
作者&投稿:菜步 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
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⒈Since you have promised to go there with him,you should do as what you said.既然你已经答应陪他去那,你就应该做到。
⒉Everything worth doing is worth time and effort to do it well.每件值得的事情都值得花费时间和努力去做。
⒊That new type of car which will be sold in the market is produced at a rather low cost. 那个市场卖的新型号的车,制造的成本很低。
⒋Talking of my middle school life,I don't think there is anything more valuable than that.谈论我的初中生活,我不觉得还有什么比这个有意义。
⒌In high technology,India,a developing country,is second only to America,a developed country.在高科技方面,印度作为一个发展中国家仅次于美国这个发达国家之后,位于第二位。
⒍There is no need to feel sad about the failure in the exams.As long as you continue working hard,you will succeed.为了考试失利而伤心没有什么用,只要你努力就会成功。
⒎We should keep up with the development of science,or we will not be able to make progredd.我们应该继续发展科技,否则我们就不会进步。
⒏It is stupid of you to wait instead of working.如果你不工作只是等待的话那么你就是傻瓜。
⒐You can't expect the woman to learn computer as well as look after her baby.你不能够期待女人一边照顾孩子一边学电脑。
⒑I regret not having booked the tickets for the opera.我很遗憾还有预定歌剧的门票。
⒒The fast food is still popular with young people,even if it is just junk food.快餐在年轻人中还是很流行,尽管是垃圾食物。
⒓I'm not in mood to listen to his silly joke this evening.我今天晚上没心情听他讲的低级笑话。
⒔The volunteers have piled up the rubbish in the streets.志愿者把垃圾丢到了街上。
⒕China's economy is now developing at an incredible speed.中国的经济正以难以置信的速度发展着。
⒖In the early 21st century,China sucessfully launched the manned space ship.21实际早期,中国成功的发射了人造飞船。
⒗With the development of Internet,more and more people will enjoy chatting on the line.随着网络的发展,越来越多的人开始享受在网上聊天。
⒘Teaching as a carrer appeals to many people because of the long holidays.由于长假对于很多人来说教育成了事业的申诉。
⒙Mary went to a travel agency to apply for a job as a pert-time guide two weeks ago,but hasn't received a reply yet.玛丽2周前去了一个旅游代理公司申请兼职,但是还没有收到回复。
⒚The advertisers will consider employing some famous film stars to support their products.广告商计划雇佣一些知名的电影明星为他们的产品做宣传。
⒛He regretted not acting on what the doctor had said. 他后悔没有照着医生说的做。

答:Our factory has arranged to start the moldmaking。 Your company's delay in time led to the increase of our moldmaking cost: 1,The raw material price of moldmaking has risen by 10%;2,Because the changes in the drawing paper make a higher difficulty of making molds,the ...

答:17. 在经受了众多的劝说之后,它们的争吵终于他停止了。18. 环境污染问题极难得到解决。19. 我们图书馆有很多书可供使用,从科学到考古学都有。20. 我怀疑他们的婚姻能否持续很长时间,但现在这对夫妇似乎在和平相处着。(全部是我自己翻的,希望帮到了你)...

英翻中 急!! 拒绝在线翻译,翻译器 急!!

答:为了明确起见,给你逐句翻译:All welding rods shall be dry through baking in adequate rod ovens, in enough quantities for the day use only. 所有的焊条都需要通过在适当的焊条烘烤箱里烤干,烘烤的数量足够供当天使用。Rod ovens shall be heated prior commencement of works and rods left to...

答:1.有个警察在和你招手是吗?你刚才肯定超车了。 If you see a police wave to you that means you must have overspeed just now.2.他们不可能是我们学校的学生,我没健过他们。 They can't be the students in our school, since i never seen them before.3.昨天下午他肯定没打扫教室. ...

答:7、For were the body defiled, it would be likely to be purified and sanctified, rather than polluted.要是身体真的能被污染的话,那他很可能得到了神圣的净化,而不是被污染了。8、that perhaps is putting it a little strongly, but you certainly get the point.那也许说的有一点点太...

答:由于贵司突然性的涨价,我们取消此次的订单,原因如下:Owing to the sudden price hike by your company, we have to cancel this order, the resons are as follows:1。按照之前邮件里的报价,我们已经和客户谈好的了价格,但一下长了100美金,客户所生产的产品成本上是不能承受的;1. We had ...

答:一个星期日 Mark决定乘他的船和他的朋友Dan去航行 但Dan要离开 Dan的兄弟John代替Dan去 虽然他对航行一点也不了解 Mark同意后他们出发了 很快他们发现自己在一片浓雾中 Mark肯定他们会与一艘大船相撞 幸运地 他透过雾看到一个大浮标 他决定把船系到那上面确保安全 当他到了浮标上 潮湿的绳索掉了下去...

答:这几天温哥华下了很大的雪,听说是加拿大50年难得一见的大雪。We are having heavy snow in Vancouver these days. It's said to be a once-in-fifty-years snow.我在北京从未见过这么大的雪,觉得很新鲜。I've never seen snow this heavy in Beijing, and it's a brand new experience.但...

...翻译 句子中翻英 拜托了 !!! 以下句子急需要翻成英文 不要翻译...
答:1.The reason why I choose this child to carry out my survey is that he is from a very special country(Iran),which I myself rarely connect and learn about. Therefore,I want to know more about the culture and traditions and the alike of the country through this survey.2. ...