
作者&投稿:师韵 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

I want you, fine my at heart fresh pain, I want smiling which your flame resembles, to want your nimble waist, you to launch corner of the eye\'s meteor; I downcast in the atmosphere which is enchanted by, looks like an island, in the python green tidal bore, dependent in vicissitude ...... , my urgent hope your oncoming, hoped that that mysterious superior cloudy opens the time the apex! why don\'t you come, to be cruel enough! you clearly knew that I know you to know, as soon as you this does not come in me is fatal strikes, kills the spring which in my life puts for the first time, teaches in the solid like ore the iron darkness, oppresses my thought and the breath; kills the pitiful hope the shoot, me, the prisoner resembles, pays to be jealous for with the anxiety, fresh ashamed with the atrocity which despairs. perhaps this is crazy. Unexpectedly perhaps crazy. I believe me certainly am crazy; but I could not carry forward one already the directional rudder, the Wan Fang wind rest did not allow that I hesitated - - I not to be able to turn head, the fate was whipping on me! I also knew that this is mostly moves toward the deconstruction the road, but for you, for you, I anything is willing; not only this my enthusiasm, my rationality only also so said. is crazy! Thought that the dismemberment broken life textile fiber is must move a woman the heart! wants to win, can win, is at most her drop of tear, her sneering indifferently; but I also am willing, even if I the powder body\'s news pass to rock waste, she mouse which regards as me in a burrow, a tenia, I am willing! to really, was crazily unconditionally, sometimes the God is unable recalls to decide crazily the heart is also similar to General recalls already on the dead line soldier. however, all are in vain in vain however, though you do not come solid which does not allow to deny, I to burn at heart are sprinkling the prosperous fire, the hunger are being thirsty your all, your sending, your smiling, your hands and feet; any crazy wants with to pray that cannot reduce small inch you me the distance! the outdoors pale yellow already condensed all night pitch-black, on the branch hangs the snow and ice, the birds standard has been going to their twitter, the silence was the universe which this wears mourning identically. on clock\'s needle unceasing compared to mysterious hand signal, is likely directs, is likely sympathizes, the alike taunt, each time to moving, I listens is the death knell which my heart\'s buries alive.

-- 派派小说论坛为您解答

  徐志摩是在一次偶然的机会在伦敦国际联盟协会上认识林徽音的. 林徽音当时十六岁, 在伦敦一所女子中学读书, 正是花一般的年龄, 长得又像花一般娇艳, 文学修养又好. 她既有中国传统闺秀的遗颜, 又有西方女子落落大方大方的风度. 她与志摩一见钟情, 双双坠入爱河.
  他俩月下漫步, 花前谈心, 舞会上双双起舞, 宴会上频频起杯, 绿纱窗下共研文学. 徽音被志摩渊博的学识,风雅的谈吐, 广博的兴趣, 潇洒的举动,什么感情。王赓因事务繁忙,经常没有时间照顾小曼,所以他常叫志摩陪小曼去玩。

I want you, fine my at heart fresh pain, I want smiling which your flame resembles, to want your nimble waist, you to launch corner of the eye\'s meteor; I downcast in the atmosphere which is enchanted by, looks like an island, in the python green tidal bore, dependent in vicissitude ...... , my urgent hope your oncoming, hoped that that mysterious superior cloudy opens the time the apex! why don\'t you come, to be cruel enough! you clearly knew that I know you to know, as soon as you this does not come in me is fatal strikes, kills the spring which in my life puts for the first time, teaches in the solid like ore the iron darkness, oppresses my thought and the breath; kills the pitiful hope the shoot, me, the prisoner resembles, pays to be jealous for with the anxiety, fresh ashamed with the atrocity which despairs. perhaps this is crazy. Unexpectedly perhaps crazy. I believe me certainly am crazy; but I could not carry forward one already the directional rudder, the Wan Fang wind rest did not allow that I hesitated - - I not to be able to turn head, the fate was whipping on me! I also knew that this is mostly moves toward the deconstruction the road, but for you, for you, I anything is willing; not only this my enthusiasm, my rationality only also so said. is crazy! Thought that the dismemberment broken life textile fiber is must move a woman the heart! wants to win, can win, is at most her drop of tear, her sneering indifferently; but I also am willing, even if I the powder body\'s news pass to rock waste, she mouse which regards as me in a burrow, a tenia, I am willing! to really, was crazily unconditionally, sometimes the God is unable recalls to decide crazily the heart is also similar to General recalls already on the dead line soldier. however, all are in vain in vain however, though you do not come solid which does not allow to deny, I to burn at heart are sprinkling the prosperous fire, the hunger are being thirsty your all, your sending, your smiling, your hands and feet; any crazy wants with to pray that cannot reduce small inch you me the distance! the outdoors pale yellow already condensed all night pitch-black, on the branch hangs the snow and ice, the birds standard has been going to their twitter, the silence was the universe which this wears mourning identically. on clock\'s needle unceasing compared to mysterious hand signal, is likely directs, is likely sympathizes, the alike taunt, each time to moving, I listens is the death knell which my heart\'s buries alive.

答:I want you, fine my at heart fresh pain, I want smiling which your flame resembles, to want your nimble waist, you to launch corner of the eye\'s meteor; I downcast in the atmosphere which is enchanted by, looks like an island, in the python green tidal bore, dependent i...

答:I want you, fine my at heart fresh pain, I want smiling which your flame resembles, to want your nimble waist, you to launch corner of the eye\'s meteor; I downcast in the atmosphere which is enchanted by, looks like an island, in the python green tidal bore, dependent i...

徐志摩给林徽因的情诗是那首? 林徽因回他的是?
答:徐志摩写给林徽因的情诗——《你去》你去,我也走,我们在此分手; 你上哪一条大路,你放心走, 你看那街灯一直亮到天边, 你只消跟从这光明的直线! 你先走,我站在此地望着你, 放轻些脚步,别教灰土扬起, 我要认清你的远去的身影, 直到距离使我认你不分明, 再不然我就叫响你的名字, 不断的提醒你有我在这...


答:I want you, I was health pain,I want you laugh like flame,You have to flexible Yao Shen,Your hair on the Feixing his eyes;I Mizui in the fall of the atmosphere,Like an island,Green python in the Hai-tao, involuntary of the PM10……Oh, I urgent aspirations Your arrival,...

答:why don't you come, to be cruel enough! you clearly knew that I know you to know, as soon as you this does not come in me is fatal strikes, kills the spring which in my life puts for the first time, teaches in the solid like ore the iron darkness, oppresses my thoug...

答:《你去》 ---徐志摩 你去,我也走,我们在此分手; 你上那一条大路,你放心走, 你看那街灯一直亮到天边, 你只消跟从这光明的直线! 你先走,我站在此地望着你: 放轻些脚步,别教灰土扬起, 我要认清你远去的身影, 直到距离使我认你不分明。 再不然,我就叫响你的名字, 不断的提醒你,有我在这里, 为消解...

答:关于徐志摩你去是写给谁的,徐志摩你去原文这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、一、《偶然》全诗如下:偶然作者: 徐志摩我是天空里的一片云,偶尔投影在你的波心——你不必惊异,更无须欢喜——在转瞬间消灭了踪影。2、你我相逢在黑夜的海上,你有你的,我...

答:林徽音&徐志摩 徐志摩是在一次偶然的机会在伦敦国际联盟协会上认识林徽音的. 林徽音当时十六岁, 在伦敦一所女子中学读书, 正是花一般的年龄, 长得又像花一般娇艳, 文学修养又好. 她既有中国传统闺秀的遗颜, 又有西方女子落落大方大方的风度. 她与志摩一见钟情, 双双坠入爱河.他俩月下漫步, 花前...

答:不,我自有主张,你不必为我忧虑;你走大路,我进这条小巷。你看那株树,高抵着天,我走到那边转弯,再过去是一片荒野的凌乱。 出处:出自现代诗人徐志摩的《你去,我也走》。《你去,我也走》是徐志摩在1931年7月给林徽因的信里附的一首诗,后载于同年10月5日《诗刊》第3期。 这不是一首分手诗,而是用一生写...