
作者&投稿:颜荆 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)






继续前行,走过一座大桥来到了松鼠岛。在桥上,就能看到松鼠的窝。可走近一看,里面连一只松鼠也没有,到哪里去了呢? 原来它们都在树林里呀,上窜下跳玩得很开心。松鼠全身的毛呈灰褐色,尾巴大大的,可爱极了!我拿了点松子放在手里,松鼠马上跑了过来,叼起松子,转过身,用嘴把皮嗑开,吃了起来。吃完后,它还想要,我又给了一个。它吃完了,就跑了。这时我想起来了,刚才忘了和它合个影。我又拿了松子跑了过去,把松子放到它面前。妈妈给我拍了个镜头,留作纪念。



My hometown is in the beautiful Harbin。Everyone must have heard that why is my hometown so famous?

It is inseparable from the beautiful winter。My hometown Harbin is a beautiful city in the north。

Winter is the most beautiful season。Look! The beautiful white snowflakes came down from the sky one by one。

The children were happy and all came outdoors。Xiao Li is playing skiing。She has a feeling of flying on the snow。

It's really fun like a bird。Xiaoming and Jiajia are making a snowman with a small shovel and bucket。

After a while, the lovely snowman smiles at us。I love my hometown and love the winter of my hometown more。



jiangxi is a city with a long history. There are many places of interest in it. Now let me tell you some of them. It is very big and you can learn much about the history of China from it. The total area of 166,900 square kilometers of Jiangxi, population 44,321,600, by the composition of the 11 prefecture-level cities, the provincial capital Nanchang。jingdezhen is beautiful and famous,it Is a remarkable porcelain city 。tengwangge is also a wonderful place to go。 I hope you will enjoy your staying in jiangxi附:江西是一个有着悠久历史的城市。在它里面有很多有趣的地方。现在让我来告诉你其中的一些。


答:太阳岛即哈尔滨,其介绍英文作文如下:My hometown is in the beautiful Harbin。Everyone must have heard that why is my hometown so famous?It is inseparable from the beautiful winter。My hometown Harbin is a beautiful city in the north。Winter is the most beautiful season。Look! The be...

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答:Songhua River is a good place for summer.松花江北部的太阳岛是避暑的好地方。The ice and Snow Festival and ice lantern garden activities held in Harbin every winter attract many tourists from home and abroad.每年冬季在哈尔滨举办的冰雪节和冰灯游园活动,吸引了国内外众多游客前来观看。

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