
作者&投稿:一莺 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 用法有区别。

急求: 英语单词缩写
答:con = conclusion; against cond = condition cont. = continent; continued corp = corporation cust = customer; custom; customs Dec = December dec = deceased; declaration def = defender; defense deg = degree dep = deposit DEPT = department disc = discount dist = distance; distinguish ...

写篇作文lectures and Discussion
答:discusion facilitates active learning. Nonetheless, in many universities, lecutre is still the main way to conduct lessons.This is because discussion requires large amount of capital input which cannot fit the current situation in china. Thus, in my opinion, a combination of some lect...

答:bias=0.0 bias.step=0.2 bias.stop=2 x.val=0.45 extract done name="sheet cond v bias" \ curve(bias,1dn.conduct material="Silicon" mat.occno=1 region.occno=1)\ outfile="extract.dat"extract the long chan Vt extract name="n1dvt" 1dvt ntype vb=0.0 qss=1e10