
作者&投稿:征戚 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat and fish. They were very strong and seldom went to see doctors. Now life is better, people eat more meat, fish, eggs and other food with more fat. They often go out for good meals with their families and friends. But they get easy to be ill, Why? I think more meat and fish, less exercise are bad for health. Good rest, less meat and fish, more vegetables and enough exercise are good for health. So I exercise every day. My eating habits are pretty good. I eat a lot of vegetables. I eat fruit and drink milk every day. I drink a cup of water 15 minutes before each meal and eat much vegetables and fruit. Of course, I love junk food, too, and I eat it once a week. And I sleep nine hours every day. The better we get into good eating habits, the happier our life becomes. 当今社会中,人已经知道,重要的是保持健康和良好的生活习惯。在过去,人们在家里吃三顿饭,他们多吃点蔬菜,少吃肉和鱼。他们很强大,很少去看医生。 现在的生活都好,人们多吃些肉、鱼、鸡蛋和其他食物更多的脂肪。他们经常去吃顿美餐与他们的家庭和朋友。但他们很容易的了,为什么? 我认为较多的肉类和鱼类,缺乏锻炼对健康有害。好好休息,少吃肉,鱼,更多的蔬菜和足够的运动有益于身体健康。所以我每天运动。我的饮食习惯非常好。我吃了很多蔬菜。我吃很多水果和喝牛奶每一天。我喝一杯水每顿也球赛开始前十五分钟,多吃蔬菜和水果。当然,我喜欢垃圾食品,也我吃了一周一次。我每天睡眠9个小时。 我们越进入良好的饮食习惯,越感到高兴我们的生活而成。 Healthy eating habit(健康的饮食习惯)

My Eating Habits

Hi,i'm XX.(这句可以不要,只是写作时用来充字数用的).I eat bread,eggs,apples and milk
你好,我是xx。 每天我吃鸡蛋、苹果和牛奶当早餐。 for breakfast every day. I don't like milk. but my mother says milk is good for me.So I
我不喜欢牛奶。 但我的母亲说牛奶对我有好处。 因此我
drink milk at breakfast and before go to bed . I eat rice,fish and vegetables for lunch
在早餐和睡觉前都会喝牛奶。 每天我吃米饭、鱼和蔬菜当中餐。
every day. I like vegetables.Because vegetables are green food. I only eat a little food for
我喜欢蔬菜。 因为蔬菜是绿色食品。 晚餐我只吃一点食物。
dinner. And I hardly ever eat junk food. Because it's bad for me.My eating habits are
并且我几乎从不吃垃圾食品。 因为那对我不利。 我的饮食习惯很健康。
healthy.So i'm healthy. 


Under the take care of my mother, my eating habit is very regular. I often eat porridge in the morning. Sometimes my mother will prepare some pickles for me. But sometimes I will put an egg into the porridge to have the egg porridge. At noon, I will eat in school canteen. Sometimes I will have noodles. At night, my mother will prepare a big meal for me. After dinner, I will eat a little fruit.


答:【 #英语资源# 导语】几篇关于我们一日三餐的英语作文,写出了我们的饮食习惯和规律。下面是由 给大家整理的初一英语作文一日三餐,供大家参阅! 【篇一】初一英语作文一日三餐 healthy food is good for us. for breakfast, i like eggs and fruit. what fruit do you like for breakfast?

答:Having a healthy lifestyle is good for our health.翻译 我有很多好习惯。我每天看书。我也每天帮助做家务。我通常吃水果和蔬菜,因为它们对我的健康有好处。我经常锻炼,这对我的健康也有好处。我几乎从不熬夜,因为我父母说熬夜对我们的健康有害。我也有一些坏习惯。我一周吃两次垃圾食品,一周喝...

答:正如我们知道的一样,养成健康的饮食习惯是非常重要的。然而,我们同学之间,部分同学有不良的饮食习惯,如不吃早餐上学,爱吃零食(snack),饮食过量等。 所有坏习惯肯定对我们身体有害。 为了保持健康,我们饮食最好定时定量(regularly)和饮食多样化。 依我看,为了强身健体,我们应设法去形成我们的健康...

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答:My good habits in the morning. First, I get up. Next, I brush my teeth. Then, I wash my face. After that, I have breakfast. At last, I go to school.In the evening. First, I finish my homework. Next, I have dinner. Then, I pack my schoolbag. After that, hang up...

答:My eating habbits I'm a middle school student.i have good eating habbits. I often drink a cup of milk and eat an egg for breakfast at home. I don't like milk, but my mom thinks it's good for my health. I often eat lunch at school. I usually have some meat and ...

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答:I have a healthy eating habit . Because it is very important for my health. First I often eat more vegetables and fruits and less meat .Second I eat as many kinds of food as i can for my breakfast so that it can provide me enough energy for a day. Third I eat less ...

答:mouths by the chopsticks. The other one is, Chinese always have soup during or after dining.(不同于西方,中国人在吃饭时是围坐在一张桌子边的,大家把菜肴放在桌子中间,夹取自己喜欢的.另外,中国人吃饭时还有两个习惯,一是喜欢把碗拿起凑向嘴边,把饭扒到嘴里,一是会在饭中或者饭后喝汤)

答:良好的饮食习惯和健康(Good Eating Habits and Health)In current society, people have known the importance of keeping healthy and good life habit. In the past, people ate three meals at home, and they ate more vegetables and less meat and fish. They were very strong and seldom ...