
作者&投稿:示逸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Currently, the house base problem in the rural areas has already become an imperative issue among many of China’s rural problems. Whether the rural homesteads are used effectively affects farmers’ lives, the development of farm villages, and the advancement of agriculture significantly. Interregional trade is one of the main driving forces of a country’s economic development, and there are countless factors to its impact. The objective of this study is to analyze the outcome of the effective use of rural homesteads to interregional trade. This text comprises of several parts: definition of the concepts, a theoretical overview, the current situation of the usage of rural homesteads, the problems, an impact analysis of the issue towards interregional trade, and in conclusion, some policy recommendations in addressing the problem. In considering the practical convenience of carrying out this study, this study mainly discusses domestic interregional trade.

(144 words)


This article focuses on the problems and challenges faced with the development of communication systems of GSM mobile communications network, described the structure of the GSM network, clear the importance of the GSM network optimization, and a brief introduction of the GSM network in the KPI performance indicatorsbackground data indicators, and proposed which methods in the analysis of the KPI, and GSM network performance optimization, pay attention to what issues, and instance voice quality of the areas surveyed, the total traffic, dropped calls,network coverage, network congestion, switching the success rates were statistically analyzed to find the value of the KPI exception of the district, statistical outliers, these cell analysis generated the exception of the value of the KPI, network performance optimization methods to solve practicalthe exception of KPI targets, and these instances classification to analyze and summarize, the simple process of sorting out the GSM network performance optimization in order to facilitate the future handling of GSM network performance optimization problem can better analyze and use.

With the rapid development of computer technology, computer applications in the popularity of enterprise management, personnel management of enterprises using computers is imperative. The system combines the company's actual personnel management system, after the actual needs analysis, the use of powerful development tool for Visual Basic6.0 developed as a stand-alone version of personnel management system.
The system is easy to manipulate and user-friendly, flexible, practical, safety requirements, the completion of the entire process of personnel management, including new employees to join the establishment when the personnel files, transfer out of the old employees, job changes and other information caused by workers changes to employee information query, statistics, personnel management, as well as for new members of the new and old staff changes and other management. After the actual use show that this personnel management system designed to meet the needs of corporate personnel management.

With the rapid development of computer technology, computer application in the popular business management, personnel management of enterprises using computers is imperative. The system combines the company's actual personnel management system, after the actual needs analysis, the use of powerful development tool Visual Basic6.0 developed as a stand-alone version of the personnel management system.
The system is easy to manipulate and user-friendly, flexible, practical, safety requirements, the completion of the entire process of personnel management, including new employees to join the establishment when the personnel files, transfer out of the old employees, job changes and other information caused by workers changes to employee information query, statistics, personnel management, as well as for new members of the new and old employees and other management changes. After the actual use show that this personnel management system designed to meet the needs of corporate personnel management.

Along with the rapid development of computer technology, computer application in enterprise management, by using computer to realize enterprise personnel management is imperative. This system combining the actual company personnel management system, after the actual demand analysis, using powerful Visual Basic6.0 as development tools and stand-alone version of personnel management system.
From the entire system to operate and friendly interface, flexible, practical, safe requirements, the completion of the entire personnel management process, including employees when joining the personnel file, old employees, turn the change and cause worker information staff information query, statistics personnel management and the new member of the new and old staff management work changes. Through practical use, the design of the personnel management system can meet the needs of personnel management companies.

With the rapid development of computer technology, computer application in the popular business management, personnel management of enterprises using computers is imperative. The system combines the company's actual personnel management system, after the actual needs analysis, the use of powerful development tool Visual Basic6.0 developed as a stand-alone version of the personnel management system.

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