
作者&投稿:氐例 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


In China 9 years' compulsory education is a shared droit for everyone. It includes six years' primary school and three years' junior middle school .After graduating from the college ,you can choose to apply for postgraduate such as master ,doctor and senior doctor…… With the influence of the "study through lifetime" policy, more Chinese go on study no matter they have left school or work in their job position or spend their lesiure time.

1.Nice to meet you. How are feeling today? Has every thing turned out good with your work and life here so far?

2.By the way, how do you find my oral English? Can you catch all that I said to say? How can I improve it?

3.How long have been in China? Why do you choose to work in China, which not as developed as Australia does?

4.About your accent, I find there's something different from the British & American accent? Could you please tell me sth. about the difference?

5.Apart from difference in accent, are there some differences on grammar or spelling of words?

6.How can I go to Australia to study. Is it harder for me to go there than go to America or Britain.

7.If there is anything inconvenient, please let me know, and I will try my best to figure all things out for you. Trust me.

8.What is your rule in class, I mean, what are we doing in your class to touch your satisfaction? I just want to do the best I can, learn as much as I can , in your class.


1.What do you think of global warming ?
2.How do you think of Chinese in SARS?
3.How do you evaluate Bush?
4.Do you agree with the English study method of Chinese?
5.How do you think of Chinese education system?
6.If you are a president, what will you do with social welfare?
7.What do you think of Globalization?
8.What's your view on Dinky?
9.Which literature in English do you like best?Why?你最喜欢哪部英国文学作品?为什么?
10.If someone points your shortcoming directly,what will you do ?
11.What difference do you think between Communism and Capitalism?
12.What's your view on the rising crime rate in US?你如何看待美国犯罪率上升问题?
13.What do you think of the discrimination in US?

1.How many places you have been to all over the world?
2.Why you chose to teach English abroad?
3.What do you think the difference between Chinese students and Australian students?
4.How long will you stay in China?
5.Do you have a plan for having a family?
6.Do you like China and people here?
7.Are you interested in Chinese?
8.How can you communicate with someone who doesn't speak English?
9.Are you happy to be a theacher?
10.Do you miss home?


What do you think about our home town?
Is there anything that impress you deeply?
Why did you come to China and choose the job?
How do you like our shool and us students?
In your opinion,what are the most obvious differences between Australia students and Chinese students?
Can you describ your hometown?
What about the culture shock?
Can you give us some advice about studying abroad?

1 do you like China?
2 how long have u been china
3 do you like Chinese food?
4 what are the differences bettween china and australia?
5 what about chinses weather?have you used to it?
6 do you like chinese people?
7 why did you come to china?
8 what's the most intersting thing you had had in china?
9 when will you leave china?
10 tell me sth. about ur family?

请帮我写10个问外教的问题 一定要英文的有深度的最好
答:9.Which literature in English do you like best?Why?你最喜欢哪部英国文学作品?为什么?10.If someone points your shortcoming directly,what will you do ?如果有人直接指出你的缺点,你将作何反应?11.What difference do you think between Communism and Capitalism?你认为共产主义和资本主义有何...

答:How about being a doctor?你为啥不做个医生/或者前面他提到喜欢中国是喜欢中国的风景就问他:How about being a photographer?为啥不做摄影师?How about your future plan in the coming 1/5/10 years?然后问他未来一年/五年/十年的打算~敢闲中国学生问题低智商,问不死他!补充:Do you agree parents are the...

答:1.Nice to meet you. How are feeling today? Has every thing turned out good with your work and life here so far?2.By the way, how do you find my oral English? Can you catch all that I said to say? How can I improve it?3.How long have been in China? Why do you ...


答:What are we going to do?我们将要干什么?How can I fly the kite?我怎么样才可以把风筝放飞?What is your telephone number?你的电话号码是多少?How much is it?这个多少钱?What does "kuaile" mean?"快乐"是什么意思?Can you help me with my English?你能帮助我学习英语吗?Why not do ...

答:hi, how r ya? Where about in the UK r u from? Why did you decide to come and teach in China? what do you expect from us as students? are there any specialities you brought with you, like traditional british song or something like that??

答:1.首先自我介绍 Nice to mee you. My name is ...I am a student from ...department(我来自哪个系)2.可以聊一聊你自己的学校生活,问一问他们国家学生的生活有什么不一样。 I am freshman in this university. I find...How about the university in your hometown? How are the s...

几个单词的英英翻译 外教要提问的
答:advice: an opinion which someone offers you about what you should do or how you should act in a particular situation advise: suggest humble: of low rank or position; not important haughty: disapproving unfriendly and seeming to consider yourself better than other people mercy : ...

答:The next day he had a very red face.第二天他非常尴尬。(脸红暗指不好意思。)Low wages are the country’s trump card at this stage ofits economic development.译文:低工资是这个国家经济发展现阶段的一张王牌。During the bull market in property , with price risingfast , auctions ...

答:A: hello,can I help you?B: no thank you.I want to buy books by myself. (by oneself)A: ok, over there are some new books,you can go to see.(over there)B:thank you.but, excuse me, can you tell me where the English books are? (excuse me)A:oh, follow me,...