
作者&投稿:调池 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. cut corners都有那些意思(they cut corners.他们吃了回扣。)

  corners 指“困难的处境”,把这种处境cut(切断)意思就是“以最简便或最廉价的方式做事”,由此可以引申为“走捷径”、“图方便”、“削减开支”、“节约成本”、“偷工减料”、“克扣财物”等。

2. And the amount of energy I have expended to keep these infidelson point...而且我还花了不少的精力去让这些不相信的人去相信(on point用法)

  应该是 on the point (of)吧。如果是这样,该词组与 about 的意思差不多,表示“即将”、“正要”或“临近...的时候”。如:

I was on the point of going to bed whenyou rang. 你打电话的时候我正要睡觉。
She is on the point of crying. 她就要哭了。

3. the real magic is taking four strong solo acts and making themall work together. 真正的魔术是将四个强大的固体汇聚在一起而发挥作的。这里的(taking,solo,acts不懂)

  taking four strong solo acts 和 making them all work together 都是动名词短语,具体结构如下:

主语:the real magic 真正的魔术
系动词:is 是
1、taking fourstrong solo acts 采取四个单独的表演动作
2、and making them all work together. 并让这几个动作同时产生结果。

D; 2. C; 3. A

1,He does worse in (playing) basketball than in (playing) soccer.

do well in 做得好
do badly in 做得差

2,打扫房间是用clean还是clean up?(是否表示清扫的含义时,它们之间可互换?)
clean the house 相当于 clean up。
clean up则是词组 打扫 之意。

3,最高级前面的这几个修饰词分别表什么中文意思?This hat is by far/much/nearly/almost/not nearly/by no means/not quite/nothing like the biggest.
by far 非常
much 很
nearly/almost 几乎
by no means 毫无疑问
not quite 有点
nothing like 与。。比 不。。。

答:I'm ___to draw an elephant. 意思是我___to画大象。要知道什么跟更TO结合就成了另外一个词语‘‘A.wanting意思:我想要完成什么东西‘‘B.trying意思 我尝试去完成什么东西‘‘C.liking意思是我对某写东西很感赶兴趣‘‘情有独钟 ‘D.having 意思是经的意思跟TO结合是不可能的~~~既然是...

答:yours是名词性物主代词,后面不加名词了,如:The book is yours.这本书是你的.2,这句话的意思是说让我们把时间定为六月二十一号早上八点半吧.所以可不填的.而不要理解为让我们在六月二十一号早上八点半的时候做吧.3,是的 4,其实是She did so.就是说她是做了这样的事.而So did I是说我...


答:第一篇:1.What happened to the man that night?2.Why did he laugh as the sun came out?3.What can you learn from this story?第二篇:1.Why were the wind and the sun disputing?2. Who do you think is stronger?why?3.What can you learn from this story?

答:1,i have tried twice,and the teacher asks me to have(a third try)“第三次尝试”为什么不用the thied try?-- 这里的意思是再做一次尝试,不是相对于前两次而言,没有特指,是泛指,所以用a 2,我要给你们发试卷了i'm going to (give out)your test papers.此处为什么不能用give away?

答:首先第一空,ME是个宾格,此处不能用,只能用代词,I。而shall we 和 will you 区别如下。如果用前者,则表示除了JACK和I,爸爸也得去。而后者表示征求爸爸的同意,而去电影院的只有JACK和我。很显然,爸爸不去。所以选C。3.-Why can't I swim in the lake,Daddy?-You will be ( )The ...

答:1.Does Bill have lunch at school every day?2.I can see an orange and a map on the bed.3.My uncle is not a math teacher.PS第二题是orange 不是orangr,o(∩_∩)o

答:3.At the end , did the peasant cut the apple tree?Why?(No,he didn't. Because he found a swarm of bees and a large store of honey in the tree.)二、The chopsticks Mrs Wen had two children, Janmes and William. The boys were always fighting, both at home and at ...

答:又例如:the Great Wall(万里长城)the Summer Palace(颐和园)除了the united kingdom, the united nations,这样的专有名词,别的一般一点的国家名都不用the,就像人名前一般也不加the 一样。三、独立结构,又称独立主格结构,在句子中做状语,通常可以理解成是一个完整句子的省略。这个具体教案网上...

答:1 for是介词 不是被动的时候一样可以用 love sb for 2 虽然两个都是连词 但并不是所有的连词后面都一样 例如when afer 之类的就只能引导时间状语从句,这是单词的语法功能 3 本来就是时间状语从句 when 作为连词最主要的用法就是引导时间状语从句 如果只有它一个连词的话就只有时间状...