
作者&投稿:宰汪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

不太清楚具体是什么难度 可以自个改改
1. As we all know, internet becomes more and more popular in our daily life,which brings many arguments about it. As far as I concerned, there are many advantages in using internet such as helping us study, relaxing our nerve after class and geting usdful information much faster than regular ways. On the other side, long time of internet surfing would be bad for our health and makes us less interested in studying, there are also some unhealthy website which can mislead young students.
2 My life in the university
As junior high school students, universities are our dream and target to effort for. In my mind my life in university will be busy but colorful. I will join the student union to work for my mates in university and make myself more experinenced. I am going to make friends with mates studying different majors and even some foreign students. In university, I will have planty of time to read many book to make myself a more wise man.


1. The present computer technology is more and more developed
now,but it has many advantages and disadvantages,Internet is useful for us to find information quickly,and we could play with it.But long time online is harmful to our health,and we won't study hard if we indulged computer games,the bad websites also misled students.
so we should use the computer appropriately.
2 My life in the University :
The university campus, how beautiful the environment around identity good-looking, air is fresh. Think of me to go to university of pay to be happy, I must study hard, can step down jobs, to contribute to the country.

College life is relaxed,i have so many friends and happen every many pleasant things. Every day we study many subjects, and I was happy to do the things i want to do.

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