
作者&投稿:校泰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

工程化学 Chemical Engineering
工程测量 Engineering Measurement
计算机程序设计与C++ Computer Program Design with C++
工科数学分析 Mathematic Analysis in Engineering Science
化学与现代文明 Chemistry and Modern Civilization
生命科学导论 An Introduction of Life Science
马克思主义基本理论 Basic Principle of Marxism


大学英语 College English
微积分 Calculus
线性代数 Linear Algebra
概率论与数理统计 Probability and Statistics
微观经济学 Microeconomics
宏观经济学 Macroeconomics
市场营销 Marking
经济法 Law of Economics
管理学 Management
中级财务会计 Intermediate Accountment
政治经济学 Political Economics
财政学 Finance
统计学 Statistics
电子商务 E-Business
数据库 Database
人际关系学 Human Relations
C语言 C Language
初级会计学 Intro. Accounting
财务管理 Financial Management
税务会计 Taxation
高级财务会计学 Advanced Accounting
成本会计学 Cost Accounting
税法与税收筹划 Taxation Law and Planning
边缘会计 Marginal Accounting
管理会计 Management Accounting
审计学 Auditing
跨国公司理财 Multinational Company Financing
财务分析 Accounting Analysis
会计专业外语 Accounting English
会计理论专题 Accounting Thesis Seminar
模拟沙盘演练 Simulated sand-table exercise

《汽车构造》Automobile Structure
《汽车设计基础》Basis of Automobile Design
《汽车发动机原理》Principle of Automobile Engine
《汽车运用工程》Automobile Application Engineering
《汽车运行材料》Automobile Operating Material
《车用传感技术》Vehicle Sensing Technology
《汽车贸易》Automobile Trading
《汽车市场营销》Automobile Marketing
《汽车服务企业管理》Management of Auto Service Enterprise
《汽车服务系统规划与企业设计》Auto Service System Planning and Enterprise Design
《汽车保险与理赔》Automobile Insurance and claim
《电子商务概论》Electronic Commerce Conspectus
《机械原理》Mechanical Principle
《制造技术基础》Manufacturing Technology Basis

"Automobile structure" and "automobile design basis of the principles of the automobile engine with project", "auto operation materials of the automobile vehicle sensing technology of trade of the car market marketing service enterprise management", "auto service system planning and design of the car insurance and claims of the introduction of e-commerce, the principles of mechanical manufacturing technology foundation."

Automotive Construction "" car design basis "," Principles of Automotive Engines, "" Automobile Application Engineering "" Auto Run material "," auto-sensing technology "" car trade "," Automotive Marketing, "" car service enterprise management "," Automotive Service System Planning and Enterprise Design "," car insurance and claims, "" Introduction to Electronic Commerce, "" mechanical principle "" Manufacturing Technology "

答:Taxation Law and Planning 边缘会计 Marginal Accounting 管理会计 Management Accounting 审计学 Auditing 跨国公司理财 Multinational Company Financing 财务分析 Accounting Analysis 会计专业外语 Accounting English 会计理论专题 Accounting Thesis Seminar 模拟沙盘演练 Simulated sand-table exercise ...

答:数据结构 data structure 操作系统 operating system 计算机组成原理 Constitution Principle of Computer 计算机系统结构 Computer Architecture 数据库原理 Design & Analysis System 编译原理 Principle of Compiling 汇编语言 Assembly Language 计算机专业英语 Specialized English of Computer ...

答:1. 大学课程名称的翻译...主修专业课程: Major courses 人体素描、Life Drawing 设计素描、Design Sketch 装饰基础、Decoration Fundamentals 图形创意、Figure Creation 商业插画与卡通形象设计、Commercial Illustration & Cartoon Character Design 版式设计、Format Design 印刷工艺、Typography 标志与文字设计、...

答:数控技术:Digital control technology 塑料成型技术:plastic moulding technology (英国)plastic molding technology (美国)塑料模具设计 plastic mould design (英国)plastic mold design (美国)机械系统设计 mechanical system design

答:会计学原理 accounting principle 中级财务会计 junior financial accounting 高级财务会计 senior financial accounting 审计学 audit 财务管理 financial management 成本会计 cost accounting 管理会计 management accounting 财务报表分析 financial statement analysis会计制度设计 accounting system design 专业英语 ...

答:线性代数linear Mathematics 理论力学Theory Mechanics 大学物理College Physics 材料力学Material Mechanics

答:Professional Foreign Language 计算机 Computer 普通化学 General Chemistry 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 人体解剖学 Human Anatomy 组织学与胚胎学 Histology and Embryology 影像诊断学 Diagnostic Imaging 口腔解剖生理学 Oral Anatomy and Physiology 口腔颌面X线 Oral and maxillofacial X-ray 生物化学 ...

答:电子商务,采购管理与库存控制 ,国际货物与通关,供应链管理,物流运筹学 ,海关商品学,物流管理学,物流成本管理 ,物流信息管理,运输与配送:1.e-commerce 2. purchase management and stock regulation 3.international cargo and custom clearing 4.supply chain management logistics 5.applicaton of ...

答:The Management of Industrial enterprise Construction of Data Homepage Design The Design of digit electronic technology's Basic curriculum Electronical Simunation technology's Basic curriculum The Design of C++ language program curriculum project 不知道这样翻译是否贴切,希望看到这个问题的网友能给予...

求前辈帮忙 这些课程名称 怎么翻译专业点?
答:您好:外贸商品学Foreign trade commodity learn 报关实务ACustoms declaration practice A 国际营销方案设计International marketing plan design 国际货运代理international freight forwarder 国际商务单证制作International business documents 商务英语BBusiness English B 国际技术贸易理论与实务The international ...