
作者&投稿:何闻 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

日语 今日の午後、私はいっしょに散歩に行くことができますか?
韩语 오늘 오후 너 나랑 같이 산책?
英语 Would you be able to go for a walk with me this afternoon?
印尼语 तुम मेरे साथ टहलने के लिए इस दोपहर के लिए जा सकते हैं?
德语 Sie würden heute Nachmittag mit mir spazieren gehen können?


Can you come to my house tomorrow? Can Anna join the Dancing Club? Can they go to the basketball gam...
我可以和你一起去看篮球比赛吗 翻译结果4


1、Could you take a walk with me this afternoon?

2、Could you walk with me this afternoon?

3、 Could you go for a walk with me this afternoon?

4、Could you have a walk with me this afternoon ?

5、 Would you like to walk with me this afternoon?

6、 Would you like to go for a walk with me this afternoon?

7、 Would you like to have a walk with me this afternoon?

8、Would  you like to take a walk with me this afternoon?

9、Can you  walk with me this afternoon?

10、 Can you go for a walk with me this afternoon?

11、 Can you have a walk with me this afternoon?

12、Can you take a walk with me this afternoon?


可以用could you do ?句型、Would you like to do?句型、Can you do?句型进行提问。


Can you walk with me?(你能和我一起散步吗)

could you do句型(更礼貌点,请你做.)

would you do,would you like to do 句型(更委婉)

could do 表达“能不能做到”(做事情的能力);
would do 表达“会不会去做,想不想(愿意不愿意)”


1、go for a walk

Let's go for a walk together. 让我们一起散步吧。

2、 take a walk 

Let's take a walk together. 让我们一起散步吧。

3、have a walk

Let‘s have a walk together.  让我们一起散步吧。


Let‘s walk together . 让我们一起散步吧。


如果要表达“你能干什么吗?”或“你愿意干什么吗?”,可以用could you do ?句型、Would you like to do?句型、Can you do?句型进行提问。

would 更能表现出人心里的意愿,常翻译为"愿意";而could更倾向于”有能力”。


Would you please open the door?  你能帮我开门吗?

用would提出请求一般为大多数外国人所接受,他们会说It is my pleasure.乐意为你效劳,而且他们会认为你很有礼貌。


Could you open the door?你能开一下门吗?

今天下午你能和我一起去散步吗?翻译成英文是:Can you take a walk with me this afternoon?

1.Could you walk with me this afternoon?
2. Could you go for a walk with me this afternoon?
3. Would you like to walk with me this afternoon?
4. Would you like to go for a walk with me this afternoon?
5. Would you like to have a walk with me this afternoon?
6.Could you have a walk with me this afternoon ?

答:1、Could you take a walk with me this afternoon?2、Could you walk with me this afternoon?
3、 Could you go for a walk with me this afternoon?
4、Could you have a walk with me this afternoon ?5、 Would you like to walk with me this afternoon?
6、 ...

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