请帮我把下面的英文句子翻译成中文 急急急

作者&投稿:斗叔 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我做事认真负责,遇事沉着冷静。有良好的沟通协调能力,能在团队中起着画 龙点睛的作用。为人友善,性格稳重但又不失冲劲。善于察言观色,拥有卓越的接待能力。善于组织线下大小型活动。拥有良好的驾驶技术。
I am serious and responsible for my work. When meeting with matters, I am always steady and calm. With good abilities of communication and coordination, I can bring out the crucial point in the team. Besides, I am friendly and mature while I have a driven personality. I am good at observing people's speech and behavior. I also have mastered of reception. What's more, I am capable of organizing different knids of offline activities. I am a skilled driver, too.
As a broker of dozens of top domestic writers, I am experienced in organizing and communicating for I have contacted and held various large ground live events, such as campus lectures, bookstore sales and new book conference.

1. My uncle paid 150 yuan for this tennis racket.
2. Tom paid for my T-shirt money.
3. He doesn't like the job because the pay is low.
主要考察pay 的用法
pay for 为……付钱
pay 动词为支付 名词也有工资的意思

我只想用些时间陪着你 这样我就可以抱着你








请帮我把下面的句子改成英文句子 急急急
答:1.你的背包在沙发后面吗?Is your backpack behind the sofa?2.请将这些书拿给你的父亲。Please take these books to your father.3.在书桌上 on the desk 4.在椅子后 behind the chair 5.在地板上 on the floor 6.我的数学书 my math/maths book 7.一些手表 some watches 注:/ 表示可以...

答:回答:1 .Excuse me, can i help you with yuor hair.2. Please sit down here.3. Can you tell me what haircut you like best .4.That is a beautiful place.5.OK,no problem.6. Welcome to you next time个人认为还是比较地道,至于拼音实在没有办法,希望采纳。

答:1.这是什么? 它们是一些字典。What are they? They are some dictionaries.2.她是你的朋友吗? 不,她不是。Is she your friend? No, she isn't.3.我的棒球在哪? 它在床底下。Where is my baseball? It's under the bed.4.在书桌上有一张全家福照片。 (There be 结...

答:我们必须安静地上楼梯。 = We must tread quietly up the stares. We must be quiet when we go up the stares.Twins是香港出名的歌星。= Twins are famous singers in Honk Kong. Twins are famed singers of Hong Kong.玛丽的爸爸每天要开小汽车上班。= Mary's father goes to work by car...

答:I like travel for it makes me discard the annoyance and forget the sorrow.I can relax the tired heart by enjoy the beautiful views,and find a lot of different views.I think travel is an indispensable part of life.5、我不太喜欢加入学生会,虽然学生会是一个锻炼自己的地方,但我...

答:Please do not over-logging as it will destroy animals' homes and turn them into bee homeless. Hunters please do not over-hunt wild lifes as it increase endangered species. Please do not over-mine as it destory homes of wild lifes.参考: i 1.不要过度砍伐树木,因为过度砍伐树木会...

答:1. The campus east, just built libraries, can read all kinds of books and magazines in the electronic reading room (E - 2) online reading.2. The campus north, has built a teaching building, can accommodate 5000 students.3. The campus has plant trees, weeds and for students ...

答:exercise every day?我今天生病了 可以帮我请个假吗?Today I was sick can help me please a vacation?多吃水果对我们有益,不是吗?Eat more fruit is good for us, isn't it?请帮我拿下书本 Please help me winning books 我们应该保持身体健康 不是吗 We should keep healthy not ...

答:1 他四十多岁;he is more than 40-year-old.2 他脱离了危险;he was out of danger 3 这本书没意思;this book is bored 4 这双鞋质量很好;this pair of shoes is superior in quality 5 他年龄相同;he is in the same age with...or they are in the same age (这句有点问题)...

答:world, is also one of the working languages of the United nations.2 Chinese written language unity, speaking in Mandarin as the standard language.3 with the development of China, more and more people in the world are starting to learn chinese.o(n-n)o~~~希望能帮到你~~~...