
作者&投稿:佟科 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Each party hereby indemnifies and holds harmless the other party from any actions,lawsuits,demands,claims,losses and damages arising form the injury,illness or death of the indemnigying party's employees in any way related to products supplied by seller under this agreement, whether or not such injury,illness, or death is claimed to have been caused by, resulted from,or was in any way connected with the negligence of the party to be indemnified.

AndrewL. Frelinger III, PHD,* Ronald D. Lee, PHD,† Darcy J. Mulford, PHD,† JingtaoWu, PHD,† Sai Nudurupati, PHD,† Anu Nigam, MS,* Julie K. Brooks, MS,* Deepak L.Bhatt, MD, MPH,‡ Alan D. Michelson, MD*
andrewl。frelinger III,博士,罗纳德-李,博士,†达西·马尔福德,博士,†jingtaowu,博士,†西nudurupati,博士,†Anu Nigam,MS,朱莉K.布鲁克斯,MS,* Deepak L.Bhatt,MD,MPH,‡艾伦D.迈克尔逊,MD *

try to understand and grasp the current situation and features of the citizens in towns in Chengyang District, and bring forward the efficient development solutions to the existing problems.

Trying to understand and grasp the Chengyang District of urban residents to participate in leisure sports status, characteristics and problems exist for the development of effective countermeasures.

Try to learn and master the situation and the characteristics of the citizens in Chenyang taking part in the leisure sports,and for the existing problems ,to offer some practical measures for the development.

goverment tried to survey and grap the Chengyang District of urban residents to participate in leisure sports status, characteristics and problems existed , at which aiming effective countermeasures were
advanced .

Attempting to learn and grasp the current situation and traits in resident sports amusement of the ChengYang Area,and devising practical measures in developing strateges to deal with existing problems.

请法语高人帮忙翻译成法语 谢谢
答:N'importe comment 无论怎样 J


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