
作者&投稿:展肢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


Actor 1900 ( name ) the entire life is a tragedy. He was a steam ship abandoned in the orphans, were aboard a well-burning stoves for the adoption, however good may not be good, a furnace workers killed, only 8 years old once again become a 1900 orphans. The talent that he learned without teacher to become a pianist, but this makes him naturally to vulgar world deeply ring meaning, he never came ashore from the boat to go, only because New York boundless buildings and the stream never stops flowing. The crowd to his lost. Even if later met a girl fall in love at first sight, he thought over and over again later, or abandoned ashore to find first impulse. He will always remain in the ship, in the end, the only good friend Marx warned him Hulk will be destroyed, he was reluctant to leave, then started from the birth did not leave Virginia number 1900 sympathetic ship in the sea. 1900, this is no birth record, and no proof of identity of people, without leaving a trace on the earth, such as the passage of the notes, invisibly.

One piano roves on the oceans lonely,singing a pure paean and dancing in boundless dark clouds. We are anticipating a purification for the world.

Director Giuseppe Tornatore has had no luck with United States distributors. His original cut of Cinema Paradiso, one of the best films of the 1980s, was ruthlessly hacked to pieces by Miramax Films for its North American theatrical release. Now, a decade later, it's d閖?vu. The Legend of 1900, Tornatore's first English-language film, has seen its 160 minute Italian running length shrunk to 123 minutes at the insistence of Fine Line Features. To Tornatore's credit, he has managed to keep the story mostly intact; there are only a few occasions when it starts to ramble. Having not seen the full version, it's difficult for me to say whether the uneven nature of the episodic structure is the result of removing 25% of the film's sequences, or whether that hiccup plagues the original as well.

The entire tale of The Legend of 1900 takes place aboard a cruise ship during the early decades of the 20th century, but this is no Titanic. Told in flashback by a down-on-his luck trumpet player named Max (Pruitt Taylor Vince), the movie is presented as half-fable, half-melodrama. The main character, Danny Boodman T.D. Lemon 1900, or 1900 for short (played by Tim Roth), is found abandoned on board the ocean liner The Virginian by an engine room worker (Bill Nunn), who keeps him and gives him his name (based on the year of his birth). 1900 grows up to be an agoraphobe who never knows life outside the ship. He is a genius at the piano, and his reputation spreads far and wide across the globe, but he never leaves The Virginian to claim the slice of fame that could be his. Even love cannot lure him from the open sea. On one occasion, he falls for a pretty passenger (Melanie Thierry), but lacks the courage to follow her into the city when the ship docks. The Virginian was where he was born and where he intends to die

Tornatore has a talent for developing stories that are pleasantly sentimental without turning mawkish. Does The Legend of 1900 manipulate its audience? Of course it does, but Tornatore is a master at this craft, and it doesn't feel as if our heartstrings are being plucked by someone with no talent. The director has blended one part fantasy, one part whimsy, one part comedy, and one part drama into a whole that stirs the spirit. The Legend of 1900 is an uplifting experience - the kind of movie that can make a hardened movie-goer laugh and cry at the same time. Tim Roth, who plays the lead, has called The Legend of 1900 "the antidote to my film [The War Zone]." In many ways, he's right. Where The War Zone, for all its brilliance, is dark and gritty, The Legend of 1900 is a light, airy confection.

As characters go, 1900 is a little underdeveloped, and no one else gets enough screen exposure to function as more than a secondary player. Tim Roth, as engaging as ever, brings 1900 to life, imbuing him with energy and charisma. Pruitt Taylor Vince plays an adequate second fiddle as 1900's best friend. Even though the movie is told from his point-of-view, however, Max is not fleshed out as anything more substantive than a narrator. Melanie Thierry offers viewers (and 1900) a pretty face to look at, but nothing more. The film's standout supporting role belongs to Clarence Williams III, who plays real-life jazz pianist Jelly Roll Morton. In The Legend of 1900's standout sequence, Jelly Roll boards the ship to challenge 1900 to a piano duel. The smokin' results are pure magic.

Production-wise, The Legend of 1900 is virtually flawless. Cinematographer Lajos Koltai fashions numerous gorgeous sequences that heighten the viewer's sense of watching something enchanting. Cruises, by their very nature, are divorced from the mundane routine of day-to-day life, but The Legend of 1900 has a truly un-real feel to it. This is a fantasy and a tall tale - the kind of thing that could never happen, but that we have no trouble accepting in a well-crafted motion picture. The movie's score, by veteran composer (and longtime Tornatore collaborator) Ennio Morricone, effectively compliments Koltai's keen visual sense.

Those attending The Legend of 1900 with hopes of re-capturing the glory of Cinema Paradiso may be disappointed. While Tornatore's latest succeeds in plumbing some of his masterpiece's emotional intensity, The Legend of 1900 is neither as deep nor as powerful as the 1990 Oscar-winner. And the dialogue is riddled with problems (likely the result of the Italian-to-English translation). In fact, this picture doesn't have much to offer audiences - except the opportunity to forget one's troubles and spend two hours taking pleasure from something uncomplicated and unpretentious.


答:由于坚信“TD”正代表了Thanks Danny的缩写,于是丹尼不顾其他工人的嘲笑,独立抚育这个婴儿,并为了纪念这特别的一天,将他取名为:1900。海上出生的1900(蒂姆·罗斯饰),在陆地上却是个从未存在的人,没有亲人、没有户籍,也没有国籍,大海便是他的摇篮,而他也随着Virginian号往返靠泊各个码头,逐渐...






答:《海上钢琴师》The Legend of 1900海报集 (06-07)和电影一起做梦:逝日雾语 (06-06)[影片简介] 1900年的第一天,往返于欧美两地的邮轮Virginian号上,负责邮轮上添加煤炭的工人Danny Boodman在头等舱上欲捡拾有钱人残留下来的事物时,却意外的在钢琴上发现一个被遗弃的新生儿,装在TD牌柠檬的空纸箱内。由于...

海上钢琴师 主角的名字?
答:《海上钢琴师》是由朱塞佩·托纳托雷执导,蒂姆·罗斯、比尔·努恩、梅兰尼·蒂埃里主演的剧情片,于1998年10月28日在意大利上映。该片改编自亚利桑德罗·巴里克文学剧本《1900:独白》,讲述了一个被命名为“1900”的弃婴在一艘远洋客轮上与钢琴结缘,成为钢琴大师的传奇故事。影视评价 《海上钢琴师》的...

答:1900慢慢长大,显示出了无师自通的非凡钢琴天赋,在船上的乐队表演钢琴,每个听过他演奏的人,都被深深打动。爵士 乐鼻祖杰尼听说了1900的高超技艺,专门上船和他比赛,最后自叹弗如,黯然离去。可惜,这一切的事情都发生在海上,1900从来不愿踏上陆地,直到有一天,他爱上了一个女孩,情愫在琴键上流淌。他会不会为了爱情,...