(1/2)帮写一篇初三英语作文,六十词以上,题目:《My changes in the last three years》我的学习由好...

作者&投稿:释梦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
Great changes ________ in the last three years in our city .~

其次,用take place不用happen,因为happen表示"发生"的瞬间动作,不能用于过去时,take place则可以表示"已经发生"的状态.

have taken

My changes in the last three years
As time goes by ,everybody have changed . So have I.Let me tell you something about me and my changes!
Three years ago ,I entered my middle school.But I wasn't interested in study at all . I didn't listen to teachers carefully and I didn't do my homework .So I always got bad grades .That made me parents and teachers sad .
But one day ,my mother talked to me.She said :When I was young ,I have no chance to enter the school.But I still dream I can study .I hope you can achieve my dream .I believe you are always a good boy ,you can make it!
What my mother said impressed me a lot .From then ,I started to change myself .I started to listen to teachers and do my homework carefully.I gave up playing computer games .Three years later ,I get good grades ,and I will go to a good high school to achieve my and my mother's dream!
You can see ,how great changes I have made .You may think it's impossible to make such great change in three years . But I'd say love can change a person and hard-working can make a person successful!

Three years ago ,I entered my middle school.But I wasn't interested in study at all . I didn't listen to teachers carefully and I didn't do my homework .So I always got bad grades .That made me parents and teachers sad .
But one day ,my mother talked to me.She said :When I was young ,I have no chance to enter the school.But I still dream I can study .I hope you can achieve my dream .I believe you are always a good boy ,you can make it!
What my mother said impressed me a lot .From then ,I started to change myself .I started to listen to teachers and do my homework carefully.I gave up playing computer games .Three years later ,I get good grades ,and I will go to a good high school to achieve my and my mother's dream!

During the last three years,great change has happened to me.From the beginning of entering this school,l was filled with ambition to study.But as time went go,l lost interest in studying because of computer games.As a result,l did poorly in many exams.Now,l am so confused that l do not know what l should do!

答:一,注释 1,货:出售、卖。2,欻(xū):忽然。3,瞰(kàn):窥视。4,既:已经 5,诸:相当于“之于”6,蚤(zǎo):通“早”,早晨。7,逡(qūn)徘徊的样子 8,仰:抬 9,昂:贵。10,直:通“值”,价值。11,缘:沿着 12,罹(lí):遭遇(祸患)。二,《狼(一)》...

答:∫ x/(1 + x) dx = ∫ [(1 + x) - 1]/(1 + x) dx = ∫ [1 - 1/(1 + x)] dx = x - ln|1 + x| + C 把函数f(x)的所有原函数F(x)+C(其中,C为任意常数)叫做函数f(x)的不定积分,又叫做函数f(x)的反导数,记作∫f(x)dx或者∫f(高等微积分中常省去dx)...

答:(1+10%)等于1.1。计算过程:1+10 =1+10/100 =1+0.1 =1.1 百分数是分母为100的特殊分数,所以10%可以化为分数10/100,再进行计算。百分数表示一个数是另一个数的百分之几,表示一个比值。百分比是一种表达比例、比率或分数数值的方法,如10%代表百分之十。




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