
作者&投稿:锐翰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In the waiting room,the patients(病人), men and women,old andyoung,were sitting(1)on th e chairs,(2) fortheir turns.Billy,a schoolboy,was sitting there,too.They alllooked very sad(3) Billy.He(4)an interesting story, andthere was a smile on his face. Just then,the doctor came in tosay he was ready for the next patient.Billy jumped up and raninto the(5)room.
  "Good morning,Doctor!""Good morning! What’s your(6),young man?"asked the doctor.(7) Billy c ould say a word,the doctor made him(8)down on a bed."Now, let me listento your heart." Billy tried to speak, but the doctor toldhim(9)anything."I'll take your temperature. "Billy tried to sit up,but the doctor stopped him."Now open your mouth...Mm,good."(10)a moment, the doctor said, "Well, my boy, you haven't got a bad cold.It’s nothing.Mm,in fact(事实上), thereis(11)with you." "I know there(12),"said the boy. "Ijust came to get some medicine for my father."
1.A.quickly B.quietly C.luckily D.noisily
2.A.waiting B.waited C.to wait D.wait
3.A.with B.and C.except D.without
4.A.saw B.was seeing C.read D.was reading
5.A.patients B.waiting C.sitting D.doctor's
6.A.story B.trouble C.matter D.wrong
7.A.Before B.After C.Until D. While
8.A.to lie B.lay C.lying D.lie
9.A.say B.not to say C.not say D.to say
10.A.After B.In C.On D.At
11.A.wrong nothing B.something wrong
C.nothing wrong D.wrong something
12.A.aren’t B.are C.isn’t D.is
1.B。情理分析题。病人候诊,且后文提示"for their turns",可见秩序良好,应是 were sitting qu ietly。
  为,作状语,说明一面坐,一面等。were waited 是被动语态,不适用。
6.B。词义题。这是医生询问病情的话。也可用wrong或matter问病情,其句型是:What's wrong with yo u?或What's the matter with you?
  8.D。语法题,构成make sb.do sth.结构,同时要求能够正确区分lie(vi.躺,过去式和过去分词分别是 lay和lain)和lay(vt. 放置,过去式和过去分词都是laid。)。
9.B。词义题。构成tell sb.not to do sth.句型。
12.C。词义题。there isn't是省略的宾语从句。Billy用这个否定句表示自己没病。如用there is即变成 "有病"了。
We were going to play a team from a country school. They didn't come until the game time arr ived.They looked(1)than we had thought.They were wearing dirty blue jeans (仔裤)and looked li ke farm boys.We even thought that they hadnever seen a basketball before.
  We all sat down.We felt that we didn’t(2)any practice(训练)against a team like that. It was already so late that no(3)could be given tothem for a warm-up. The game began.
  One of our boys (4)the ball and he shot(掷)a longpass to our forward (前锋).From out ofnowhere a boy in adirty T-shirt(5)the pass and with a beautiful form(姿势)he shot and got two points(分).They(6)us.Then they got another(7)of points in a minute.Soon it was all over.The country team(8)us.
  We certainly learned that even though a team is good,there is usually another(9) a lit tle better. But theimportant lesson learned was:One can't tell a man, or a team, by the(10).
1.A.stronger B.younger C.worse D.less
2.A.get B.try C.use D.need
3.A.basket B.space C.ball D.time
4.A.got B.played C.missed D.carried
5.A.caught B.changed C.started D.stopped
6.A.surprised B.kept C.broke D.hit
7.A.half B.pair C.group D.double
8.A.won B.saved C.beat D.joined
9.A.just B.already C.about D.almost
10.A.T-shirts B.clothes C.places D.points   这是一个蕴含哲理的故事,先浏览一下首句和尾句便可判断出短文的大意:我们同来自乡村中学的一个篮球队比赛,由于轻视对方而使比赛失败。
  1.C。情景推理题。下文作者写道:We even thought that theyhad never seen a basketball before . (我们原来甚至认为他们以前从未见过篮球。)可以推断出,他们看上去并不比我们想的更强壮等,而是更糟糕(worse)。
3.D。词汇题。前面的late 和下文"对他们来说热身训练"之事说明,没有的是时间,而不是space,bal l,basket。
  5.D。词汇题。stop the pass"拦住了传球",即"断下了球",我们则missed the ball(失了球),全句意为:不知从什么地方出来一个穿着脏T恤衫的男孩断下了球,漂亮地一投,得了两分。

8.C。词汇题。win后一般接比赛,如win a game等。beat(过去式也是beat)后接某人,指"打败了某人 "。
9.A。情景推理题。填just修饰a little better,表示另一支队正好比这支队强一点。
10.B。综合理解题。这要从全文来考虑,第一段谈到了" They were wearing dirty blue jeans and looked like farm boys. "说明我们是"以貌
取人"。本句 tell 意为"辨认,判断",这时常与can/cou ld/be able to 连用。
  Paris has a beautiful name,the City of (1). Do youknow (2)it means?Many beautiful buildings are lighted at(3).The streets are very (4).When you (5)in Paris, you must not turn (6) your h eadlights (汽车前灯)evenafter dark.
  Paris is full of life all day and all night. But this isnot the (7)reason(原因)for its beautiful name. Forhundreds of years,Paris has been the centre of science andart. (8)scient ists and artists have come to (9) here. For this reason also,people(10)it the City of Lights.
1.A.Flowers B.Cars C.Lights D.Rivers
2.A.what B.how C.where D.when
3.A.noon B.night C.day D.evening
4.A.black B.dark C.noisy D.bright
5.A.walk B.go C.drive D.live
6.A.off B.down C.out D.on
7.A.only B.other C.any D.another

8.A.No B.Few C.Many D.A few
9.A.study B.drive C.play D.have dinner
10.A.make B.call C.build D.find
  Football is, I do think,the most favourite game in England:one has only to go to one of the important (1)to see this.Rich and poor,young and old,one can see them all there(2)for one side o r the (3). To a stranger(陌生人),one of the most surprising thingsabout football in (4)is the great k nowledge of the gamewhich(5)the smallest boy seems to have.He can tell youthe names of the (6)in most of the important teams,he has(7)of them and knows the results of large numbers o fmatches. He will tell you who he (8)will win such and sucha match,and his ideas about(9) are u sually as good asthose of men three or four times his (10).
1.A.cities B.matches C.teams D.places
2.A.waiting B.looking C.asking D.shouting
3.A.other B.same C.team D.players
4.A.China B.the USA C.England D.Canada

5.A.all B.hardly C.only D.even
6.A.players B.cities C.countries D.matches
7.A.names B.pictures C.heard D.thought
8.A.says B.asks C.decides D.hopes
9.A.England B.players C.football D.men
10.A.ideas B.age C.stories D.education
1.B。从to see this和常理可以判断出去看的是比赛,而非其他。
  4.C 5.D。在这个长句中,主语one后带有一个"of"短语,而表语后带有"of短语+定语从句",文章首句已点明本文谈的是英国,对一个陌生人来说,英国足球最让人拍案称奇的是,甚至小孩子也会对足球知之甚多。
  6.A 7.B。这是一个由三个分句连接的并列句,tell,has, knows的内容根据常识不难判断,这就是说这些小孩子能告诉你大多数重要球队所有队员的名字,而且还有他们的照片,知道许多场比赛的结果。
  10.B。这是一个包含两个复杂分句的并列句,中间由and连接,空处he hopes系插入语,即He will tell you(he hopes) whowill win...;后一分句是包含同级比较be as good as的句子。9空处指"评球 "才合适,全句意为:他会告诉你,他希望这场那场比赛中谁赢,而他关于足球的观点通常同成年人一样好,那些成年人的年龄比他们大两、三倍。

4. 注意上下句语义、语法逻辑!根据中心思想推敲句子间的逻辑,准确把握词义、排除干扰项!
5. 要有耐心。
6. 注意成语的搭配和语法:
7. 应有回首的过程,结合选项,把全文再通读一遍,检查是否还有不妥当之处。
8. 步骤:

Choose the best answer from the choices given: 
1.     There ______ a pair of glasses but there ______ no books on the desk.  
A. are, are               B. is, is             C. is, are           D. are, is  
2.     Nobody but Tom and Mary ______ in the laboratory.  
A. are               B. had been         C. were           D. is  
3.     She would have come if we ______ her.  
A. invited           B. have invited     C. had invited       D. would have invited  
4.     ______ for my illness I would have lent him a helping hand.   
A. Had it not been   B. Without being   C. Not being       D. Not having been  
5.     It is high time that the boy ______ sent to school.  
A. is               B. was             C. be               D. is to be  
6.     The speech ______, a lively discussion started.  
A. having been delivered       B. being delivered     
C. was delivered             D. be delivered  
7.     Henan had a larger population ______ in China.   
A. than any province         B. than all the other province  
C. than other province       D. than all the provinces  
8.     Renting a room outside cost ______ living a dormitory for a month.  
A. twice much as   B. as much as twice     C. twice as much as         D. twice more  
9.     You must give it back to ______ it belongs to.  
A. that             B. who                 C. whomever           D. what  
10.   It will be some time _______ the final results. 

A.     up until they know     
B. before they know       
C. up to the time they are able to know  
D. until they know.
11. You think everything will be all right in time, ______.
A. so I do B. so I think C. nor do I D. so do I
12. Let’s go to the cinema, ______?

A. will we B. shall we C. must we D. do we
13. When you cross the road, be careful of ______.
A. traffics B. the traffics C. a traffic D. the traffic
14. It ______ when I left the school.
A. is snowing B. was snowing C. snows D. will snow
15. All the equipment ______ before the experiment began.
A. have been prepared B. were prepared C. had been prepared D. had prepared
16. You ______ to town to see the film yesterday. It will be on TV tonight.
A. needn’t go B. should not go C. had better not go D. needn’t have gone
17. The faster anything is thrown into the sky, ______.
A. the higher goes it B. the highest it goes
C. it goes the higher D. the higher it goes
18. We’ve agreed ______ Spain for our holiday next year.
A. to B. on C. for D. with
19. They have one hour to read newspapers ______ their ordinary work.
A. apart from B. without C. far from D. free from
20. There is something ______ you said. I’ll take your advice.
A. in what B. in which C. for that D. at that

I always think of my father. I can describe him as if he were sitting next to me. I remember his smile, his eyes, and his blonde curly hair. I also __37__my father taking his medicine and following the doctor’s __38__diet. One day I asked him, “Why do you take the medicine and why are there so many things you can’t eat, Daddy?” He looked into my eyes and said, “ _39_ to worry about, dear.” Not long after that my father passed away.
I was nine years old then, so my mother didn’t tell me _40_ my father had died. I always wanted to know why he had left me. He had taken the medicine! He was young and _41_ ! Years later, I knew that he died of a heart disease(疾病). And I always thought about doing something to help people like my father. I even _42_ that I would do everything to cure(治愈)the disease. That is what I want to do most in my life.
In 2006, I took part in a health program as a _43_ to achieve my dream. I spent four weeks taking classes at a medical school. Every day, I _44_ how doctors treated(治疗)diseases. I went to a hospital once a week, talking to the patients and comforting them. This was the most wonderful part because I saw the other side of medicine: the _45_ from doctors. From then on, every time I met people who were fighting against diseases, I would soon _46_ . I learned how some diseases can be stopped before they start.
I hope I can become a doctor and find a cure for the heart disease, and then another child will not go through the heartbreak of losing a family member.

37. A. see B. keep C. forget D. remember
38. A. strict B. healthy C. common D. balanced
39. A. Everything B. Something C. Anything D. Nothing
40. A. how B. why C. when D. where
41. A. strong B. friendly C. outgoing D. outstanding
42. A. guessed B. decided C. agreed D. found
43. A. key B. way C. note D. secret
44. A. heard B. taught C. showed D. watched
45. A. worry B. stress C. care D. gift
46. A. beat B. save C. join D. tell


1、Mark lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would 1 soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days 2 the doctor came and looked over the sick man. 3 asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen 4 paper in the village, because no one could write.The doctor 5 up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the 6 of the house. “ Get this medicine for him.” he said, “and he will soon get 7 .” Mark’s family and friends did not know 8 to do. They could not read the strange words. Then a young man 9 an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his
carriage(马车) and drove to the nearest 10 . He bought the medicine there, and Mark was soon well again.
( )1.A. wake B.cry C.moved D.die
( )2.A. late B.later C.ago D.before
( )3A. The sick man B.Mark C.The doctor D.The farmer
( )4.A.and B.or C.then D.also
( )5.A.picked B.held C.made D.looked
( )6.A.wall B.window C.ground D.door
( )7.A.well B.worse C.bad D.good
( )8.A.when B.what C.where D.whick
( )9A.thought B.hit C.caught D.had
( )10. A.shop B.farm C.hospital D.village
2、Peter and Mike were in 1 class.Peter was born in a 2 family.But Mike’s father was a businessman(商人)and got 3 money.When Peter got into trouble(困难)he always helped him.
Peter liked to have sports.He was good at 4.He ran 5 than any others in their class It was Sunday.Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic.Mike took a lot of food there.It was a
6 ay.The birds were singing and there were all kinds of flowers.They ate and drank then went
7 in the river.They had a good time.Suddenly they heard a great noise.They found it was a tiger behind a big tree.They were both very 8 .Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run away.Mike stopped him and said:“It’s no use for us.The tiger runs 9 faster than us.Let’s find a way.”“It doesn’t matter.”said Peter:“I’m 10 I'll run faster than you.”
1.A.same B.different C.difference D.the same
2.A.rich B.happy C.poor D.bad
3.A.many B.lot C.any D.much
4.A.ran B.running C.run D.runs
5.A.fast B.faster C.fastest D.best
6.A.sun B.rain C.rained D.sunny
7.A.fish B.to fishing C.fishing D.fished
8.A.happy B.afraid C.sad D.exciting
9.A.more B.much C.many D.little
10.A.afraid B.worried C.sure D.glad
参考答案: 1—5 DCDBB 6—10 DCBBC

答:语法选择题:Choose the best answer from the choices given: 1. There ___ a pair of glasses but there ___ no books on the desk. A. are, are B. is, is C. is, are D. are, is 2. Nobody but Tom and Mary ___ in the laboratory. A. are B. had been C. were D. is 3. ...

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答:(2) 某些特殊疑问句作宾语可以简写成“特殊疑问句 +to do” 的形式。例如: i am thinking about what to say < what i should say.> 我正在考虑我该说点儿什么。练习:一, 选择题;( )1,thanks a lot for---me about it. a.to tell b.tell c.telling d.told ( )2.best wishes...

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初二上牛津英语语法.知识点.词组总汇和一套比较好的卷子,要有辨析.答 ...
答:第I卷 非选择题 一、 单项选择(共20小题,计20分) 1.There is “h”and “u”in the word “huge”. A.a;an B.an;a C.a;a D.an;an 2.---Li Hua’s English is very good. ---Yes,and her French her English. A.is as good as B.isn’t as good as C.is as well as D.is ...

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答:he watch TV?7. I am interested in playing chess. (同义)I am ___ ___ playing chess.8. He went aboard in a hurry. (同义)He went aboard ___.He ___ ___.-END- 这里还有几个..并且有讲解 http://school.ecp.com.cn/resource/Article_Print.asp?ArticleID=1939 ...

答:一, 选择题; ( )1,thanks a lot for---me about it. a.to tell b.tell c.telling d.told ( )2.best wishes---your birthday. a. for b.to c.on d.in ( )3.in england, people usually call james jim---. a.shortly b.for short c.easy d.easily ( )4. mother with her three...

答:英语的语法也是很现实的,没有汉语的有人情味。1、other,the other,others,the others和another如何运用,讲简单点 这个得注意词性,然后在说词义。other 是形容词,“其他的”后面接名词复数居多;the other,它一定是两者 ,one ... the other.表示(一共有两个)一个。。。,另一个。。。; ...

答:是用作表语的形容词 How fun the boy is. 那男孩多么逗人啊!(主语是the boy,fun 是表语)二、How a fun ...不符合语法,不存在,但是可以说 “how + 形容词 + a fun”意思是“多么...一件有趣事(或场面)”,如:How attracting a fun it is!它是多么引人入胜的一件趣事哪!。