
作者&投稿:蓍冯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


prefer to 。。
prefer to do ,,rather than do 。。
would rather do 。。。than 。。
do ,,,instead of doing 。。。。

prefer to do 。。rather than do ...

答:prefer to do 。。rather than do ...

答:1) rather ...than doing that.例如;Li hua likes staying at home rather than going out.2)instead of.例如:Lihua prefers staying at home instead of going out.

答:would rather ...than... prefer (doing) sth.to (doing) sth.喜欢(做)……而不喜欢 (做)…… prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事

答:宁愿做某事也不愿做某事翻译成英语:would rather...than...、prefer to do...rather than...、prefer to do rather than do、prefer doing...to doing ...。would是一个英语单词,动词,作动词时意思是“将,将会(will 的过去式);会,就;想;请;愿意;也许;老是;要是;表原来的目的...

答:“宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”的英语是:prefer to do sth rather than do sth。prefer 英 [prɪ'fɜː(r)] 美 [prɪ'fɜːr]vt. 宁可;较喜欢;提出(控告)I would prefer to stay home rather than go out on such a rainy day.在这种雨天,我宁可...

答:Prefer to do STH rather do STH

答:She prefer doing her home work to go shopping with her mom。她宁愿做作业也不愿和她妈妈购物。I would learn Chinese rather than study math。我宁愿学语文也不学数学。He would rather live alone than live with his grandparents。他宁愿独自居住也不和爷爷奶奶一起住。望采纳,谢谢,不符合...

答:rather than go to the library. 我宁愿去逛街也不愿去图书馆。He prefers reading books to playing the piano.他比起弹钢琴更喜欢读书。She would cook rather than clean the room.她宁愿做饭也不愿收拾屋子。I would rather play basketball than do my homework.我宁愿打篮球而不愿做作业。

would rather do sth than do sth 有吗?请讲讲语法知识
答:would rather do sth than do sth. 宁愿做某事不愿做某事;宁愿做某事也不要做某事 would rather … than宁可…也不;宁愿…而不 例句 I would rather stay than leave.我愿意留下来而不想走。I would rather go than stay here.我宁愿走也不留在这儿。He would rather die than give in.他...

答:You must control and direct your emotions not abolish them.