
作者&投稿:实物 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With developing of economy and society, people's life have changed a lot, even the toy factories have been facing the new opportunities and the challenges. Traditional toys ,such as puppets, the plush toys and the models of motor car , are not so popular during young people right now. Only ZhuZhuPet, which is prevailed in the world last year, and Buzz Light Year from one of the lastest moives“Toy Story3”of this year are still on the list. Otherwise, high tech digital toys are taking it over, about 39% children want Apple's high tech digital toys as Christmas gift. Most of the toys are improved a lot because of the development of technology.For example, you don't have to use remote but movement inductor to control the new VectronWave .

Because high-tech has been used in toys commonly , children's are attracted by the multi-fuction high tech toys.

In a document on Christmas gift of the British survey found that traditional toys such as toys and stuffed toys, model cars seem to have less and less favored by youngsters, in list, see only swept the global electronic hamster ZhuZhuPet last year and this year the heat - reflecting film " Toy Story 3 " Buzz Lightyear " dolls still exists in the list. instead, high - tech digital electronic products became popular, about 39 of the children's hope this year received the apple of consumer electronics products as Christmas gifts. New Zealand Toyworld recently announced that there were 2010 20 selling toys series of Christmas season, while analysis on behalf of the New Zealand market trend. Industry insiders believe that a higher price category sales will remain stable in Christmas period, despite the impact of the economic crisis, But are people willing to spend Christmas Day. The first 20 more new interactive toys in the toy products, including strengthening their children jumping frog of motor skill series, and players touching the surface new type of paper Jamz can play the guitar in the column. While the development of science and technology has made a lot of toys appeared more progress, such as the new VectronWave no longer used remote control, but using the hands of the People " movement sensors ". Remote helicopters from the smallest in the world last year swept the global electric hamster toys, from mobile controller, video games to robot learning, VTech reader electronic products this year, Dou Christmas popular toys brilliant released by the city. Toy directory toys for any age, and the price of popular. from the list of the most popular toys, we can also see, electronic products have accounted for more than half of the number of. With the high - tech toys by injection, with more high - tech toys to more naturally attract the children's attention.

Based on the current market, I will open up more markets to expand the size of the company, especially in developing countries, because the developing countries has rapid economic growth, and huge potencial of development. Now I would take China and Brazil as example,to show the very bright market prospects in developing countries.
It has been insisted that the final product of his not only popular in New Zealand, but also successfully opened the Australian and Japanese markets, as a successful entrepreneur and private entrepreneurs, he had many places that we can learn.
As an entrepreneur one must also have a serious attitude and strict standards. Whoever wants to succeed must have a serious attitude, especially starting a business. Also, there should be strict standards, entrepreneurs should be strict to themselves as well as to their products,then their products would contain high quality and become popular among coonsumers。

Based on the present market, i'll explore more market and expand the company. I'll work more on the market in developing countries, due to their fast development, blooming economy and hugh potential. Followed i'l like to explain of the potential market in developing countires taking the example of China and Brazil.
He has never given up and finally his products became popular in New Zealand and also sold to Austraila and Japan. The way he 's doing as a successful businessman and private business enterpreneur can really tells us a lot.
A business manager should always have serious attitude to his business and strict lines about it. All successful people got the success based on the attitude let alone the success of a business. A strict line means if the one is strict with himself he's also strict with his products and that's the gurantee of the quality of the production.

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