
作者&投稿:权柄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
高中毕业证书 中英文公证件~


证书之类中文会说:性别女,西语是:sexo femenina,英文:sex female.
出生日期:1994年4月30日。于2009年9月至2012年6月在本校高中部学习,学制三年,修业期满,成绩合格,准予毕业——nacido el 30 de abril de 1994, fue educado en nuestra escuela desde septiembre del 2009 hasta julio del 2012. Período de tres años de estudio, por haber culminado los estudios correspondientes a todas las asignaturas para la graduación, en testimanio de lo cual se concede el diploma.

从上文你可以看出,高中毕业证除了出生日期和学习期间具体年月日有变化,其他“学制三年...准予毕业”都是一模一样,而日期你每次都根据西语规范——也就是 “el 日 de 月 de 年" 的模式来写就没问题啦。
至于你说的公证词。。。你有中文模板么?我不知道公证词怎么写哇~ 但是可以试着帮你翻译,不过我不是专业公证员!

Hubei Province, Hubei Province Department of Education ordinary high school diploma high school diploma system, the professional chapter Province Code Student ID: XXX graduation certificate number: XXX Note: This permits for provincial cities, state higher education administrative departments valid student Yan Yin XX female sex Department of Hubei Province, Wuhan City, aged 17 people. June 2010 school learning, school system three years period of study, the learning assessment, moral, intellectual, and physical aspects of qualified, allowed to graduate. School (Chapter): Wuhan X School June 30, 2010

Hubei Province ordinary senior middle school graduation certificate in Hubei Province Department of education system in the common senior high school graduation certificate professional chapter provincial school graduation certificate number: XXX: XXX note: This certificate by the provincial municipality, prefecture or above educational administrative departments Yanyin effective student XX sex female age 17 in Hubei Province Department of Wuhan city. In 2010 June in the school, the school system for three years, duration expires, after learning assessment, Germany, intellectual, physical and other aspects of qualified, be granted graduation. The school (s ): Wuhan X middle school in June 30, 2010


高中毕业证书英语翻译,涉外公证用,请您尽可能正规!真的是感谢啦!!_百 ...
答:Hubei Province, Hubei Province Department of Education ordinary high school diploma high school diploma system, the professional chapter Province Code Student ID: XXX graduation certificate number: XXX Note: This permits for provincial cities, state higher education administrative departments vali...

答:毕业证公证材料:1、申请人身份证正反面2、毕业证整本扫描件或拍照,需学信网可查注:2000年之前的大 学毕业证或小学、初中、高中毕业证,学信网不可查,提供学校核实电话注:中专或者民办大 学的毕业证,需要核实出,费用会高些准备好以上的材料拍照发给支付宝公证平台,就能完成,【支付宝跑政通】线...

答:使用 high school diploma 来表述。读音:英 [haɪ skuːl dɪˈpləʊmə] 美 [haɪ skuːl dɪˈploʊmə]释义:高中文凭;高中毕业证书;高中毕业文凭;美国高中毕业证书;中学毕业证书。例句:o gain eligibility, ...

答:senior high school diploma


高中毕业证 英语翻译
答:新版普通高中毕业证书从2009年启用 The new edition of the Graduation Certificate for general high schools is started using from 2009 本证编号由省教育厅规定,市(地级市)教育局验印有效。The serial number is stipulated by the Province Education Department and will be effective after it ...

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