
作者&投稿:守慧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ In spring,there is an important festival in China.This important festival is Spring Festival which is for celebrating the new year.During this festival,people will buy new clothes,new shoes,have their hair cut,also,they will make lots of food to celebrate.
When summer comes,children will very happy because they can go to swim with their parents.Because of the hot weather,people will often eat ice-cream,and stay home and open their air-conditioner.
In autumn,the weather is cool,people like flying kites,going out for a walk and so on.
When it is winter,people in north China will make snowman,ski and take other sports,but the south China people can only have hot-pot and stay home as much as possible instead of doing sport outside to keep them warm.

答:春夏秋冬的英语作文。  我来答 4个回答 #热议# 侵犯著作权如何界定? 爱情归何处520 推荐于2017-09-30 · TA获得超过12.5万个赞 知道大有可为答主 回答量:1.2万 采纳率:80% 帮助的人:2410万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 As we know, there are four seasons in a year: ...


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用英语写一个关于春夏秋冬的小短文。 请学霸帮帮忙
答:There are four seasons in a year.Spring,summer,autum and winter. Different colros in different seasons.Spring is green, summer is blue,autumn is yellow and winter is white.People do different kinds of things in defferent seasons.They like to have a picnic in spring,swim in ...

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答:There are four seasons in a year : spring , summer , autumn and winter . Each season has three months .Spring is the first season of the year. In spring , the weather gets warmer and warmer and the days get longer . In the fields , everythig begins to grow.Summer begins...

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