
作者&投稿:善邱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

楼主 这句话翻译成英文是不能把龙凤翻译进去了 如果你不明白 我给你解释一下:

动物隐喻中,龙和凤在中西方文化里面的意义是完全不同的,龙在西方代表的邪恶,狡猾,而凤凰的寓意则来自古埃及的神话,表示了”重生” 如果你要强行将龙凤翻译到句子中,会让外国人莫名不知所以,这是因为动物本体相同,但是文化喻体不同所导致的。这句话只能翻译成 expect his son/daughter to become successful - -(顺便说一句,这刚好是我的论文内容- -)

当然 你一定一定要翻译进去,只能用注释的手法了,比如“All of Chinese parents expect their son to grow as a dragon, or expect the daughter to grow as a phoenix(In chinese traditional culture,dragon is stand peace and powerful,also the is super king of all animals;Phoenix is stand for beauty and sacred,also is the Queen of all kinds of birds)

但是楼主 用注释就会显得很累赘了 所以除非一定要这样 否则最好别用


采用意译比较好,比如可以这么说:“I have a high hope to my son / daughter."(我对我的儿子/女儿寄予厚望。)

1. hope one's children will have a bright future
2.Hopes for the daughter to grow up into a phoenix

“望子成龙”英语是“Expect one's son to be talent ”
或者:<hope one's son will turn out a dragon>


1. hope one's children will have a bright future
2.Hopes for the daughter to grow up into a phoenix

“望子成龙”不宜译成"hope one's son will turn out a dragon"因为在西方人眼里龙是不祥之物

hope son to be dragon and daughter to be phoenix

hope one's child could be somebody


Wish sb's offspring outperform their elder generation!

答:“望子成龙”英语是“Expect one's son to be talent ”或者:<hope one's son will turn out a dragon> 望子成龙,望女成凤,这都是每一位父母的心愿 :)~~

望子成龙望女成凤 translate in english
答:望子成龙:Long to see one's son succeed in life.望女成凤:The woman becomes a phoenix look into the distance.

答:wish son as a dragon, daughter as a phoenix

望子成龙 望女成凤 用英语怎么说
答:千万不要直接翻译,因为“龙”在英文中是一种邪恶的动物。采用意译比较好,比如可以这么说:“I have a high hope to my son / daughter."(我对我的儿子/女儿寄予厚望。)

答:望子成龙的英语 hope one's children will have a bright future 1释义 望子成龙[wàng zǐ chéng lóng][同义词]望女成凤 [解释]希望自己的子女能在学业和事业上有成就。[例句]家长要有望子成龙的愿望,更要有培养和教育孩子成材的行动。[语法]动宾式;作谓语、定语;含褒义 2例句 To hope ...

答:every parent expect their kids to be successful

答:望子成龙,望女成凤"hope one's children will have a bright future; have great ambitions for one'可悲的是那些岌岌可危的人类,还有望子成龙,望女成凤的父母,天下的父母师长啊!Sadly, those at risk of human, as well as expectations for their children, look into the phoenix female ...

答:Wederlion 没必要固定要这个名字的意思 我是做广告的呵呵 随便想一个接近的就可以了

答:Parents all wish their children gain greatest success,Parents all wish their children gain great wealth.Parents all wish their children rich and famous.

答:楼主 这句话翻译成英文是不能把龙凤翻译进去了 如果你不明白 我给你解释一下:动物隐喻中,龙和凤在中西方文化里面的意义是完全不同的,龙在西方代表的邪恶,狡猾,而凤凰的寓意则来自古埃及的神话,表示了”重生” 如果你要强行将龙凤翻译到句子中,会让外国人莫名不知所以,这是因为动物本体相同,...