
作者&投稿:贾胁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1, when the flood should pay attention to the high escape;
2, try to avoid the waves;
3, try to catch floating objects;
4, waving bright clothes for help;
5, before the flood to prepare food, drugs, flashlight, etc., and select the route and location of the transfer. When the flood comes, listen to the direction of the streets and village officials. The whole family will bring food and clothing to safe places.

1. No swimming without permission;
2. Do not swim with others without authorization;
3. No swimming without parents or teachers;
4. Do not swim in unfamiliar waters;
5. It is not allowed to swim in the waters without safety facilities and rescue personnel;
6. Students who do not know water are not allowed to go into the water for rescue without authorization.

Drowning prevention。


英 [draʊnɪŋ]     美 [draʊnɪŋ]    

n. 溺水动词drown的现在分词.


英 [prɪ'venʃn]     美 [prɪ'venʃn]    

n. 阻止;妨碍;预防

He rescued a drowning child holding on to a plank. 他救起了一个紧紧抓住一块木板的溺水的孩子。

He shot a line to the drowning boy. 他投给溺水的男孩子一条绳子。

He dived into the river to save a drowning child. 他跳入河中救一个快溺死的小孩。

The drowning child was saved by a fisher. 那个溺水的小孩被一个渔夫救了。

The drowning child was crying out for help. 溺水的孩子大声呼救。

DANGEROUS! 很多提示都可以用这个。

Keep away dangerous water

Love life, to prevent drowning。

no swimming here

答:2、尽力躲避大浪;3、尽量抓住浮托物;4、挥动鲜艳衣物呼救;5、洪水来之前要准备好食品、药品、手电筒等,并选好转移的路线和地点。洪水来时要听从街道、乡村政府干部的指挥,全家带上食品和衣服转移到安全的地方去。1, when the flood should pay attention to the high escape;2, try to avoid the...

答:Drowning prevention。1、Drowning 英 [draʊnɪŋ]     美 [draʊnɪŋ]n. 溺水动词drown的现在分词.2、prevention 英 [prɪ'venʃn]     美 [prɪ'venʃn]n. 阻止;妨碍;预防 He rescued a drowning child holding on to a ...

答:Drowning accidents pulled the heart, not to swim in peace (溺水事故揪人心,下水游泳不安宁)Clearly, the river to prevent drown; Cherish life, put an end to enter the water. (清清河水,防止溺水;珍惜生命,杜绝入水。)

答:标语: 添加简洁而有力的标语,如"Learn to Swim, Not to Drown"(学会游泳,不要溺水)或"Stay Vigilant, Stay Alive"(保持警觉,保命无忧)。背景: 使用明亮的背景色彩,使海报更加吸引人眼,同时确保文字清晰可读。2. 主要信息呈现:防溺水常识: 在海报中列出关键的防溺水常识,如不独自游泳、...

答:用英语来说的防溺水安全资料。一、预防溺水的措施:A drowning prevention measures:1、应在成人带领下游泳,学会游泳;1, should be led by *** swim, swim;2、不要独自在河边、山塘边玩耍;2, don't play alone in the river, ponds edge;3、不去非游泳区游泳;3, do not go swimming - ...

答:drowning 英[ˈdraʊnɪŋ]美[ˈdraʊnɪŋ]v. (使)淹死,溺死;浸透;淹没;浸泡;压过;盖没。[词典]drown的现在分词。[例句]Police plucked a drowning girl from the river yesterday.昨天警方从河里救起了一名溺水少女。词语用法 drown的基本...

答:8.防溺水常识 英文版 How to Prevent Drowning Accidental drowning can happen at the beach, at your pool at home, or even in a *** all container of water like a bucket. There are several ways to keep people from drowning. Read on to find what you can do to prevent drowning deaths. ...

答:关于防溺水的英语作文:There is only one life, how can drowning ambition make more people leave the world!We should resist tenaciously, and our lives should not be sacrificed in vain, just like Tao Yuanmings saying that "life can be repeated several times, and it will be like a...

答:Every year a lot of children get drowned in rivers or lakes in China. So we should be very careful as to avoid the similar incidents happen again. First of all, we must tell our children not to play near rivers or lakes. We should keep a close eye on them at the same ...

答:关于防溺水的英语作文:There is only one life, how can drowning ambition make more people leave the world!We should resist tenaciously, and our lives should not be sacrificed in vain, just like Tao Yuanmings saying that "life can be repeated several times, and it will be like a...