
作者&投稿:淫叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Shanghai, a town 700 years ago by the development of the East port, one has more than 1300 million people and more than 6300 square km of China's largest city, an experienced 20 years of reform and opening up and a new attitude into the 21st century, international metropolis.

River on both sides of Fairview magnificent paintings of the new landscape, people dizzying; Shanghai khanazir rivers were the mind and the spirit of novelty and change, people feel the city's vitality and vigor. Shanghai in line with international standards, the Shanghai-to-date. Shanghai is experiencing the fastest development in history, the most profound period of change

上海,一个由700多年前的市镇发展而成的东方大港,一个已拥有1300多万人口和6300多平方公里的中国最大城市,一个经历了20年改革开放并以崭新姿态跨入21世纪的国际大都会。 浦江两岸,一幅幅锦锈壮丽的新景观,让人目不暇接;上海人海纳百川的胸怀和求新求变的精神,使人感到这个城市的生机和活力。上海与国际接轨,上海与时代同步。上海正经历着历史上发展最快,变化最深刻的时期


The Bund (Simplified Chinese: 外滩; ) is a district in Shanghai, People's Republic of China. The area centres on a section of Zhongshan Road within the former Shanghai International Settlement, which runs along the western bank of the Huangpu River, facing Pudong, in the eastern part of Huangpu District. The Bund usually refers to the buildings and wharves on this section of the road, as well as some adjacent areas. 外滩(简体中文:外滩; )是一个地区在上海,中华人民共和国的中国。



Dear Cathy, I am writing to you to share my opinions on fashion with you, for I have just heard that you were depressed because you couldn't afford the best(famous) brands. I shall say that it is natural for everyone to pay much emphasis on his own image. And it is true that stylish clothes, shoes or something like those will make one more fashionable and eye-catching. However, everybody has his(her) own family background, and it is really extravagant for you to buy the famous brands. Besides, it will also add to the burden of your parents. What's more, beauty is just skin deep. There are many things which can make you popular with others except fashion. A great amount of knowledge, noble character and a warm heart will surely win others' respect and admiration. Good qualities are the treasure in your life which is more valuable than anything you wear. Never judge a person by the appearance. I hope that you will remember the saying and become as happy as you used to be. Yours,Jane 第2章 March 21, 2006 Dear Cathy, I am writing to you to share my opinions on fashion with you, for I have just heard that you were depressed because you couldn't afford the best(famous) brands. I shall say that it is natural for everyone to pay much emphasis on his own image. And it is true that stylish clothes, shoes or something like those will make one more fashionable and eye-catching. However, everybody has his(her) own family background, and it is really extravagant for you to buy the famous brands. Besides, it will also add to the burden of your parents. What's more, beauty is just skin deep. There are many things which can make you popular with others except fashion. A great amount of knowledge, noble character and a warm heart will surely win others' respect and admiration. Good qualities are the treasure in your life which is more valuable than anything you wear. Never judge a person by the appearance. I hope that you will remember the saying and become as happy as you used to be. Yours,Jane。






A creek twines the vast green field just like the blue color satin ribbon, a distant place modelling is being plain, color harmonious hut, a school of beautiful moving rural scenery!


An ancient windmill, windmill's wind leaf opens likely the wing, rotates against the wind, with the green grass, the wild flower constituted the unique view this fairy tale world addition mysterious color!





A right color bright, fine gorgeous, is drafting the happy love sabot likely! Also has that magnificent tulip to fall the season which innumerable sweetheart 。。 the tulip smells as sweet, the tender and beautiful charming girl's smiling face like flower passes on fragrantly 。。

Spooky bund, windmill, green grass, den, satisfied prosperous curcuma fragrant flowers field, intermittent fragrant, windmill long extension! This is the dream?




The high construction is also one kind of artware, is classical, is graceful, looks like a rich paint color painting! everywhere is filling the green, is also fluttering including the air green grass taste all around green and glossy, the green startled colorful, the windmill also stops down, is infatuated with in the beautiful scene 。


1. The moon watched from the sky behind the clouds as the stars blink their eyes in fatigue. Everything is now in slumber, not a single sound nor a single movement can be seen or heard. (月亮从云后往下来,星星因倦意而眨眼着。所有的东西现在都进入了睡眠,没有任何声音或动作。)

2. Like a dim lamp, the moon shone from above. The stars twinkle their eyes with curiousity. There's not a single sound, even a cattabox like the crickets are asleep. Only the fireflys are still awake, carefully weaving a picture in the nightsky with their gentle strokes.



答:1.用英语描写上海风景 Shanghai, a town 700 years ago by the development of the East port, one has more than 1300 million people and more than 6300 square km of China's largest city, an experienced 20 years of reform and opening up and a new attitude into the 21st century...

答:描写上海滩唯美短句如下:1、黄浦江上来往的船只都由虹灯装扮起来,像宫殿、像龙船,每一艘船都形状各异,变化万千。2、放眼望去,这里一片绿光,那里又像有一片云彩在舞动,再前面又像天上的银河到了地上,堆成了一条发光的丝带;夜晚的灯光真是变幻莫测,五彩缤纷,让人深深陶醉在了其中。3 、上海...

答:10. 弄堂中老上海人将油灯点亮,星星点点照亮长廊,临街的商铺里是闪亮的衣裳,美丽的上海让我如此彷徨。 参考资料:百度百科-上海 5. 形容上海的句子有哪些 形容上海的句子有: 绚丽的霓虹灯凸显着东方明珠的辉煌,外滩的洋房让人在这座城市中迷惘,黄浦江上耀眼 的光芒却有一种近代的沧桑。 2. 佐丹奴和班尼路的旗舰店...

答:5,我离开了东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦,我来到上海黄浦江边,就在这个时候,窗帘夜幕降临,夕阳像河两岸,世界余辉。大江不断冲打着大坝,仿佛在大坝浴,有时,河流水溅他的脸,感觉非常舒适和刺激,仿佛是给一个吻。 6、首都机场休息室像水晶宫,灯火辉煌的、宽敞明亮。 7、。 2. 赞美城市的句子有哪些 1、城市的晚上,...

答:描写下雪优美句子 篇1 1、一场大雪,让上海真正有了冬天的感觉。伴着入夜晕黄的路灯,雪花漫天飞舞,落在大大小小的街巷中,落在岁月的沟壑间,顷刻,一个十分清洌,十分透彻,十分充分的冬日降临上海。 2、山上的雪被风吹着,像要埋蔽这傍山的小房似的。大树号叫,风雪向小房遮蒙下来。一株山边斜歪着的大树,倒折...

答:这里给大家分享一些关于描述夜景的句子,供大家参考。 描述夜景的语录 1. 当夜幕将整个城市悄然笼罩,一丝日光余晖也不见时,城市的夜景便在这黑暗中慢慢酝酿。 2. 江对面的几座古老建筑,让我情不自禁的想起上海滩里面的情节,有一座建筑那高高的顶峰还悬挂着一个钟表,闪耀着神秘的光芒,下面则是想一个半圆球一样...


答:49、雪花很白很白,白得那么纯洁。它们把大地变得也很纯洁很美丽。我有种这样的感觉:经典语句伤感的句子雪不仅仅使万物变得纯洁,也使人们的心灵变得像它一样美丽纯洁。 50、下雪了,先是小朵小朵的雪花,柳絮般轻轻地飘扬;然后越下越大,一阵紧似一阵。 已赞过 已踩过< 你对这个回答的评价是? 评论 收起 推荐...


答:描写夜晚的天空的句子唯美短句【篇1】 1、夜晚,城市霓虹闪烁,百货大厦前的广场上,一道雪亮的喷泉冲天而起,散开漫天花雨,水池里的水不停地翻滚着,变换着,忽而蓝忽而红,异彩纷呈,人们纷纷驻足观望。 2、夜晚,抬头望去,深蓝色的天空那样迷人,空中闪动着一颗颗的小星星。它们越来越多,好像在蓝色的地毯上跳舞,又像...