
作者&投稿:荤乐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

There are clothes of different colour in my bedroom. There is a green T-shirt, a orange T-shirt, a pair of green pants, and a pair of brown socks. The socks are the same colour. My favourite T-shirt is the orange one.

Dear Peter,
Are you free this Sunday? I have a goods to tell you. My classmates and I are going to go fishing at East lake this Sunday. We'll bring many foods like hamburgers,chocolate and bananas, we'll also bring water and and orange juice to drink. After fishing,we'll play games together. It will be so much fun!! I will be glad if you can join us on Sunday.

do some house work
I never do housework at home.Beacause my mother is a hosewife.I think housewife must like doing housework,so my mother always doing housework.When I get home from school,my mother looks like very tired.Sometimes I want to help my mother do housework.She always says:"You are child.Don't need do housework,You should do homework."
I want to do housework,but I can't do it.What can I do ? Only homework?

a letter to your parents
Dear parents,
Hello,I want to tell me something about myself. I'm thirteen.I'm not a child. I am a younger.I can do my homework myself, I can go to school myself,I can go out myself,I can ger home from school myself and so on.You always think I am a baby ,don't you ?I need free.Can't you give me a free time let me play with my friends?I don't want to say more.You konw about it.
your child

the most impressive foreign teacher
I have a foreign teacher.He is the most impressive foreign teacher.He is strict with our homework.But I like him very much.He has short straight black hair.He also wears a pair of cool glasses.In his class ,I feel relax.He doesn't like children sleep in his class.He needs everybody listening careful.He likes children,so he is very popular.



9篇 初一120词的英语作文 着急!!! 不要一个类型的 跪求!!! 谢谢...
答:下面的九篇作文供你参考,希望能助你考出好成绩!加油!一、看图写作。(10分)你已经是初中生了,想必你一定有你自己的一片“天空”——小房间了。你能用英语描述出你是如何摆设你的东西吗?要求:1、语句通顺达意;2、至少要写五句;3、要有on, in, under等表示方位的介词。This is my room...


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英语作文,初一难度,80字 左右(6篇) 麻烦你了
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