
作者&投稿:柯待 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

从业人员 是指本机构直接组织安排工作并支付工资的各类人员总数。包括固定职工、在编制的合同制职工、招聘人员和返聘的离退休人员,不包括离退休人员、停薪留职人员。
科研专业技术人员 是指具有中专以上学历或初级以上技术职称(务)的干部以及从工作实践中提拔的专业技术人员,还包括已取得专业技术职称、从事科技管理工作的人员和从事与技术管理工作较为密切的党政领导工作的干部。
从事科技活动人员 是指从业人员中的科技管理人员、课题活动人员和科技服务人员。
科技管理人员 是指院、所领导及业务、人事管理人员。包括:直接从事科技计划管理、课题管理、成果管理、专利管理、科技统计、科技档案管理、科技外事工作、人事管理、教育培训、财务等与科技活动有关的人员。
课题活动人员 是指编制在研究室或课题组的人员。
离退休人员 是指历年由本机构离退休,并在本机构领取离退休费的人员。
专业技术职称 填报本机构从事科技活动人员中专业技术职称情况,未实行专业技术职务聘任的单位,按原技术职称填报。
高级 是指研究员、副研究员;教授、副教授;高级工程师;高级农艺师;正、副主任医(药、护、技)师;高级实验师;高级统计师;高级经济师;高级会计师;编审(正、副编审);译审(正、副译审);高级(主任)记者;正、副研究馆员等。
中级 指助理研究员;讲师;工程师;农艺师;主治医(药、护、技)师;实验师;统计师;经济师;会计师;编辑;翻译;记者;馆员等。
初级 是指研究实习员;助教;助理工程师、技术员;助理农艺师、农业技术员;医(药、护、技)师;助理实验师、实验员;助理统计师、统计员;助理经济师;助理会计师、会计员:助理编辑、见习编辑;助理翻译;助理记者;助理馆员、管理员等。
科研课题 是指本机构在本年度内为解决在学科(专业)上、科技活动的阶段属性上以及成果的主要表达形式上等方面相对单一(单纯)的科学技术问题而确定的任务。
课题数 只统计列入本机构计划或由本单位管理部门认可,在当年内进行的课题。包括当年新开课题和上年结转课题。
科技论文 在全国性学报或学术刊物上、省部属大专院校对外正式发行的学报或学术刊物上发表的论文,以及向国外发表的论文。
国外发表 包括在各种国际性学术会议、讨论会、讲座上以外文或外文摘要形式发表的论文,以及编入国际会议文集的论文和国际学术刊物(包括中国向国外发行的科技学术刊物)上发表的论文。
科技著作 是指经过正式出版部门编印出版的科技专著、大专院校教科书、科普著作。如果科技论文和科技著作系与本机构外的同行数人合著,为避免重复统计,只统计以本机构科技人员为第一作者的论文和著作。同一书名为一种,与书的发行量无关。
获奖成果数 填报本年度内本机构作为第一完成单位从地(市)及地(市)以上政府科技管理部门获得的各种科技成果奖的项数。
国家级奖励 是指国家自然科学奖、国家技术发明奖、国家科技进步奖。
部级奖励 是指以国务院各部门名义颁发的或省、自治区、直辖市政府(科委)名义颁发的重大科技成果奖和科技进步奖等。
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
The statistical scope encompasses scientific research institutions affiliated to the land and resources departments of the state,various provinces,autonomous regions,and municipalities directly under the central government that engage in land and resources scientific research and are independentl egal persons.
Employed Personnel—refer to the total sum of persons of various kinds who are organized and arranged and paid for work directly by an institution,including permanent staff and workers,contract labors,recruited workers and reemployed retirees,but excluding retirees and persons whose job is retained but salary is suspended.
S & T(Scientific and Technological)professional—refer to professional technical persons with an education background at and above the technical secondary school level or the junior technical title(post)and those promoted from working practice.They also include cadres who have obtained professional technical titles and conduct science and technology management or Party and government leading work closely related to science and technology management.
Personnel Engaged in S & T Activities—refer to the personnel engaged in science and technology management,research subject activities,and related services among the employees.
S & T Managerial Personnel—refers to presidents of academies,directors of institutes,and personnel in charge of professional and personnel administration,including personnel directly engaged in such work related to science and technology activities as plan management,research subject management,research results management,patent management,statistics,archives management,foreign affaires related to science and technology,personnel administration,education and training,and finance.
Personnel Engaged in Research Subject Activities—refer to the personnel who belong to the establishment of research sections or subject teams.
If one person undertakes two activities simultaneously,e.g.both science and technology management and research subject activity,he/she will be listed in the line according to his/her establishment;for example,if he/she belongs to the establishment of managerial personnel,he/she will be listed in the line of science and technology managerial personnel.
Retirees—refer to persons who retired from an organization and get their pensions in the organization over the years.
Technical Professional Title—refers to the professional technical title of a person engaged in science and technical activities in an organization.For an organization that has not implemented the system for appointment of technical professional posts,the line will be filled up according to the original technical professional title.
Senior—refers to senior researchers and associate senior researchers,professors and associate professors,senior engineers,senior agronomists,chief and deputy chief doctors(physicians,surgeons,pharmacists,nurses,and technicians),senior experimenters,senior statisticians,senior economists,senior accountants,senior editors and associate senior editors,senior translators and a Ssociate Senior translators,senior(chief)correspondents(reporters),and senior librarians and associate librarians.
Intermediate—refers to assistant researchers,lecturers,engineers,agronomists,doctors(physicians,surgeons,pharmacists,nurses,and technicians)in charge,experimenters,statisticians,economists,accountants,editors,translators,correspondents(reporters),and librarians.
Junior—refers to research a ssistants,tutors,assistant engineers and technicians,assistant agronomists and agricultural technicians,practitioners(pharmacists,nurses,and technicians)(generally with secondary medical school education),assistant experimenters and junior experimenters,assistant statisticians and junior statisticians,assistant economists,assistant accountants and junior accountants,assistant editors and editors on probation,assistant translators,assistant correspondents(reporters),and assistant librarians and keepers(managerial persons).
Research Subject—refers to the task determined by an organization in the current year for solving special(specific)science and technology problems with respect to disciplines(specialties),relevancy of stages of science and technical activities,and main expression form of research results.
Number of Research Subjects—refers to the research subjects/projects included in the plan of an organization or recognized by the administration department of an organization and undertaken in the current year,including new subjects/projects initiated in the current year and those transferred from last year.
S & T Papers—refer to articles published in national academic journals and those formally distributed by universities and colleges affiliated to provinces and ministries and published in foreign journals.
Published Abroad—refers to articles published as foreign-language papers or abstracts in various international academic conferences,meetings,symposia,and lectures and articles included published in international proceedings and international academic journals(including academic journals distributed abroad by China).
S & T Works—refer to scientific and technological monographs,text-books of universities and colleges,and popular science books compiled,printed,and published by formal publishing establi Shments.If scientific and technological papers and works are co-written with other colleagues outside the organization,in order to prevent from duplicated statistics,only the papers and works whose first authors are scientific and technological persons of the organization are included in statistics.The books with the same title are considered to be one entry,which is unrelated to the amount of distribution of the book.
Number of Awards—refers to the number of various scientific and technological results prizes won as the first completion organization in the current year from science and technology administration departments of governments at and above the prefecture(municipal)level.
State Level Awards—refers to the National Natural Science Prize,State Invention Prize,State Scientific and Technological Progress Prize,and State Scientific and Technological Results Prize.
Ministerial Level Awards—refers to important scientific and technological results prizes and scientific and technological progress prizes issued in the name of various department of the State Council or issued in the name of governments(commissions of science and technology)of provinces,autonomous regions,or municipalities directly under the central government.

地质环境监测 是指为实施地质环境管理而进行的监测工作。其主要任务是对地质环境中主要要素的动态变化情况进行监测、分析和预测,为地质环境保护管理及地质灾害防治、地下水资源的合理开发利用和保护、国土资源整治等提供科学依据。
地质环境监测机构 是指各级政府设立的从事地质环境监测的事业单位。包括省级总站(院、中心)、市级分站、县级分站。
从业人员 是指专门从事地质环境监测工作的人员,不包括群测群防点的群众联络员。其中专业技术人员是指具有助理工程师及以上职称的人员。
监测数据 是指地质环境监测工作所获得的监测数据的数量。以“组”计量。以监测采集数据的次数为标准,1次获得的数据为1组。
地质环境监测取样 是指在监测点或统测点采集的各类水样和岩(土)样品。
提交地质环境监测报告 是指年度内从事地质灾害、矿山环境、地下水等各类地质环境监测工作所形成的正式报告。
发布公(简)报 是指年度内就地质灾害防治、矿山环境保护、地质遗迹保护、地下水监测等各类地质环境工作状况向社会或主管部门发布的公(简)报。
矿山占用、破坏土地面积 是指报告期末矿山开发产生的尾矿、排放的固体废弃物、露天采矿或采矿塌陷等所造成的占用或破坏的全部土地面积。
矿山环境恢复治理项目 是指报告期内各级国土资源行政主管部门为恢复和治理矿山生态环境正式批准立项的项目。
矿山环境恢复治理面积 是指报告期内通过矿坑封闭、矸石利用、尾矿坝绿化、塌陷土地复垦、矿坑废水处理、边坡治理等方法,使开采矿产资源造成的生态环境破坏和环境污染得到治理,功能得以恢复的面积。包括复垦、还林、还草、建设使用等面积。
地质遗迹保护区 是指经国务院和省级政府有关主管部门对由地质作用形成的具有一定价值的地质遗迹资源进行保护的专门区域。主要包括具有代表性的地质剖面、地质构造、地质地貌景观、古生物化石及其遗迹产地等。
地质构造、剖面和形迹保护区 是指以具有一定价值并具有代表性的地质构造、地质剖面及其他地质形迹为主要保护内容的地质遗迹保护区。
古生物化石保护区 是指以古生物的化石或其遗迹为主要保护内容的地质遗迹保护区。
地质地貌景观保护区 是指以地质作用形成的重要地质地貌景观为主要保护内容的地质遗迹保护区。
地质遗迹保护区建设投资 是指历年来对地质遗迹保护区建设投入的全部资金。包括对硬件投资和软件投资。本年投资是指本年对于地质遗迹保护区建设投入的资金。
地质公园 是指以地质科学意义和独特的地质景观为主,融合自然景观与人文景观的自然公园。目前,已建成的有世界地质公园、国家地质公园、省级地质公园,已批准的世界地质公园仍纳入国家地质公园统计。
地质构造、剖面和地质形迹类地质公园 是指其主体是具有一定价值或典型代表意义的地质构造、地质剖面及其他地质形迹的地质公园。
古生物化石类地质公园 是指其主体是古生物的化石或其遗迹的地质公园。
地质地貌景观地质公园 是指其主体是地质作用形成的重要地质地貌景观的地质公园。
地质公园建设投资 是指历年来对地质公园建设投入的全部资金。包括对硬件投资和软件投资。本年投资是指本年度对地质公园建设投入的资金。
地质灾害预报 是指通过群测群防或专业监测对地质灾害发生的地点、时间及其灾害影响范围、强度进行预测,并向灾害影响范围内的群众和有关部门进行通报。地质灾害气象预警不纳入此统计。
成功预报 是指对地质灾害发生的时间、地点和范围、强度等的预测较为准确,并通过预报降低了灾害损失。
避免直接经济损失 是指用货币表现的,根据地质灾害预报,采取防范措施,避免的地质灾害对财产和环境造成的直接破坏损失情况。
避免人员伤亡 是指根据地质灾害预报,采取了防范措施,避免的人员受伤、死亡、失踪的数量。
滑坡 是指斜坡上不稳定的岩土体在重力作用下沿一定软弱面(或滑动带)整体向下滑动的物理地质现象。
崩塌 是指陡坡上大块的岩土体在重力作用下突然脱离母体崩落的物理地质现象。
泥石流 是指山地突然爆发的饱含大量泥沙、石块的特殊洪流。
地面塌陷 是指地表岩土体在自然或人为因素作用下向下陷落,并在地面形成塌陷坑(洞)的一种动力地质现象。
造成直接经济损失 是指用货币表现的因各类地质灾害造成的直接破坏损失。
造成人员伤亡 是指因发生各类地质灾害造成的人员受伤、死亡和失踪情况。
人员失踪 是指根据证据推断人员已经死亡,但是没有找到或确认死者的尸体。
地质灾害防治项目 是指各级政府及国土资源管理部门立项设立的,运用工程手段对由于地质作用导致的将要发生和已经发生的地质灾害进行预防和治理的项目。
地质灾害防治投入资金 是指为了防治地质灾害而开展必要的监测、勘查和治理工程,由中央和地方财政以及其他方面投入的资金。
滑坡、泥石流治理面积 是指报告期治理滑坡、泥石流面积之和。
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Geo-environmental Monitoring—refers to the monitoring conducted for exercising geo-environmental management.Its main tasks are to monitor,analyze,and predict dynamic changes of main factors in the geo-environment and provide a scientific basis for the geo-environmental protection and management,prevention,and control of geological hazards,rational development,utilization,and protection of groundwater resources,and consolidation of land resources.
Monitoring Agency—refers to institutions engaged in geo-environmental monitoring established by governments at various levels,including provincial-level general stations(institutions and centers),municipal-level substations,and county-level substations.
Employees—refer to persons who specially work for geo-environmental monitoring,excluding local liaison persons at public monitoring and prevention Sites.The profes Sional technical persons refer to those who have an assistant engineer title or a title above this title.
Monitoring Data—refer to the quantity of monitoring data obtained by geo-environmental monitoring.The data are calculated in“set”and the data obtained in one time of monitoring are considered one set.
Sample Taken for Geo-environmental Monitoring—refers to various kinds of water samples and rock(soil)samples collected at monitoring sites.
Report Submitted—refers to the formal report written for various kinds of geo-environmental monitoring,such as geological hazard,mine environmental,and groundw ater monitoring,carried out during the current year.
Communique Bulletin Issued—refers to the communiques and bulletins on various kinds of geo-environmental monitoring work such as geological hazard prevention and control,mine environmental protection,geoheritage conservation,and groundwater monitoring published to the society and competent administrative departments.
Area ofoo Land Occupied or Destructed by Mines—refers to the area of all land occupied or destructed by tailings and solid wastes discharged due to mine development and exploitation,open-pit mining,and collapses due to mining at the end of the reporting period.
Rehabilitation and Improvement of Mine Environment—refers to the project ratified and filed formally by competent administrative departments of land and resources at various levels during the reporting period for recovering and improving the mine eco-environment.
Area of Environmental Rehabilitation—refers to the area of land on which the damaged and polluted eco-environment caused by mining mineral resources is improved and its functions are restored through mine closing,waste rock use,tailings dam landscaping,reclamation of collapsed land,treatment of mine waste water,and control of side slopes during the reporting period for recovering and improving the mine eco-environment.It includes the area of land reclaimed,returned to forests and grassland,and used for construction.
Geoheritage Conservation Area—refers to special areas where geoheritages of certain value are protected by the State Council and relevant competent departments of governments at the provincial level.They mainly include sites of representative geological sections,geological structures,geological and geomorphological landscapes,and fossils and their traces.
Conservation Area of Geological Structure,Section,or Trace—refers to a geoheritage conservation area with representative geological structures,geological sections,and other geological traces of certain value as the main conservation content.
Fossil(Conservation Area)—refers to geoheritage conservation areas with fossils and their traces as the main conservation content.
Geological-geomorphological Landscape(Conservation Area)—refers to geoheritage conservation areas with important geological and geomorphological landscapes formed by geological processes as the main conservation content.
Investment in Construction(of Geoheritage Conservation Area)—refers to all the funds invested in the construction of geoheritage conservation areas over the years.It includes investments in hardware and softwares.Current investment refers to the funds in vested in the construction of geoheritage conservation areas in the current year.
Geopark—refers to a natural park mainly encompassing a unique geological landscape of geoscientific significance,and integrated with the natural landscape and human landscapes.At present those that have been constructed include world geoparks,national geoparks,and provincial geoparks.The world geoparks that have been ratified are included in national geoparks in statistics.
Geopark of Geological Structure,Section,or Trace—refers to a geopark whose main part is geological structures,geological sections,or other geological features of particular value or typical significance.
Fossil Geopark—refers to a geopark whose main part is fossils or their traces.
Geopark of Geological and Geomorphological Landscapes—refers to a geopark whose main part is important geological and geomorphological land Scapes formed by geological processes.
Investment in Geopark Construction—refers to all the funds invested in the construction of geoparks over the years.It includes investments in hardware and Softwares.Current investment refers to the funds invested in the construction of geoparks in the current year.
Prediction of Geological Hazards—refers to the prediction of the site and time of occurrence of a geological hazard and its scope of influence and intensity through monoitoring and conotrol by the public or professional monitoring,of which a notice is circulated to the public within the scope of influence of the hazard and relevant departments.The meteorological early-warning of geological hazards is not included in the statistics.
Successful Prediction—refers to a relatively accurate prediction of the site and time of occurrence of a geological hazard and its scope of influence and intensity,through which the loss caused by the hazard is reduced.
Direct Economic Loss Avoided—refers to the direct economic loss caused by a geological hazard to properties and the environment avoided by taking precautionary measures according to the prediction of the geological hazard.It is expressed by currency.
Casualties Avoided—refer to the number of wounded,dead,and missing avoided by taking precautionary measures according to the prediction of the geological hazard.
Landslide—refers to the physical-geological phenomenon of en-masse downward slide of unstable soil and rock material on slopes along particular surfaces of weakness(or slide zones)under the force of gravity.
Collapse—refers to the physical-geological phenomenon that a large mass of soil or rock on steep slopes is suddenly divorced from its parent mass and falls under the force of gravity and form.
Mudflow—refers to the sudden rush of flood torrents containing large amounts of mud and rock debris that suddenly moves downslope in mountains.
Surface Subsidence—refers to the dynamic geological phenomenon of sinking of the land surface and formation of collapse caves or sinkholes under the action of natural or human factors.
Direct Economic Loss—refers to direct damages and losses caused by various kinds of geological hazards to properties,which are expressed by currency.
Casualties—refer to injuries,deaths,and missing caused by various kinds of geological hazards.
Missing—refers to the case of a missing person who is inferred according to evidence to be dead but whose corpse has not been found or identified.
Project for Geological Hazard Prevention and Control—refers to the project sponsored and fiIed by governments at various levels and competent administrative departments of land and resources for preventing and controlling,by engineering means,geological hazards caused by geological processes,which are about to occur and have occurred.
Funds Invested(in Geological Hazard Prevention and Control)—refer to the funds invested by the central and local public finances and other sources in necessary monitoring,surveying,and controlling engineering works for the prevention and control of geological hazards.
Area of Landslides and Mudflows Controlled—refers to the sum of land areas of landslides and mudflows controlled during the reporting period.

累计完成国土资源调查费 是指自国土资源调查项目开始工作起至报告期止实际完成的项目费用。包括国土资源大调查经费和其他各种资金的投入。该项应等于历年完成国土资源调查费之和。

累计完成国土资源调查经费 是指累计完成的国土资源大调查经费(由国家财政收支预算国土资源调查经费科目列支的)。

本年完成国土资源调查经费 是指报告期实际完成的国土资源大调查经费。

完成国土资源调查面积 是指报告期采用各种方法(如测量、物探、化探、遥感等)实际完成的区域性国土资源调查的面积数。包括土地资源调查、地质矿产资源调查、水文地质、工程地质、环境地质调查、海洋资源调查和国土资源综合调查等。调查工作的比例尺有1:1000000、1:500000、1:250000、1:200000、1:100000、1:50000、1:25000、1:10000。

年末从业人员 是指年末在国土资源调查项目中从事工作的,并取得劳动报酬的全部人员。

技术人员 是指在国土资源调查项目中从事工作并取得劳动报酬的,具有初级及初级以上地质勘查或土地勘测技术职称的专业技术人员。包括地质技术人员、工程技术人员、物化探技术人员、土地勘测、测绘、岩矿鉴定、化验等技术人员。

累计提交调查报告 是指自国土资源调查工作开始起至报告期止实际提交并经上级主管单位验收的各类正式国土资源调查项目报告数。

本年提交调查报告 是指报告期实际提交并经上级主管单位验收的各类正式国土资源调查项目报告数。

新发现的矿产地 是指报告期内在区域地质调查、矿产普查、物化探异常和成矿远景地段等信息基础上,新发现或根据已知矿点(包括以往已否定的矿点)及群采线索,经初步工作新发现的具有工业价值或有进一步工作价值的矿产地。主要要求:①对矿体分布和埋藏情况有一定的地质调查和必要的工程揭露、控制;②对矿石质量有正规取样化验资料,矿石品位符合现行矿产工业开采利用要求;③矿产地的矿产资源规模要达到《矿产资源储量规模划分标准》小型规模上限的二分之一;④矿产资源/储量级别主要为控制的资源量(332)、推断的资源量(333)和预测的资源量(3341);⑤要提交相应的平面地质图、剖面图、工程编录、取样位置图及简要说明书等资料。

控制的资源量 是指在勘查工作程度已达到详查阶段要求,地质可靠程度为控制的,可行性研究仅作了概略研究,经济意义介于经济的——次边界经济的范围内,计算的资源量可信度高,可行性评价可信度低(332)。

推断的资源量 是指在勘查工作程度只达到普查阶段要求,地质可靠程度为推断的,资源量只根据有限的数据计算的,其可信度低。可行性研究仅做了概略研究,经济意义介于经济的——次边界经济的范围内,可行性评价可信度低(333)。

预测的资源量 是指依据区域地质研究成果,航空、遥感、地球物理、地球化学等异常或极少量工程资料,确定具有矿化潜力的地区,并和已知矿床类比而估计的资源量,属于潜在矿产资源,有无经济意义尚不确定(334)。

答:‍‍企业生产主要统计指标如产量、耗用量、单位用量、配比等,分述如下:产量企业的产量统计指标分为台时产量GT、平均台时产量(同规格、多台设备)G#、小时产量 G。和总产量G。对水泥粉磨而言,分同品种、同等级磨机台时产量等。台时产量GT=该台设备同期运转产量/运转时间,单位为t/(h...

答:该指标按照中央财政和地方财政投入分别统计。 地质专项拨款 是指报告期内地勘单位取得的中央及地方地质专项拨款费用, 包括国土资源大调查项目、矿产资源补偿费项目、财政补贴项目、危机矿山项目、地勘基金项目等, 也包括市、县政府设立的各类地质勘查专项项目, 按中央和地方的各类专项分别统计。 矿产勘查劳务收入 是指...


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答:网店流量统计指标主要包括以下几个方面:1. 访客数量:指网店每天、每周、每月访问网店的人数。2. 浏览量:指访客每次访问网店浏览的页面数。3. 跳出率:指访客访问网店后只浏览了一个页面就离开的比例。4. 转化率:指将网店访问者转换为实际买家的比例。5. 平均停留时长:指访客在网店停留的平均时间...

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