
作者&投稿:敖忽 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
几个英文句子的翻译,拜托各位了 谢谢··~

1:I first heard this tale in India ,where it is told as if true---though any naturalist would know it could not be. later someone told me that the story appeared in a magazine shortly before the first word war .That magazine Story, and the person who wrote it, I have never been able to track down .
2:when Jefferson died on july4,1826,the 50th anniversary of American independence, he left his countrymen a rich legacy of ideas and examples(.) American education owes a great debt to Thomas Jefferson ,who believed that only a nation of educated people could remain free.
3: I said shyly , what would my salary be? Twelve pounds a week plus lunch, Before I could protest ,he got to his feet. Now he said you did better meet my wife, she is the one who really runs this school.
4: In the 23 years of our friendship ,I never saw him show jealousy ,Material things meant nothing to him .I never knew him to carry money because he never had any use for it ,He believed in simplicity, so much so that he used only a safety razor and water to shave ,When I suggested that he try shaving cream ,he said ,“the razor and water do the job. ”

1 The stone is_so heavy that he can't lift it_(lift)
2 After using up all his_money(用完他所有的钱后)(use)the girl wanted to leave
3 It's our duty _to try our best to help people in trouble__(去尽我们最大努力帮助处于困境中的人)

We are looking up new words(或vocabulary)by dictionary.

I will tell you truth later.

Classmates are practicing swimming.

They try best to improve their method of study.

It has been 5 years that I have a diary.

1.We are looing up new words in the dictionary.
2.I will tell you the truth later.
3.The students are practising swimming.
4.They strive to improve their study methods.
5.I have kept diaries for five years.

1.We are checking the lately single phrase with the dictionary。
2.Later on I will tell you the fact。
3.The classmates are practice the swimming。
4.They make an effort to improve their study method。
5.I have already record the diary contain 5 years。

1.We are looking up new words in the dictionary.
2.I will tell you the truth later.
3.The classmates are practicing swimming.
4.They try to improve their learning method.
5.I have been keeping diary for five years.

1. We are using the dictionary to check the latest words.
2. Later I will tell you the truth
3. The classmates are practising swimming
4. We have tried to improve their ways of learning
5. I have started to write diarys since five years ago

答:1.让他唱支英文歌。Let him sing an English song.2.精通一门外语并不容易。It's not easy to master a foreign language.3.他们正在看结婚照片。They're watching the marriage photographs.4.沿着大街有许多新建筑和绿树。There are lots of new building and green trees along the street.5....

答:1.请在早上8:30把行李放在门口好吗?我们会派人去收取 Could you put your luggageat the door at 8:30am? I will have it collected 2.我把您的旅行箱放在这好吗?Shall I put youe suitcase here/ 3.您介意自己拿这个手提袋吗?Do you mind carrying this handbag yourself?4.请让我来...

答:3.gas molecules emit light while moving at high speed.气体分子在以高速移动时发出光。4.why the conversion of heat to work is different from that of work to heat is an important topic.工作的热的变换为什么不同于要加热的工作的是一个重要的题目。

翻译几个英文句子 英语高手来!!
答:1.As we walked toward the front door ,he stopped at a small tree and touched the branches with both hands.在我们往前门走时,他在一棵小树前停了下来,并用双手摸了摸树枝。2.I know I can't help having troubles on the job ,but those troubles don't belong to the house with...

答:不管怎样,我们都应该找到一个折中的办法。如果政府试图提高英语流畅度的计划威胁到马来语的存在,那么政府就要冒着在马来保守的政党的引起怒火的危险。但从影响这回发展计划的实用主义的观点来评判,过去的一些民族主义狂热份子开始放弃这种看法。5. The mild capitalism emerging in Eastern Europe, though...

答:Garbage pollutes environment and impair the health of human. Please don't leave about the garbage.3.废水流到河里,湖里和田地里,污染作物,杀死大量的鱼 Waste water flow into the rivers,lakes and fields,killing a lot of fishes.4.保护环境干净和整洁.我们只有一个地球,应保护她,使我们的...

答:1,We harvest a lot while reading English stories.2, It'll be a different story to study abroad.3, It was my elder sister who taught me swimming yesterday.4, You know what, tourist guide is my dreamed work, so I want to apply for this job.5, I need more time ...

答:(5)我一直在琢磨这个句子是否有更好的译法。 (5) I've been wondering whether this sentence better translation.13、 13 (1)人类的种种技术,都是人的体力和智慧的延伸。 (1) All kinds of human technology, are people's physical strength and wisdom of the extension.(2)咖啡是世界...

答:12昨天与我交谈的老人是一个科学家(who)12. The old man who talked with me yesterday is a scientist.13这些书是写给母语不是英语的学生看的(for)13. These books are for the students who are non-native English speakers.14学生们下午不用带书,他们要听报告(need)14. The students ...

答:1. Since the summer vacation, I have been watching English movies everyday, so I have acquired some useful dialogs.2. I owe much thanks to my junior high school English teacher. It's she who aroused my interest in English.3. Though I can't sing very well, at least I ...