非常紧急需要帮忙能帮帮我翻译几个句子和修改句子的语法吗?? 可再大加分!!

作者&投稿:苏方 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

翻译成英文是Are these very basic sentences?下图是翻译截图

1.げた不是单个的词,你可以理解为ばか所演变成的动词バカげる所变的形容词型 バカげた2.なれる不是被动,是能动。なる的可能形3.バカバカしい也是一形容词,就是指特傻,类似于那样的意思4.N啊是只有在が做助词时有时读N啊。但是在现代日语中(尤其是年轻一代)不那么特别注意也可以,就发噶即可。がっかり中的が自然就是噶啦。PS:个人觉得这个知识只是知道有这么回事即可,想发标准的日语发音还是要多与日本人交流(尽管他们真的不多嘴,记得要在尊重异文化习俗的前提下),日本的语调对于外国人来说比较难发,过于平稳了。尤其是这个噶和N啊是,在说流利的基础上再区分亦不迟。平时就都发噶的音即可,没错儿~

•At the beginning of the story, the woman have hard time to accept this child,because she hadn’t thought that she will have a child in her life. She is not ready yet for being a mother.

•At the middle of the story, she felt guilty for she have a thought of kill the baby.••At the end of the story, she suddenly realize that a child is a living human creature, she can’t not kill
the child, she love this child.
The main story is about a woman's sad experience to describe the protagonist and men after breaking up finds herself pregnant from the beginning of hit is very difficult to accept the child's response has been to have children later accept the fact and slowly like the belly of the children experienced author and narrated from a don't understand love woman until later slowly on the definition of love slowly become love woman


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紧急求助 帮我翻译 谢谢
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高人帮我翻译一段话。谢谢。紧急需要。明天就用。 。。
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