
作者&投稿:华闸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



  1、My village

  My name is Xiaohua. I live in a small village. It has got eight hundred people. There are some houses in my village. And there is a river in my village. The water is clean. Near the river there are many trees and flowers. My village is very beautiful. The people are very kind and friendly. Do you want to visit my village? Welcome!

  2、My favourite festival

  My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. On that day, we have a big family dinner. We wear new clothes and play some games. We eat dumplings and a lot of delicious food. We often watch TV at home and sometimes we read books. We say some good hope to each other. We have a good time. 3、My favourite festival

  My favourite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival. On the Mid-Autumn festival, we can eat delicious moon cakes, and sing songs about the moon. We can play games with friends.

  On the Mid-Autumn festival, the moon is very beautiful and round. The Mid-Autumn festival is very nice, I like Mid-Autumn festival. Do you like Mid-Autumn festival?

  4、My hobby

  Everyone has their own hobby. My hobby is collecting stamps. Why? Because my favourite hobby gives me a lot of pleasure, and I can learn a lot from stamps. I have more than 800 stamps now. I am very excited to see them. Do you like collecting stamps? What’s your hobby?

  5、My pen friend

  I have a pen friend. Her name is Xiao Jing. She is from the UK. She can speak good English. She is eleven years old. She has two big eyes and a small nose. She likes drawing and playing games. She is good at playing football. She can write emails and stories in Chinese. We often write letters each other. Do you have a pen friend?
















  1、My village

  My name is Xiaohua. I live in a small village. It has got eight hundred people. There are some houses in my village. And there is a river in my village. The water is clean. Near the river there are many trees and flowers. My village is very beautiful. The people are very kind and friendly. Do you want to visit my village? Welcome!

  2、My favourite festival

  My favourite festival is the Spring Festival. On that day, we have a big family dinner. We wear new clothes and play some games. We eat dumplings and a lot of delicious food. We often watch TV at home and sometimes we read books. We say some good hope to each other. We have a good time. 3、My favourite festival

  My favourite festival is the Mid-Autumn Festival. On the Mid-Autumn festival, we can eat delicious moon cakes, and sing songs about the moon. We can play games with friends.

  On the Mid-Autumn festival, the moon is very beautiful and round. The Mid-Autumn festival is very nice, I like Mid-Autumn festival. Do you like Mid-Autumn festival?

  4、My hobby

  Everyone has their own hobby. My hobby is collecting stamps. Why? Because my favourite hobby gives me a lot of pleasure, and I can learn a lot from stamps. I have more than 800 stamps now. I am very excited to see them. Do you like collecting stamps? What’s your hobby?

  5、My pen friend

  I have a pen friend. Her name is Xiao Jing. She is from the UK. She can speak good English. She is eleven years old. She has two big eyes and a small nose. She likes drawing and playing games. She is good at playing football. She can write emails and stories in Chinese. We often write letters each other. Do you have a pen friend?

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