
作者&投稿:里琼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
小提琴能陶冶情操,声音很细腻,很优雅,很有古典气息 翻译~

Violin can cultivate people's sentiment, the sound is very delicate, elegant and filled with classical atmosphere.

What bank into the bank system design interior design and YunChaoChe design two parts.
Establish safety technical measures. Play is simple, efficient use of function. When the bank robbery, the bank staff of public property, and improve the safety factor of cash.
The whole design integration, easy to operate, man-machine facilities. That bank cashier operation more comfortable and convenient.
Through YunChaoChe and outlets of the standard design, ensure the handover bank staff and each department with quick escorts and use of the whole system.

Keywords: standard, integration, office, docking

Playing violin can cultivate one's charater and open his/her mind/thought.

The violin can mold character, extended thinking

The violin can mold character, extended thinking

The violin can edify sentiment, expand thinking

答:play the violin(英式英语)play violin(美式英语)拓展:目前我们国家英语标准化考试中只采纳英式英语的用法。

答:Play the violin。violin 英 [ˌvaɪəˈlɪn] 美 [ˌvaɪəˈlɪn]n.小提琴 复数: violins N-VAR 小提琴 A violin is a musical instrument. Violins ...

答:拉小提琴的英语是:play the violin。violin 英 [ˌvaɪə'lɪn] 美 [ˌvaɪə'lɪn]n. 小提琴 He plays the violin for the fun of it.她拉小提琴只是为了好玩。

答:拉小提琴 基本翻译 fiddle 网络释义 拉小提琴:play the violin|play the voilin|violin 拉小提琴的:fiddling 拉小提琴者:fiddler

答:拉小提琴 英文:Play the violin 小提琴 英文:violin; violin instrument; [俗] fiddle ;She has toiled away at the violin for years.她多年来苦练小提琴。He has acquired a reputation as this country's ...

答:你好,很高兴为你解答:Play the violin 详细释义 [名]fiddlev.(尤指厌烦或紧张地)不断摸弄,不停摆弄;篡改;伪造;对…做手脚;拉小提琴 play the violin [accordion]playing the violin play violin ...

拉小提琴用英语怎么说 play the guitar和play chess你看明白了吗?_百...
答:类似的短语还有:play the violin 拉小提琴 play the drums 敲鼓 play the piano 弹钢琴 play the guitar弹吉他 当play与球类、棋牌类等活动项目搭配,表示参加某种运动或进行某种比赛时,各活动名称前不加限定词。1.I ...

答:乐器名词前不能用a,要用the,所以play the violin是正确的拉小提琴的说法。

答:1小提琴英语读作violin,用作名词指小提琴,例如He plays the violin for the fun of it他拉小提琴只是为了好玩2The audience lapped up the violin solo观众对小提琴独奏反应热烈 3The violin is not quiet in。乐器...

答:Playing violin can cultivate one's charater and open his/her mind/thought.