
作者&投稿:弋裕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


嗨, 我是Jenny . 这有两张我家的照片 . 第一张是我的爷爷和奶奶 . 这是我的父母 , Alan和 Mary .
下一张照片是我的兄弟 Bob和Eric . 这两个女孩是我的姐妹Cindy 和我的表妹 Helen

伊万先生出生在澳大利亚,他现在在悉尼工作。上周开始,他有一个长达两周的假期,但他却不知道应该去什么地方玩儿。他去问他的朋友罗伯特:“我太讨厌这种炎热的天气了!但澳大利亚似乎没有哪个地方能凉快一点。你说我该去什么地方独家呢?”“这很简单”罗伯特说“你可以去莫斯科啊!每年的这个时候,莫斯科都是冰天雪地的。”伊万先生想了想,觉得朋友说的很对。他马上就买了张飞机票去了莫斯科。他在莫斯科过的很开心,但有一天却遇到了点麻烦。那天,吃过午饭以后,他去了一个城外的公园。他在散步途中路过了一幢别墅,这是他发现有一条狗在跟着他。这条狗看上去特别饿、特别的想吃东西。但是伊万先生兜里什么都没有,连一片面包或是肉都没有。他试图把这条狗赶走,但它还是跟着伊万先生甚至开始狂吠。就在这个时候,伊万先生看到地上有一块石头。于是他就停下试图把石头搬起来,但他无论如何也搬不动。(take)"这些俄罗斯人真是太奇怪了!" 伊万先生放弃了那块石头,自言自语道:“他们不拴好自己的狗,反倒是把石头拴的紧紧的。”

It is time to eat lunch.
Do you usually eat lunch at 12 o'clock?
Sometimes I drink milk when I eat lunch.
What do you usually eat at dinner?

It's time for lunch.
Do you always have lunch at 12 am?
Sometimes I drink milk at breakfast.
What do you ususally have for super?

It's time for lunch.
Do you usualy have lunch before 12:00 o'clock?
Sometimes I have milk as my breakfast.
What do you usually have as your dinner?

1 You should have lunch/You should eat lunch.
2 Do you always eat/have lunch at noon/12 o'clock/12 noon?
3 Sometime, I drink milk for breakfast.
4 What do you usually eat/have for dinner?

1it's time for lunch .3i have milk for breakfast sometimes .2do you always eat lunch at 12 o'clock ?4what do you usually have for supper ?

答:hurry up!!

英语翻译 快快快 好的加分
答:1.他肯定能按时完成工作。(sure)He will finish the work on time for sure.2.明天这个时候,我们正坐在电影院里呢。(将来进行时)Tomorrow at this time, we will be sitting in the movie theater.3.我希望能尽可能快地导弹那里。(hope)We hope we can fire a guided missile there as ...

翻译英语句子 快快快 急用
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答:1不要用潮湿的手指摸电源 Don't touch the electrical source with your wet fingers!2不要完火 Don't play with the fire!3吃饭时不要说话或太急,否则你会噎住 Don't speak or hurry-up when having your meal,or you will be choked up.在上学放学路上的规则 The rules of the way to ...

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英语翻译 快快快 好的加分
答:Tomorrow at this time, we will be sitting in the movie theater3我希望能尽可能快到达那里。(hope)3.我希望能尽可能快地导弹那里。(hope I hope to get there as soon as possible.I hope I can get there as soon as possible.41.他肯定能按时完成工作。(sure)He will finish the ...

答:It is time to eat lunch.Do you usually eat lunch at 12 o'clock?Sometimes I drink milk when I eat lunch.What do you usually eat at dinner?横向翻译的,欢迎追问^_^

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答:1.This book was wrttten by Marktwin.2.The classroom has been cleaned.3The Olympic games would be held in London.4.The homework should be handed in on time.5. Canada's team was beaten .6. All time was taken up.