
作者&投稿:徭季 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

More than 240 countries and regions and around 70 million people participated in the world exposition.This was the first time for China to hold it, which made other countries know more about our country. The theme of the expo was "better city, better life". I had planed to visit it in the last summer vacation. However, I failed to go there as I didn't have enough time. Therefore I had to scan it on the Internet. The shape of each exhibition hall was bizarred, which left strong impression on me.The mascot of the expo was "treasure".There were tons of millions of volunteers working there during the expo. Although I missed the chance to go there, it really made me memorable. The expo was hold in Shanghai during 2010/5/1 to 2010/10/31.


1. Thank you! And hope you will have a great birthday party!
2. Ya, you should buy so some fabolous clothes.
3. Hmm, the movie i saw was called "SALT", starred by Angelina Jolie.
It's a great movie!

1)Thank you ,and I hope you will enjory yourself during the birthday party.
2)That`s right,you have to(it`s neccessary for you to) buy some beautiful clothes.
3)en,the nice film which I have seen is calld SALE ,leading by Angelina Joliet .

Thank you evey much,and may you have a wonderful birthday party .
Yeah ,you'd better buy some beautiful clothes.
Hmm,the file I have seen is SALT, which is starred by Angelina Jolie.
It's a wonderful film!

Thank u very much!And I wish you will have a great birthday party.
Yeah,you need some nice and fashion clothes,LOL
Well,the film I watched is SALT,one of the main actress is Angelina Jolie.And it's a great movie!

Thank you,and wish you a great birthday party.

yeah, I think you should buy some beautiful clothes.

yeah,the movie I saw named SALT,Angelina Jolie is the main charactor.

It is a very nice film.

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