七年级英语下册重点短语:Unit 12

作者&投稿:骆勤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   Unit 12 Don’t eat in class.


  school rules 学校规章制度

  break the rules 违反规章制度

  in the hallways 在过道

  listen to music 听音乐

  in the music room 在音乐教室里

  in the dining hall 在餐厅

  sports shoes 运动鞋

  gym class 体育课

  after school 放学后

  have to do 不得不做

  too many 太多

  get up 起床

  by ten o’clock 十点之前

  make dinner 做饭

  the children’s palace 少年宫


  (1)—Don’t arrive late for class.

  (2)—We can’t listen to music in the hallways,but we can listen to it outside.

  (3)—What else do you have to do?

  -- We have to clean the classroom.

  (4)--Can we wear hats in school?

  --Yes,we can/ No,we can’t.

  (5)-Do you have to wear a uniform at school?

  -Yes,we do /No,we don’t.





  如:Be quiet,please.

  否定句Don’t + be+表语+其他。

  如:Don’t be angry.


  Open you books,please.

  否定句Don’t +实义动词原形+宾语+其他。

  如:Don’t eat in the classroom.


  Let me help you.

  Let’s go at six o’clock.


  Let’ not watch TV.


  No smoking! 严禁吸烟!

  No talking! 不许交谈!

  No passing! 禁止通行!

  No parking! 不许停车

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