
作者&投稿:丹瑶 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 If you want to visit Chengdu, come in July.
2 You can get a glimse of the way people in Chengdu enjoy their live
3 Everybody can find his or her fun, and nobody will leave this city with regret

i make notes in the back of my diary of things to be mended or replaced
it has been directed against those least able to retaliate

1. Don't expect that he will tell you who did that.
2. It's unbelievable that things would turn out this way.
3. Purpose of this measure is to reduce the number of traffice accidents.
4. It's necessary to found a select committee to look into this matter.
5. You should know that the current situation is bad for your company.
6. I have met this word several times.
7. He is walking up and down and thinking about this question.
8. It's reasonable that girls want to be in a good figure.
9. We couldn't help worrying about him when we knew that.
10. He was listening to the lecture carefully and he frequently wrote down some words.
11. They stood up and raise questions to that spokesman in turns.

1 you don't expect him to say who did it

2 did not expect this to happen

3 the purpose of this measure is to reduce traffic accidents

4 to set up a special committee to investigate the matter

5 you should understand the current situation of your company adverse

6 I've come upon the word several times.

In 7 he walked back and forth in the room, thinking about this question

8 all girls want to be in great shape

9 when we heard the news, I worried for him

In 10 he seriously listened to the lecture, often written in a notebook on a few words

11 and they stood up, turns to the speaker questions

答:1 偶尔一阵毛毛细雨下来,伴著间竭的闪电强光,使我们不安地看著远方。2 他在工余时间修读法律,并成为一名律师。他的演说极其吸引听众,他也是一名政治哲学的学生。他的能力最终令他成名。3 这个手表一个月内的时间误差不会超过一秒。4 她接受的营业销售培训将保证她一旦完成学业后,一定能够找到工作。

答:1.请尽快通过电子邮件与他们取得联系(get in touch)Please get in touch with them by email as soon as possible.2.一旦你许下诺言,就不能食言(manke a promise)Once you make a promise, you should not break it.3.我叔叔告诉我,学习上不能半途而废(give up a half way)His uncle...

答:1.Please务必附上提单和海运保险证书作为航运文件草案提请你。2.An仲裁条款并不妨碍任何一方请求临时或保全措施的法院 3.Your价格没有足够的竞争性市场在这里,我们希望你注意到,一些降价将自圆其说增加业务 4.We确认您的订单派遣每党卫军“东风”的航行的港口9月15日。5岁设计你需要的是脱销。我们打...

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答:除了几处刮痕外,汽车没有什么损坏 此句应翻译为:This skirt is not only too large, but don't match my jacket well.5.那条道路因洪水而停止修建(hold up)The road was held up by flood.6.那个国家一再卷入对外战争(involve)That country involved in wars again.7.无论发生什么情况,...

答:1.你一旦作出承诺,就必须信守诺言(promise;keep one's word)Once you make a promise, you must keep your word.2.一切都准备就绪,他们迫不及待地要启动这个项目(be dying to)Everything is ready, they are dying to start this project.3.乘客可以在飞机起飞前一个半小时开始办理登机手续(...

答:increasing now.6、我们给客人准备的房间视野很好 The views in the rooms which we prepare for the customers are very nice.7、想去音乐会的人请在这里签名 Please sign here if you want to go concert./People who want to go concert,please sign here.还望楼主采纳~ o(∩_∩)o ...


答:1.Speak it to touch examination, the students be not some all strain, they all of full face is self-confidence.2.In spite of reason is what, anyway I like a pop music.3.We the classmate of class or many or little activity which all onced attended student association ...