
作者&投稿:年莫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



What countries and regions the ABC companies’ business scopes cover recently? What distinctions and characteristics do they have on their business requirements?

For different countries and regions, dissimilar business policy and business, how do the ABC handle with them and serve them distinguishingly.

What are the different technical requirements of the various products, the members, and the partnership that the ABC require? And how do they solve this problem?

What business and cooperation that the ABC have in China? How are they progressing now?

What kind of problems do you think the ABC have at present in China? How do you plan to handle it?

If there are more Chinese companies want to cooperate with ABC, what kind of partner you expect?

I am sorry about didn't revert your message
recently i am learning painting.
I also like darkness art
you have a good profession
there is almost no way for an artist to develop his ideal in China
I will upload my works into my zone
would you like to see the pictures?

ps. 看出来是有个外国人跟你搭讪,不要把外国人想得都那么好,外国也有坏人,BE CAREFUL.

I'm so sorry for missing your letter.
I'm learning to draw pictures recently.
I like dark art ,too.
Do you like Dark Wave?

Your job is admirable.
I's too hard to work as an artist in China.

I'll upload my works to my zone if I have time.
Do you like to have a look?

Sorry 4 postpone replying
I am learning painting recently
I love darkness art,too.
your job is prety well.
but in china,it is so hard to working on art.
I will po my works on zone.
will u see them?
thx sooo!

"I'm sorry you did not reply for so long (space message)
In my recent study and draw
I also like the dark arts
Do you like music undercurrent Yao

Your career is very admirable
China wants to engage in artistic work in the basic blind

I will have time to sent to my work space
You would be willing to see Mody? "

I am sorry you did not reply for so long
In my recent study and draw
I also like the dark arts
Do you like music undercurrent Yao

Your career is very admirable
China wants to engage in artistic work in the basic blind

I will have time to sent to my work space
You would be willing to see Mody? "

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