
作者&投稿:登琦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 这居然是华为手机HUAWEI Mate8的官方铃声。
《Dream It Possible》——梦想成为可能。由国际著名音乐人Andy Love作曲,来自洛杉矶的歌手Delacey(有小Adele之称)演唱。后张靓颖也演绎过英文版,同时与著名词作人王海涛共同填词完成中文版《我的梦》,并在2015年11月26日于HUAWEI Mate8在上海世博中心的发布会上倾情首唱发布会主题曲。
Dream It Possible - Delacey
(梦想成为可能) ——(华为mate8发布会主题曲) - Delacey

I will run I will climb I will soar.
我奔跑,我攀爬 我要飞翔。
I'm undefeated
Jumping out of my skin pull the chord
跳出我的桎梏 拨弄琴弦
Yeah I believe it
是啊 我坚信。
The past is everything we were don't make us who we are
历史决定曾经 但并不能决定现在的你和我
so I'll dream until I make it real and all I see is stars
所以我会不懈梦想直到梦变成真 直到窥见漫天星光
It's not until you fall that you fly
不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻
When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable
当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡
take a shot chase the sun, find the beautiful
挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金
And we'll dream it possible
And we’ll dream it possible
I will chase I will reach I will fly
我追随 我向前 我会展翅翱翔
Until I'm breaking until I'm breaking
直到跌倒 直到毁灭的那一刻
Out of my cage like a bird in the night
走出自我的牢笼 像黑夜中自由高飞的鸟儿般
I know I'm changing I know I'm changing
In into something big better than before
And if it takes takes a thousand lives
Then it's worth fighting for
“【It's not until you fall that you fly
不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻
When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable
当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡
take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful
挥着双翅 追随太阳 寻找美好
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金
And we'll dream it possible
It possible】”
From the bottom to the top
We're sparking wild fire's
Never quit and never stop
永不放弃 永不退缩
The rest of our lives
穷尽余生 不懈奋斗
From the bottom to the top
We're sparking wild fire's
Never quit and never stop
永不放弃 永不退缩
It’s not until you fall that you fly
不再畏惧跌倒 直到你展翅高飞的那一刻
When you dreams come alive you're unstoppable
当梦想成真 你便无可阻挡
take a shot chase the sun find the beautiful
挥着双翅 追随阳光 寻找美好
We will glow in the dark turning dust to gold
我们会在黑暗中耀发光芒 点石成金
And we'll dream it possible
And we'll dream it possible

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