是我自己想的 只是修改不怎么大 你是应聘吗? 字数大概要多少呢?


问:bangbus Rene what is her real name?Any links of her?
Bangbus Rene,她的真名是什么?有没有什么关于她的线索?谢谢。

答:These BangBus girls you are looking for - Sasha, Rene, Rebecca - should be asked for in the find Your Favorite Babe section, as that's where most of the members with ID powers can help you.

问: bangbus雷尼什么是她的真名?任何环节她?
答:这些女孩bangbus您寻找-萨沙,雷尼,的r ebecca-应要求在找到你的最爱少爷节,因为那里的大多数成员身分与权力,可以帮助你。

问:Bangbus Rene的真名是什么?有没有什么关于她的链接?谢谢。

答:关于这些你正在寻找的Bangbus少女,Sasha、Rene、Rebeca,你应该在《Your Favorite Babe section》里面找,因为里面有大部分的会员ID信息对你会有帮助。

bangbus 再旧姓的什么是她的真正名字?她的任何联编?
这些 BangBus 女孩你正在找寻 - Sasha, 再旧姓的, 丽贝卡 -应该在发现中被要求你的喜爱小孩区段, 因为那是有着身份证权力的大部份的成员能哪里帮助你们。

请帮我把这些对话翻译成英文!最好也标上中文拼音。好心人,谢谢啦_百 ...
答:1.请把(某某)的衣服拿来(某地方)please take somebody's cloth to somewhere.2.A2房间丢失一个烟灰缸 one ashtray in Room A2 is lost.3;工程部 赌场办公室的空调坏了,请你们去维修 the air-condition in the casino office of project department is broken,please go there to mend it.4...

答:Li: I thought about it . I am just worried that my mom might not get along with my wife. I really don't know what to do.李:我想过了。我担心我妈跟我爱人相处不好。真不知道怎么办。wang: don't worry. you will work it out. Let me know when u make up your mind. o...

请帮我把以下小对话翻译成英语,谢谢,务求准确一些,符合英语习惯。_百 ...
答:Yes, I'd like to have a table near the window.1:请稍等。好的,一张靠近窗户的桌子,已经帮你预定了。One moment please. Ok, a table near the window. I have reserved one for you.2:恩,太好了,谢谢。That's great. Thank you.1:别客气。让我重复一下你的预定,钟小姐,两...

答:A: 我好闷, 好累和好饿啊 B: 同意,(我也觉得你是好闷, 好累和好饿) 但你可有减镑了(体重下降), 嗯, 嗯?(告诉我吧) (我是这么理解这句)(P.S. But can you shed. Shed...有很多解释, 单用shed而之后便没有任何字句也是少见, 这里恕我可能做不了合理的的翻译...shed pounds就指减...

答:Rebecca - should be asked for in the find Your Favorite Babe section, as that's where most of the members with ID powers can help you.这些你正在寻找的Bangbus少女,Sasha、Rene、Rebeca-应该询问她们,以便找到她们的爱好,这里可能就含有一些ID,这些ID存有的权利对你们可能会有帮助。

答:抱歉,我的英语不好,不能为您解说。Sorry, my English is not good enough to explain for you.不过,我们有会英语的技术员在场, However, we have English-speaking technicians here.我可以让他来跟您介绍这个技术。I can have him to introduce the technology for you.这是我们公司的王先生,...

答:华:给我一个机会. Give me a chance.伟:怎么给你机会. How?华:我以前没得选择,现在我想做一个好人. I had no choice in the past, but now i want to be a good man!伟:好,跟法官说,看他让不让你做好人. Well, talk to the judge, and let him decide whether you can be a ...

答:啊!喔,我的鼻子 A: I'm sorry, Liu Yingying. We're playing football and I haven't noticed you just now.抱歉,刘莹莹。我们在踢足球,我刚才没注意到你。Wang Ming, please find a handkerchief for Liu Yingying. Her nose is bleeding.王明,请帮刘莹莹找块手绢。她的鼻子出血了。B:...

答:说说你的感想?what do you think about it?这是一部美丽的故事,我非常喜欢国王,和安娜,另外国王的儿子比我小,但英语讲得比我还好,我感到惭愧。因此我决定好好学习英语。! It's a beautiful story, i like the King and Anna very much. I adition the prince is younger than me,but...

答:I learn something else myself in the leisure time.B:时间过的真快啊,我们马上就要毕业了!How time flies! We are going to graduate.A;是啊!很怀念刚上大学的时候。Yeah! I really miss it when I first came here.B:我也一样。毕业以后我们要经常联系啊。Me, too. We should often...