
作者&投稿:路荀 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 当我们得到帮助的时候,我们习以为常地说“谢谢”,并一厢情愿地相信那就足够了,(其实)那远远不够

2. 让对方感觉到自己发自心底的感谢需要有一些必要的准备

3. 面无表情地说声“谢谢”会听上去很苍白,很空洞,也许会伤害帮助了你的人

4. 被影响到的政党可能会从人际关系上,财政上或者其它方面受到打击

5. 在承认(admit)和承认(acknowledge)的意义上有什么不同?

6. 他们公司不得不对事故以及事故造成的后果承担全部负责

1.Friend plays an important role in our life.2.Believe it or not, the color we saw would affect our emotion.3.Bill苏醒过来了。4.尽管他年老,但他还能在冬天游泳。注:本人已通过CET6,人工翻译,质量保证,满意请采纳!

4、The purpose we learn economics is to study a country's economy as a whole and as an individual.
5、The scope of economics is very wide, it includes many economic field.
6、Though there has inherent contact between macroeconomics and microeconomics, the two still have differeces.

答:6、Though there has inherent contact between macroeconomics and microeconomics, the two still have differeces.

答:6, Though micoeconomics has inderent relationship with macroeconomics, they're still different.

翻译汉译英 谢谢大家 急急
答:Excuse me! Will you please send the photo to me? I will appreciate you so much.希望对你有帮助.

答:3 workers by factory owners long-term oppression, work long hours, heavy workload, living in poverty.4 the implementation of sophisticated division of labor. The original one can complete the whole process into sub-hand to. Half an hour 正版,望采纳 ...

答:其中1480(84.8%)是自己所用的,265(15.2%)是被租赁者占用。屋子主人 房子的空闲率是6.2%,租赁房的空缺是6.0% 。4835人(82.6%的人)住在自己私有的房子里,另外1018人(17.4%)住在租赁的房子里面。我是一个一个打出来的很认真的,意思也差不多吧,希望能采纳呢,欢迎追问 ...

答:我很荣幸为大家介绍今天的主讲嘉宾 - 来自联合国的 史东锺斯先生(Mr. Stone Jones)锺斯先生是开发国家人口过剩问题方面著名的国际权威.今晚,他欣然同意为我们作相关课题的演说.锺斯先生在哥伦比亚大学获得学士学位,之後分别在哈佛大学及耶鲁大学获得硕士及哲学博士学位.毕业後,锺斯先生随即获聘任为联合国...

英译汉翻译 谢谢大家
答:很久以前 一只大象和一只猴子发生争吵。大象为自己的强壮而感到骄傲,猴子为自己的快速灵活而沾沾自喜。有人能说出谁会更好吗?有的时候 大象的力量和猴子的敏捷都很重要。

翻译英 谢谢大家帮忙

答:1.对贫困的担心使他忧虑重重。His mind was stuffed with worries on poverty.2.汤姆的聪明丝毫不亚于班上的第一名学生。Tom's wisdom is no second to the class top student.3.我认识他,但我们说不上是朋友。I know him just as an acquaintance, not as a friend.4.彼得的特点正是如此...

答:Product warehouse platform account , the cause keeping apart , the date keeping apart , the quantity keeping apart , responsibility people , plan keeping apart handle date , reality handles if date , be completed