
作者&投稿:卢何 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ It seems that all is not well at home .
看来家中并非 事事如意 。

Being an opera star is not all roses by any means .
当上了歌剧明星也决非 事事如意 。

Everything came off satisfactorily .
结果 事事如意 。

I wish you every success .
祝你 事事如意 。

He starts a new job tomorrow: i hope things work out well for him .
他明天开始担任新的职务:我希望他 事事如意 。

Everything just don ' t go well so i ' m depressed mentally
不能 事事如意 精神上郁闷吧

But in the meantime , nothing es easy
同时,他不是 事事如意 的。

I hope everything is going well with you
我希望你 事事如意 。

Only an actress would pretend
只有女伶才会假装 事事如意

Thank you for join ! dedicate up " everything is satisfied " picture , wish you
谢谢你的加入!献上“ 事事如意 ”图画,祝福你!

Its all in the state of mind . pfes battles dont always go to the one with the better plan ,
成功从人的意志开始,一切都关乎心态,人生并非 事事如意 。

I suppose i can ' t plain ; i am eighty years old and sound in health and mind . i ' ve had a good innings
我想我没什么要抱怨的,我已80高龄,身心健康, 事事如意 。

Let me in this first viewpoint article in 2004 wish readers of this column a very happy and prosperous new year
2004年第一次在观点跟大家见面,首先祝大家新年快乐, 事事如意 。

Blessings from the bottom of my heart to you . my dear friend , i wish you a new year filled with good fortune and happiness
一阵阵无声祝福自心底发出,亲爱的朋友,祝你新年快乐, 事事如意

All of her many friends in the hkma wish her the very best of success and happiness in the years to e , mr yam said
我谨代表金管局全体同事向李陈倩文女士致意,并衷心祝福她 事事如意 。

I must just write this pne to congratulate you most heartily on your happy marriage . i wish you the best of everything for all the years ahead
我谨写此信最衷心地祝贺你新婚愉快,并祝你年年顺心、 事事如意 。

I carefully done o cakes , one gave you , wish you happy hopdays and all the best , youthful beauty , gave himself a blessed i know you
我用心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快乐、 事事如意 、青春美丽,一个送给自己,祝福我认识了你。

I carefully done o cakes , one gave you , wish you happy hopdays and all the best , youthful beauty , gave himself a blessed i know you
我专心做两个月饼,一个送给你、祝愿你节日快乐、 事事如意 、青春漂亮,一个送给自己,祝福我熟悉了你。

Do not seek physical health , wish for mental alertness . do not seek easy acppshments , wish for courage and perseverance . do not seek less responsibipty , wish for morestrength
不求身体健康,只求精神敏睿;不求 事事如意 ,只求毅力勇气;不求减轻责任,只求增加力量。

However , as i grew up and experienced pfe s trials and tribulations , i began to feel that it was impossible for everything to be as one wished in this world . on the contrary , eighty to niy percent of things go against our wishes
当我渐渐长大,经历了一些事情以后,我开始感到人活在这个世界上,不但不可能 事事如意 ,恰恰相反地,不如意之事,十有八九。

I wish you the best of luck with it and sincerely hope when you return to los angeles again you will allow me the honor to speak with you further about the wonderful programs starpght offers to help brighten the pves of the suffering children
听说您正在巡回讲经,祝您 事事如意 ,并衷心希望您返回洛杉矶时让我有幸再与您深谈有关星光为了照亮不幸儿童的生命而提供的一些美好的构想。

答:结果 事事如意 。I wish you every success .祝你 事事如意 。He starts a new job tomorrow: i hope things work out well for him .他明天开始担任新的职务:我希望他 事事如意 。Everything just don ' t go well so i ' m depressed mentally 不能 事事如意 精神上郁闷吧 But in t...

答:1、愿你幸福平安,万事都如意。I wish you happiness and peace, and all the best.2、愿你好运吉祥心想事成,事事如意。I wish you good luck and good luck.3、愿你天天快乐,生活幸福。May you be happy every day and live a happy life.4、愿你好运常在,四季健康快乐!Wish you good...

答:2、happy New Year, celebrate the festival, congratulation! Happy New Year, everything goes well and everything goes well!(贺新年,庆佳节,恭喜发财!新年好,万事顺,事事如意!)3、I wish you a thriving career!(恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上!)4、happy New Year, celebrate the festival, ...

答:as one wishes a room ornament and symbol of good luck 如果要是想起英文名的话,我觉得可以用LUCK的LU,WISH的SH 加起来就是LUSH,呵呵,如意是没有一个符合确切意思的单词的,如果真的要一个单词可以用"满意":satisfied

答:英语祝福语大全如下:1、祝您好事连连,好梦圆圆。I wish you good health, good dream round!2、贺新年,庆佳节,恭喜发财。New Year day, congratulation!3、新年好,万事顺,事事如意。Happy New Year, everything, all the best!4、祝新年快乐。年年有鲜。大发口财。I wish a happy New ...

答:1、新年快乐!万事大吉!合家欢乐!财源广进!恭喜发财!Happy New Year! Good luck! Happy family! Wide source of wealth! Congratulations on making a fortune!2、贺新年,庆佳节,恭喜发财!新年好,万事顺,事事如意!ongratulations on New Year, Festival and prosperity! Happy New Year, every...

答:Life isn’t a bed of roses. 人生并非事事称心如意。I wish him well in his new job. 我希望他在新的工作中万事如意。Our holiday was all that could be desired. 我们的假日称心如意。I hope everything is going well with you. 愿你事事如意。It’s all right for you, with a ...


答:2、Wish you a happy New Year and a happy New Year! Happy New Year, everything goes well and everything goes well!贺新年,庆佳节,恭喜发财!新年好,万事顺,事事如意!3、Happy New Year! Wish you good health in the coming year! Work well! Happy life!新年快乐!祝您新的一年...

答:翻译:Happy New Year and good luck in everything.双语例句 1、新年到了,我在这里祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,身体健康,恭喜发财!Happy new year, and all the very best! Give my best wishes to every body!www.oldkids.cn 2、最后,再一次祝大家新年快乐、身体健康、家庭幸福、万事如意!Fi...