有一个洋酒的广告里的歌歌词有WE COULD BE TOGETHER什么的,歌名谁知道?

作者&投稿:戎爱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
有一首英文歌只记得一句歌词:we could be together,是从一个啤酒广告听到的~

我猜是芝华士的广告歌。Hooverphonic的Mermaid Song。你要的话可以发你~
we could be together
everyday together
we could sit forever
as loving waves spill over

the moon is fully risen
and shines over the sea
as you glide in my vision
the time is standing still
don’t shy away too long
this is a boundless dream
come close to me my reason
i’ll take you in my wings

we could be together
everyday forever
we belong together
further seas and over

in the garden of the sea
i see you looking over
with my wistful melody
you leap into the water
it is no breaths sighing
this is the mermaid song
the singing of my sisters
the sea has drown for long

《when you know》
歌曲原唱:Sarah Khider
We could be together,我们相聚在一起
Everyday togethe,每时每刻都在一起
We could sit forever, 我们并肩相依
As loving waves spill over,随着爱的波涛泛起涟漪
The moon is fully risen And shines over the sea,静谧的月光撒落在海面
As you took glide in my vision,当你消失在我的视线中
The time has standing still,时间已然凝固
Don’t shy away too long,我的视线没有片刻的闪躲
This is a boundless dream,我虚无的梦境
Come close to me my reason,慢慢靠近真实的自我
I’ll take you in my wings,就让我带着你翱翔
We could be together,我们相聚在一起
Everyday Forever,每一刻都是永恒
We belong together,我们属于彼此
Further seas and over,珍存那份海阔天空
In the garden of the sea,我站在辽阔的大海前
I see you walking over,看着你越走越远
With my wistful melody,伴随着我那悦耳的音符
You leap into the water,你纵身跃入蓝色海水
It is no breaths sighing,没有丝毫的叹息
This is the mermaid song,这是美人鱼的咏叹调
The singing of my sisters,姐妹们轻吟的音符
The sea has drown for long,随着那海潮渐渐远去
We could be together,我们相聚在一起
Everyday together,每时每刻都在一起
We could sit forever,我们并肩相依
As loving waves spill over,随着爱的波涛泛起涟漪
Everyday together,每时每刻都在一起
We could sit forever,我们并肩相依
We could sit forever,我们并肩相依
Everyday together,每时每刻都在一起
We could be together,我们相聚在一起

芝华士广告中的这首《When you know》只有短短的30秒,而且没收集到任何专集里,歌词中的“We could be together,Every day together,the moon has fully risen and shines above the sea As you glide in my vision, the time is standing still…”只是专为芝华士写的一段广告曲而已,还记得广告最后出来的字幕:This is life。
Hooverphonic乐队在第3张专集中的《Mad About You》将《When you know》重新改编,正式放入专辑中。



Mermaid song

We could be together
Everyday together
We could sit forever
As loving waves spill over

The moon is fully risen
And shines over the sea
As you glide in my vision
The time is standing still
Don’t shy away too long
This is a boundless dream
Come close to me my reason
I’ll take you in my wings

We could be together
Everyday Forever
We belong together
Further seas and over

In the garden of the sea
I see you looking over
With my wistful melody
You leap into the water
It is no breaths sighing
This is the mermaid song
The singing of my sisters
The sea has drown for long


Mermaid Song

Mermaid Song

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