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求描写风景的优美英语句子。 英文+中文翻译~

At the Edge of the Sea

The shore is an ancient world, for as long as there has been an earth and se a there has been this place of the meeting of land and water. Yet it is a world that keeps alive the sense of continuing creation and of the relentless drive of life. Each time that I enter it, I gain some new awareness of its beauty and it sdeeper meanings, sensing that intricate fabric of life by which one creature is linked with another, and each with its surroundings.

In my thoughts of the shore, one place stands apart for its revelation of exquisite beauty. It is a pool hidden within a cave that one can visit only rarely and briefly when the lowest of the year's low tides fall below it, and perhaps from that very fact it acquires some of its special beauty. Choosing such a tide , I hoped for a glimpse of the pool. The ebb was to fall early in the morning. I knew that if the wind held from the northwest and no interfering swell ran in f rom a distant storm the level of the sea should drop below the entrance to the pool. There had been sudden ominous showers in the night, with rain like handfuls of gravel flung on the roof. When I looked out into the early morning the sky was full of a gray dawn light but the sun had not yet risen. Water and air were pallid. Across the bay the moon was a luminous disc in the western sky, suspended above the dim line of distant shore — the full August moon, drawing the tide to the low, low levels of the threshold of the alien sea world. As I watched, a gull flew by, above the spruces. Its breast was rosy with the light of the unrisen sun. The day was, after all, to be fair.

Later, as I stood above the tide near the entrance to the pool, the promise of that rosy light was sustained. From the base of the steep wall of rock on which I stood, a moss covered ledge jutted seaward into deep water. In the surge at the rim of the ledge the dark fronds of oarweeds swayed smooth and gleaming as leather. The projecting ledge was the path to the small hidden cave and its pool. Occasionally a swell, stronger than the rest, rolled smoothly over the rim and broke in foam against the cliff. But the intervals between such swells were lo ng enough to admit me to the ledge and long enough for a glimpse of that fairy pool, so seldom and so briefly exposed.

And so I knelt on the wet carpet of sea moss and looked back into the dark cavern that held the pool in a shallow basin. The floor of the cave was only a fewinches below the roof, and a mirror had been created in which all that grew on the ceiling was reflected in the still water below.

Under water that was clear as glass the pool was carpeted with green sponge. Gray patches of sea squirts glistened on the ceiling and colonies of raft coral were a pale apricot color. In the moment when I looked into the cave a little e lfin starfish hung down, suspended by the merest thread, perhaps by only a single tube foot. It reached down to touch its own reflection, so perfectly delineated that there might have been, not one starfish, but two. The beauty of the refle cted images and of the limpid pool itself was the poignant beauty of things that are ephemeral, existing only until the sea should return to fill the little cave.

By Rachel Carson








1.how many story books do you have?

2.there are two labs ,a playground,and a library in our school

3.peter has a deak and there is a little alarm clock on it

we are the ones who have childlike views
wandering in the colorful world of children
cherish the smiling faces and cute times
put them all in their shining grown-up story books
exquisite costumes changed from scene to scene
achieving all of your beautiful dreams
holding love as our core minds
following the style Czanne showed
the sunlight and shade wherever they are
can't stop the beating hearts the photographers there
the eyes where they are
the angels where we made to
we're here, where are you?

我们拥有一颗不泯的童心 We all have an undying heart.
进入孩子斑斓的世界 Enter into the children's colorful world.
收集真爱的阳光 Collect the sunshine of true love.
讲述成长的故事 Tell the stories about growing up.
我们围绕着精美的场景服饰 We are wearing beautiful costumes of setting.
以爱做信仰 Take love as the faith.
像大师塞尚执笔一般 Write as the master Cezanne does.
用镜头收集着光影的变幻 Use camera lens to collect the irregular changes of light and shadow.
用我们凝视的眼 With our own staring eyes.
演绎着天使在人间 Acting as angels in the world.

with our childlike innocent hearts
we come into the colourful world of kids
collecting sunshine of real love
and telling the story of growth
we stay around with the beautiful scene clothing
using our love as faith
just like master SaiShang's art
using the camera to collect the change of light and shadow
to be stared by our eyes
acting as an angel in the world

We use an unfailing childishness to enter into the multicolored world of children.
we collect the sunshine of true love and tell the story of growth .
we revolve around the elegant scene clothing , using love as belief ,
like master Cezanne writing , using lens collectors ' lighting fluctuation ,our staring eyes to
deduce that angles live on earth.

We use an unfailing childlike innocence
Come into the world.
Collection love sunshine
Tells story of growth
We are surrounded by exquisite scene apparel
To love faith
As a master Cezanne penned in general
Using the camera collector and changes.
We use staring eyes
Interpretation of the angel in the world

We have an unfailing childlike innocence
Come into the world.
Collection love sunshine
Tells story of growth
We are surrounded by exquisite scene apparel
To love faith
As a master Cezanne penned in general
Using the camera to collect light changes.
We use staring eyes
Interpretation of the angel in the world

请高手把以下句子翻译成英文 急求有分!
答:1 I will like to be a flat surface designer in the future 2 I think flat surface a designer better seek a work, because the domestic lacks the talented person of this aspect, the opportunity is very big 3 In the holidays, I usually call on with family in the relatives of ...

答:其后直接跟宾语。例:Do you believe his reports?你相信他的报告吗?I could hardly believe my eyes.我几乎不能相信自己的眼睛。In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat.古时候,人们认为地球是扁平的。trust与believe in 意思差不多,但语气较重,表示“深信不疑”。

请英语高手帮我翻译一段话 要人工翻译!!谢谢
答:你好吗?我亲爱的朋友。我的名字叫BILL,我目前在美国的家里。我六月份会回到中国。我希望你一切都好,也希望多收到你的来信。我会跟你说再见的,BILL.Dear Bill,Nice to receive your mail. You can call me Sunny. June is coming, welcome you to visit China again. I am now in ...

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答:world, is also one of the working languages of the United nations.2 Chinese written language unity, speaking in Mandarin as the standard language.3 with the development of China, more and more people in the world are starting to learn chinese.o(n-n)o~~~希望能帮到你~~~...

答:1 I will finish reading the book by this weekend.2 The other doctor is sent to the hospital to take over Mary's work.3 I had taken a lot of photos, though a lot of them is yet not developed.4 The police is looking into the video of the processes, in which criminals ...

答:【success with】...方面的成功 【receive considerable publicity for】因...而备受关注 句子翻译为:Hyde学校的创始人Joseph Gauld说道,在Bath,Maine里对年学费为18,000美元的高校的研究项目的成功,已经因为它针对问题青年的工作而备受关注了。希望帮到你,满意敬请采纳,O(∩_∩)O谢谢~~...

请求英语高手 帮我翻译下以下3个句子!谢谢!
答:he proved it.3 In normal times,what sports do you like to do most?Do boys like playing basketball? perhaps football,badminton, or volleyball. And what about girls?Well,let's see what the sport the leading character in the text likes to do.用心翻译,如有错误请谅解 ...

请英语高手帮我翻译个句子:what do you need for shcool?谢谢...
答:what do you need for shcool?(拼错? school 学校??)去学校你需要什么?要看上下句,确定是什么方面的需要

紧~急~英语高手的进来帮帮忙,帮我将以下中文句子翻译成英文!还要根 ...
答:答案正确,放心使用。鉴于有这么多道题,鼓励补给奖赏分:①毫无疑问,当时老师对同学们的表演评价很高。(doubt ,think highly of)Without a doubt, the teacher thought highly of the students' performance.②老实说,那个梦想当歌唱家的青年人是他自己。(dream of)To tell you the truth, the...