求一篇关于抗震救灾的100字英语短文 要原创!

作者&投稿:韶云 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

At 2:28 on the afternoon of May 12th 2008,I'm awfully sorry to hear that a horrible and severe 8.0 earthquake hit Wenchuan area,in Sichuan,China unexpectly.Many houses and schools were destroyed badly .Faced with such a rarely-seen disaster,friends in the disaster remained so calm and strong-minded that I was moved deeply.Thinking about their present situation,the people all over the country could not wait to fight against the earthquake and rescue the friends in the disaster, make a donation ,donate clothes ,make a contribution to helping the frineds in the disaster and make efforts to express the most sincere pity and care for them. Union is strength.I hope that friends in the disaster can go through the difficulty as early as possible. We believe that a better hometown can be rebuilt.Never give up whatever happens. In this disaster,we have not been defeated ,but we've become more united and braver.Our life will be full of sunshine and hope.Our country will also be stronger and stronger. 在2008年5月12日下午2点28分,我非常难过地听说一场突如其来的可怕严重的8.0级大地震袭击了中国四川汶川地区,许多房屋和学校都遭到严重的破坏,面对如此罕见的灾难,灾区的朋友们仍然保持如此的冷静和坚强,另我身受感动。考虑到他们目前的处境,全国人民迫不及待的抗震救灾,捐款捐衣服,为帮助灾区人民做贡献,竭尽全力表达对灾区朋友最真诚的同情和关怀。团结就是力量。我希望灾区朋友能够尽早度过难关。我们相信一个更美好的家园即将建立。无论发生什么,我们都不要放弃。 在这场地震灾难中,我们没有被打败,相反,我们变的更团结更坚强。我们的祖国也将会越来越强大

Summmary of the story(故事概要):
Careless driving most me a ridge toll $4, which made me frustrated. Driving on, I came aross a man whose trie was flat. I lent him a wrench to change the tire. He complained it was a bad day till he met me. However, I said it was him that made me feel happy to help others.

Be positive to any trouble
The sotry made me encouraged to believe that everyone should be positve to the troube which we are faced with.
Once I took a bus to visit a relative living in the countryside . When I got off I realized it was a long way to walk. As you see,in the dark it was hard to walk in the mud. Whie walking I felt frustrated but later I changed my mind. The way is still that long whether you like or not. So it is better to be positive than to be negative.
To senior 3 students, we must be positive to the trouble that you meet in your life or study. A smiling face, of course, can easiy win others' belief and good mood can help you achieve your goal. Facing troube, never say die!

On May 12, 2008, a deadly earthquake rocked Wenchuan, Sichuan, China. The earthquake is more serious than we expected. Thousands of people died from this earthquake. Their city is destroyed! And many of their families also disappeared!

I saw many pictures on TV, many students died, I can’t believe who are students just like you and me, but now, through the pictures, they are telling us how they feel when facing the death, and they are telling us that they do not want to die, because they are still young! But now, I am standing here, giving you all the speech. We are really the lucky ones, all my friends and my family are all right, I'm still in good health. Can we do something for Wenchuan people? My answer is yes. We can save our pocket money and give it away to the students who suffered the earthquake but are still alive! And we could call on people around us to try to help Wenchuan people . If we do so, they can rebuild their home, their school and their city soon. Of course, they can get the same good education as us soon! As for us, I think we should cherish the study chance and study hard!

Let’s wish Wenchuang people stand up again with all the world people’s help!


急需抗震救灾得英雄小林浩的事迹 限100字左右


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