
作者&投稿:雪阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful.But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.
This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly.We were all very angry with the young man.To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home.We all praised the girl.
From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance.A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.

2.Winter holiday is coming,and I have a plan about it.
I get up at 8:00,then do the morning exercise in the park which is near my home,then do my homework,sometimes I watch TV,sometimes I play computer games,I think it is very good.
早上8点钟起床,到离我们家不远的公园去做晨练。 然后回家做功课,不时再看会电视,玩玩电脑游戏。 我想这样的寒假一定会很有意义。
During the holiday w e will have the Spring Festival,it is one of the most important festival in China,we are very happy because we can have red packets,eat many delicious food,wear new clothes.
So,I think this Winter holiday will be very happpy.I like it.

3.As the saying goes,”A year's plan starts with spring, an hour in the morning is worth two in the evening” .so I make up my mine to make a plan for this whole year.First of all, I have to try my best to learn maths well.It means I have to pass all the maths exam, which is difficult for me.however, in order to take a good place in the senior high school entrance examination, I have to make my plan and achieve it.And then I have to keep the level of my Chinese where it is now.I hope I get go to an excellent high school in September.After the senior high school entrance examination, I will go out for a travel to open my mind and relax.I will try my best to do everything well.

4.The Story of My Life by Helen Keller is the most influential book in my life.It abounds with courage, struggle and faith throughout.Helen Keller was once in deep despair in her childhood, but finally she decided to overcome her physical defects and live happily.Furthermore, she showed great patience in her long and hard learning period.
I have learned, above all, three lessons from her story.First, she taught me that often the road to success is to face hardships bravely.Maybe you are born under an iii star yet you can stand a better chance than others.It is therefore important that you screw up your courage when courage is needed.Second, the impairment of part of her senses did not prevent her from learning: on the contrary, she had made continual efforts to go deeper into the realm of knowledge, and her perseverance had thus helped her overcome many handicaps.Third, she advised that we should make the most of our sense-organs as if we would lose them soon because this way we would observe the world more carefully than ever before.
The book is inspiring in that it is one brimming over with the unbending will of a gallant woman beset with seemingly insurmountable difficulties.I hope I can be as courageous as she.

5.Harry Potter series are my most favorite books.There are seven books in total.This year,my father bought them for me as the new year gift.When I first read them, I liked them inmediately.The stories about Harry Potter are so exciting and adventurous.Harry Potter is a kind, brave and strong kid that he is never afraid of any difficulties.Besides, I admire him having two good friends.They always help him andnever leave him, no matter how bad the conditions are.I am happy to see Harry Potter overcome all difficulties and live a happy life in the end.

《我的战争》这部电影是由彭顺导演执导的一部抗美援朝的电影,磅礴的气势,恢宏的场面顿时吸引了我的眼球,战争场面震撼惨烈,弥漫着浓浓的硝烟,我怀着崇敬与激动的心情观影。  影片讲述了抗美援朝四大战役:江面大桥遭遇战,五里亭攻坚战,小镇突围战,537高地争夺战。由孙北川带领的钢铁九连乘火车奔扑前线,火车正在行进中。不料,敌机突然袭击,遭遇了密集轰炸,随着导弹一次次的抛下,一股股巨大的冲击向战士们袭来,整个战场都被火光包围,一大朵一大朵火焰四射的蘑菇云升上天空,战士们大量牺牲,孙北川带领部队奋勇冲锋,炸掉暗堡,夺得江面大桥战胜利。之后收到上级命令前往五义亭阻击敌军,到达五义亭,等敌人坦克靠近后给予重击。在大斧子等人的牺牲下,留给部队时间,小神仙和老爹成功引爆巨石,将美军坦克砸毁,守住五义亭,大家的欢欣喜悦响彻山谷。军队继续向敌军师部挺进,进入小镇时,不慎进入敌军布下的地雷阵。文工队队长孟三夏触到连环地雷,孙北川替她将雷按住,并成功除雷。而后被敌人包围,老爹腿部中弹,王文珺牺牲,后来老爹唱歌引敌人前往,拉响弹雷,消灭阻击了敌人。九连在537高地北坡时,经过激战,进入敌人坑道,反扑中,人数所剩无几,为完成任务毫无惧色,坚持到大部队到来,英雄们含笑而眠。  看后我被深深触动,一个个鲜活的英雄人物让我肃然起敬。敬他们的勇敢,敬他们的团结,敬他们的坚持与努力,敬他们舍己的精神,敬他们的坚定,电影是催泪的,令人感动的。当孟三夏撕心力竭地让大家活着回来时,我的眼眶是湿润的,活着就是战友间的深厚情谊,就是最大的胜利;当小神仙奋不顾身将孙北川扑倒躲避炸弹的一瞬间是美丽而震撼的,身后的火海让这一瞬变得永恒;当天寒地冻,老爹和小神仙冒着生命危险,用尽心血,历经苦难,满脸坚定爬出碎石时,我感受到他们的毅力。被深深感动!  中国所有英勇牺牲的战士用他们的鲜血换来了我们今天的幸福,他们为了13亿中国人现在的美好做出了巨大贡献。每段幸福生活后都有前辈们的努力与汗水,艰辛与坚持。我们不能忘记历史,应铭记于心。我们应珍惜现在的幸福,永远记住幸福后前辈的努力!

On July 20, sunny
Get up early today is very hot, hot feeling uncomfortable. Breakfast mother let me accompany her to go shopping and I didn't go. Because it is too hot, move feeling on the finger to sweat.
The city library to read a book this afternoon. Because the library have air conditioning can blow, but also more than books at home too. Conveniently checked total solar eclipse was visible material.7月20日 晴
下午到市图书馆看了一下午的书。因为图书馆有空调可以吹,而且书也比家里的多太多了。顺便查了一下日全食的资料。On July 21, rainy days
The weather of today is very comfortable, though the weather forecast said it is cloudy, but just a little bit rain, very cool.
The weather forecast said it is cloudy, and friends about to play basketball, but unfortunately, in the rain can play. Afternoon after the rain stopped to help my mother to buy food supermarket. Generally bad mood today.7月21日 雨天
天气预报说今天是阴天,本来都和朋友们约好要去打篮球的,可是很遗憾,在下雨没法去玩。下午雨停了之后有去超市帮妈妈买菜。总的来说今天心情不算太坏。July 22, cloudy
Today I got up early in order to wait for the legend of the total solar eclipse was visible. Why is the legends? Because not seen.
But from 7:30 a.m. start raining, I was depressed. Ok just online see the news experts say YinYuTian look more like shock, total solar eclipse was visible because originally clouds and thick, plus the dark sky will total solar eclipse was visible.7月22日 阴天
不过从早上7:30就开始下雨,害我郁闷了半天。还好刚刚在网上看了新闻专家说阴雨天看日全食会更震撼,好像是因为本来云层很厚,再加上日全食天空会更加的黑暗 这样可以不 求采纳

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