
作者&投稿:狄洪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

综合检测 60分钟100分
一、Listen and match.听录音,连线。(10分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
running walking swinging drinking water sleeping
climbing swimming fighting flying Jumping
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
二、Listen and judge.听录音,判断正(√)误(×)。(10分)
1.I can't see the elephants near the river.
2.The two lions are eating a deer.
3.The ducks are playing on the grass.
4.The cats are good climbers.
5.The monkey is hungry.It’s eating peaches.
三、Listen and answer.听录音,回答问题。(10分)
1.What's the weather like?
2.Who goes to the park with Jim and David?
3.What are the boys and girls doing?
4.What do they see in the zoo?
5.What are the monkeys doing?
四、Read and find.找出与所给单词划线部分发音相同的一项。(10分)
1.yes A.why B.yellow C.fly
2.near A.pear B.bear C.ear
3.skate A.cake B.cat C.hat
4.home A.box B.fox C.nose
5.climb A.kite B.milk C.swim
五、Write the opposite words.反义词对对碰。(10分)
1.mother_________ 2.boy_________ 3.hot_________4.big_________
9.go_________ 10.young_________
六、Read and judge.读一读,判断正“√”误“×”。(10分)

Tom Dad Jane Mike Lily
1.Mike is sleeping.
2.Lily is watching TV.
3.Dad is drawing pictures.
4.Tom is flying a kite.
5.Jane is cleaning the floor.
七、Read and write.根据答句写问句。(10分)
1. A:___________________________
B:She's cleaning the study.
B:He's playing sports.
B:I'm doing homework.
B:They're doing housework.
B:It's drinking water.
八、Put the words in order.连词成句。(10分)
1.The birds fly.(改为现在进行时)
2.Sarah is sweeping the floor.(对划线部分提问)
3.Is the giraffe walking?(作肯定回答)
4.They a re good at climbing.(改为一般疑问句)
5.Can dogs swim?(作肯定回答)
十、Read and answer.阅读短文,回答问题。(10分)
Tom is a naughty(调皮的)boy.He often climbs the trees.One day when he goes out of his room, he looks up(抬头看)and sees some birds.They are singing in the tree.Tom Jikes birds.So he climbs up the tree to catch(捉)a bi rd.But his aunt sees him and orders(命令)him to come down(下来).Tom has to come down with no bi rd.He sits under the tree,dreaming(做梦,梦想)a bi rd comes into his hand.
1.__________is a naughty boy.
A.Tom B.Tim
2.Tom often __________ .
A.plays in the garden B.climbs the trees
3.Tom climbs trees __________.
A.for fun B.to catch birds
4.__________ asks Tom to come down.
A.Aunt B.Father
5.Tom comes down with __________.
A.one bird B.no bird


一、l.Panda is sleeping.
2.Lion is walking.
3.Rabbit is running.
4.Elephant is drinking water.
5.Monkey is swinging.
6.Cat is climbing.
7.Tigers are fighting.
8.Kangaroo is jumping.
9.Bird is flying.
10.Duck is swimming.
二、l.I can see the elephants near the river.
2.The two lions are eating a deer.
3.The ducks are running.
4.The cats are good climbers.
5.The monkey is hungry.It’s eating bananas.
Every Saturday morning,Jim and David go to the park with their mother.It’s sunny today.There are many people in the park.Boys and girls are singing and dancing there.
Jim and David want to have a look at the animals in the zoo.They like monkeys very much.When they come into the zoo,they see some monkeys are jumping,others are swinging.They have a good day every Saturday.
二、l.× 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.×、
三、1.It's sunny.
2.Their mother.
3.They are singing and dancing.
4.Some monkeys.
5.Some are jumping,others are swinging.
四、l.B 2.C 3.A 4.C 5.A
五、l.father 2.girl 3.cold 4.small 5.short
6.white 7.cloudy 8.woman 9.conic10.old
六、l.× 2.√ 3.×4.√ 5.×
七、1.What is she doing?
2.What is he doing?
3.What are you doing?
4.What are they doing?
5.What is it doing?
八、l.The baby kangaroo is so cute.
2.What are they doing?
3.The mother monkey is eating bananas.
4.Do you see any animals?
5.They are climbing trees.
九、l.The birds are flying.
2.What is Sarah doing?
3.Yes,it is.
4.Are they good at climbing?
5.Yes,they can.
十、1.A 2.B 3.B 4.A 5.B

二、 请你选择划线部分发音不同的单词5分
( )1 A b[u]oo[/u]k B g[u]oo[/u]d C c[u]oo[/u]l
( )2 A sp[u]ea[/u]k B br[u]ea[/u]kfast C spr[u]ea[/u]d
( )3 A doct[u]or[/u] B h[u]or[/u]se C f[u]or[/u]
( )4 A s[u]a[/u]me B b[u]a[/u]ke C h[u]a[/u]ve
( )5 A b[u]i[/u]ke B k[u]i[/u]te C g[u]i[/u]ve
三、 请你按要求写单词12分
they(名词性形式)_________ have(单三式)_________
child(复数形式)__________ two(同音词)__________
carry(现在分词)__________ right(反义词)_________
四、 请你把下列句子重新排列,使其成为一段完整的话。12分
( )1 How can I get there ?
( )2 Yes,there is.
( )3 Is there a shop near here ?
( )4 Excuse me.
( )5 You can see it on the right.
( )6 Go down this street , turn right.
五、 选择填空20分
( )1 Are there ____ apples in the box ?
A an B any C a D the
( )2 There are many ______ in the classroom.
A woman B womans C women D womens
( )3 Whose bird are these ? _______ are yours.
A They B Their C Those D Theirs
( )4 May I take a message _____ you ?
A to B for C from D of
( )5 There is no water on ____ Mars.
A a B an C the D ×
( )6 There ___ some milk in the glass.
A is B am C are D isn’t
( )7 Go down this street , you can see it ___ the end.
A on B in C under D at
( )8 Is this dog ___ ? Yes , it’s ____.
A your , my B yours , mine
C yours , my D your , mine
( )9 ______ I borrow your pen ?
A May B Must C Does D Am
( )10 The light is red . You ___ cross the street now.
A mustn’t B may C can D must
1 You must cross the street .(否定句)

2 There are some cows in the farm.(一般疑问句)

3 They are [u]my[/u] desks.(对划线部分提问)

4 There are [u]two[/u] birds in the tree . (对划线部分提问)

5 My name is [u]Mary.[/u](对划线部分提问)

七、 阅读短文,然后判断正误,正确打(T),错误打(F)10分
There is a park near our school . We can see many trees and flowers there . We can see a hill behind the park , too . At the foot of the hill we can see a river . There are some boats on it . It is Monday today . There are many children in the park . Some are walking and singing . Some are dancing or playing games . Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite . Their father and mother are sitting under the tree . All the family are having a good time.
( )1 There are many trees and animals in the park .
( )2 There is a hill in the park .
( )3 Ann and her brother Tom are flying a kite .
( )4 Some children are singing .
( )5 All the family are very happy .



1、 the piano 2 、 skate

3 、 dinner 4、 swimming

5、 a snowman 6、 mountains

( )1 A、winter B、cool C、spring D、summer
( )2 A、cool B、cold C、warm D、walk
( )3 A、skate B、swim C、climb D、season
( )4 A、first B、two C、second D、third
( )5 A、May B、July C、Sunday D、June
( ) 1. When is your birthday?__________________
A.It’s in May 1st . B. It’s may. C.It’s May 1st .
( ) 2.________________ ? It’s July 15th .
A.What’s the date? B. What day is it today? C. What time is it?
( ) 3. She _________ have a computer.
A.don’t B. doesn’t C. isn’t
( ) 4. You don’t like summer.I don’t like summer,________.
A. too B.either C. to
( ) 5.Can I A ask you some questions?
A .Sure B.Great C.OK
( ) 6. When is ___________ birthday? In May.
A.uncle Bill’s B. Uncle Bill’s C.Uncle Bill
( )7. When is Tree-planting Day?__________.
A. It’s March 8th . B.It’s march 12th . C.It’s March 12th .
( ) 8. September 10th is _________________.
A. Teacher’s Day B. Teachers’ Day C. National Day
( )9.—_______ do you play sports?
--I play sports at 5:00.C
A. When B.Who C.What
( )10. My mother is a teacher. She goes to school ________ 7:00 _________ the morning.
A. at…on B. at…at C. at…in
1、I usually (看电视) at 8:30.
2、I cann′t (旅行) either.
3.I often (打扫卫生) on the weekend.
4.It is (要下雨) tomorrow.
5. I cann′t (踢足球) in the rain.
( ) 1. What do you do on the weekend?
( ) 2. When is Children's Day?
( ) 3.Which season do you like best?
( ) 4. Are you climbing the mountain?
( ) 5. What are you doing?
A. No, I'm going hiking.
B. I'm doing homework.
C. June 1st.
D. Winter. I can play with snow.
E. I often do homework and go hiking.
1. is date what the (?)
2. lake I the in swim can(.)
3. do season you which best like (?)
4. do get when up you (?)

Mike :Which season is it now ?
Chen: ___________________________.
Mike: __________________________________?
Chen: It is September 10th.
Mike: ___________________________________?
Chen: Yes, it’s Teachers’ Day, too .
Mike: __________________________________?
Chen: I like fall best.
Mike: ____________________________________ ?
Chen: It’s windy .
Amy: When do you get up?
Mike: I get up at six forty. I get up early because I have breakfast at home.
Amy: What about weekends?
Mike: Oh, I get up at eight .
Amy: What do you do on the weekends?
Mike: Usually I watch TV and do my homework. Sometimes I go hiking. What about you?
Amy: Me too. And I often read books, too.
Mike: Tomorrow is Children’s Day. Let’s go hiking together .
Amy: Great !
( )1. What’s the date today?
A. It’s Jan. 1st . B. It’s May. 31st
( )2. Amy often ________on the weekends .
A. watchTV and do her homework.
B. B:watches TV and does her homework
( )3. Does Mike usually get up at 6:30?
A. Yes, he does . B. No ,he doesn’t .
( )4. Mike has breakfast at ________ on Mondays .
A. school B. home
( )5. Does Mike read books on the weekends ?
A. Yes ,he does. B. No , he doesn’t .




答:4、解:(20+1.5×2)×(20+1.5)-20×20=129(平方米)答:小路的面积是129平方米 5.解:正六边形:(0.9+0.45)×(0.8÷2)÷2×2=0.54(平方米)80÷0.54≈148(元)正方形:0.8×0.8=0.64(平方米)90÷0.64≈141(元)答:正方形地砖便宜 ...


答:不能。一般而言军训寝室不会提供电源。1 洗漱用具,脸盆牙膏牙刷毛巾,必需品。2 水壶,不用太大,矿泉水瓶不行,要能装热水,冬天有的寝室供暖不好。3 衣服,虽然一般而言会发统一的制服或者穿校服,但是天有不测风云,说不定就降温了。4 常用药,泻立停一定要带,水土不服啥都说不准。5 建议带...

答:一、填空题 给5.048加上循环点,得到的小数最大是( 5.048888 8循环 ),最小是( 5.048048048 048循环 )。两数相除商是a,如是被除数扩大到它的10倍,除数缩小到它的2倍,商就( 扩大20倍 )。0.36里面有( 360 )个千分之一,把它扩大到它的1000倍是( 360 )。

答:(1)甜橙的单价×甜橙的数量+苹果的单价×苹果的数量=总价 (2)解:设苹果每千克x元4×5.2+3x=35 (1)梯形稻田的面积 (2)(17+8)×7÷2×680


