
作者&投稿:归垄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Humankind is the creator and user of language,so gender distinguish is reflected in the process of creating and using language naturally.On account of different gender culture,male and female own different gender language and communicative rules,and they hold different comprehension to duplicate speech performance.Therefore,in English and Chinese,their gender language are different in many level.
In addition,with the quicken pace of globalization,cross-cultural communication is increasingly frequent and significant.As one branch of cross-cultural communication,cross-gender cultural communication is catching more and more scholar’s attention.It is commonly held that there are difficulties in mutual understanding among the people from different cultural background,besides,different cultural background has great impact on gender culture.Words and deeds of gender is affected by double aspects which are certain ethnic dominant culture and gender culture.If one of them is ignored while communicating,as a result,communicative rules will be violated,and misunderstanding will be caused.Hence,it is necessary and significant that we know the connotation of dominant culture and gender culture between different nations.
What’s more,the gender discrimination of language emerges because language is influenced by social cultural factors.And it also influences people’s thinking,acting and the way constructing social culture in some extent.English and Chinese are two different kinds of language,and they belongs to two different races,however,they have something in common. The whole human being is patrilineal society,hence language reflects the tradition of man-dominated culture.There are lots of linguistic gender discrimination phenomenon which cause side effects on language learners and users inevitably and mislead their cognitive psychological development.If we ture a blind eye to the phenomenon,it will lead to the enormity of gender prejudice and inequality of society.Therefore,it is of great significance to treat linguistic gender discrimination in a right way.

Income is the basic factor of decided to consumer demand, the growth speed restricts the consumption demand of residents. Based on the 1990 ~ 2012 in guangxi rural per capita annual net income and consumer spending the annual statistical data of cointegration analysis, studies have found that there is long-term stable equilibrium relationship between the two, further establish error correction model for income and consumption, the model describes the long-term equilibrium relationship and short-term fluctuation of income and consumption adjustment, and the fitting precision of the model test, the absolute error fitting are controlled within 5%. Finally put forward relevant countermeasures and Suggestions according to the results of the study.

The pronunciation filter's main purpose is withdraws as far as possible the pure primitive voice signal from the belt chirp voice signal. Specially the voice communication and each kind of pronunciation product's widespread popularization, appeared newly based on the speech recognition application direction, like in the pronunciation digit dialing, the call center, mobile equipment's embedded command control, the pronunciation study as well as the spoken language conversation system which picks out based on the key word and so on. . As a result of digital signal processing technology development and digital signal processor's performance/price compared to not only the enhancement, uses the digital signal processor and the auto-adapted filter's technical design telephone may improve the telephone relation quality, moreover popularizes this kind of new telephone's application.
This article mainly discussed the auto-adapted filter, introduced the auto-adapted filter's application, has mainly applied the auto-adapted noise counter-balance basic application, and introduced the auto-adapted LMS algorithm. How to realize the AD50 sampling plan, introduced the AD50 principle, and has carried on the analysis to the AD50 internal structure, has realized the AD50 sampling. Moreover also introduced the system principle, the TMS320C54X architecture, in addition, but also introduced system software's design, including the software programming language, the DSP initialization routine part, the software gross structure, compiles the CMD document and the noise counter-balance auto-adapted filter realizes and so on aspects. Finally, introduced Code Composer Studio simply (i.e. CCS) the development environment.

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